
Chapter 18 : Forest Run

For a moment, I felt my heart thudding in my chest, and I couldn’t speak.

“What?” I asked, sure that I misheard her. “But we were just attacked here last night. Why is Varon sending all of these away?”

But Lily had no answer for me, she just shrugged. And I set forth with a new determination to the Alpha Hall. Once I reached there, I found the place mostly empty, but Varon was at the table at the back.

“Can I speak with you?” I asked firmly as I walked past him through the back door.

All Alpha Halls were built the same, and they each had a back room where the Alpha conducted his business privately.

“I’m in a meeting,” Varon said, a little irritated, but he followed me to the back all the same.

“What is all that stuff in the courtyard?” I asked him. “Why are you sending food and medicine to the Silver Stone?” I continued on before I even gave him a chance to speak.

Varon looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“Because that is our arrangement,” he said simply.