
Chapter one

Fear gripped my chest as I walked up the stairs . My chest was beginning to hurt oh so very badly . I knew there is no going back now, he will get the message , he will learn . The door was half open I could hear sounds in the room and knew he wasn't alone . This won't work if he's with someone. Too much trouble , too much cleaning up to do . So I turned and walked away the pain in my chest subsided. The air was cold as I made it past his black SUV. Classic taste I will give him that . I could steal his car , piece of cake but I decided against it and instead went away on my mission . A penthouse might be a fancier term for expensive apartment but right now I couldn't care where I live or stay for I was on a mission to make them pay , make them learn . Starting with Mark Neal. They took everything away from me . They took My family away from me . When i was a little girl . Even though I'm classified dead . Records of me erased from the face of the world I still live for one thing , revenge. And Mark was the first of the ten . The penthouse was high that my window looked straight at Mark's mansion . I've been keeping an eye on him for weeks now . Ahh I should introduce myself. I'm assuming you are wondering who I am . Well my name is Button , yes the Button on your pants . My name was Nicole till twenty years ago some men decided to murder my whole family . I was five,just a little girl . My mother,father, sister and little brother of just two years of age was ruthlessly murdered infront of my eyes . I only got saved because of Mark. Saying he wanted to have his way with me as his little girl . I was hurled up in a corner when he forced me to go with him to his car saying I should call him daddy from now on . When we had got to the car he had told me to run and never look back . And I did . I ran to different families and homes till I was sixteen and decided to go fend for myself . The little money I had stolen form the Walton family , the family who took me in , found me beaten down to a pump in their backyard. I had used that money and my body to make Nicole Lorna disapear replaced by Button Parker . I chose that name because ....well it's personal . Anyway I am now I shadow , dead woman walking. Oh trust me I'm serious. I'm a walking graveyard. I don't take baths unless it's a bloodbath . Oh who am I kidding i really don't but I do enjoy killing , it's a hobby okay , don't gudge. Now where was I oh that's right . How I've spent half of my life stalking and watching all those men who ruined me . Now it was time , time for them to learn that life , you can't just ruin people's lives and kill innocent people. Well okay I'm a Hippocrate because that's what I do for fun but that's not the point. The point is I'm hungry now ,God that's still not the point . It all comes down to me being emotionally dead and mentally scared for life . And they will pay ....they will learn . Starting with Mark . Why am I killing him when he saved my ass. Uhhhmmm because I feel like it . My stomach makes a rumbling sound . I have to eat so I stand from my spot at the window and head for the door.As I made my way to the restaurant in the building .I walked into the classy lobby of 'Your paradise' it was big and fancy . I like fancy but not this much . I rolled my eyes as I walked passed the receptionist , she was rude and I didn't like her . I then decided to just go to a cafe . I was sitting reading my book when a waiter approached me .He had those same blue eyes that Mark has , I had nothing against blue eyes just his were shaped the same and those lashes. "Goodmorning madam how may I help you this morning ? " He asked. "uhhm I have a problem , my bra is connected with my panties from the back. I had my sister help me put it on this morning but now I need to pee think you can help ?" His eyes looked shocked then were clouded with lust wich made me smile. "Follow me " he said and I did.The walk back to my place was slightly chilly but I made it and past the rude receptionist with her chocking perfume. I was alone in the elevator so that was no fun . As i got into my penthouse I opened the fridge and took out some chocolate oh God I love me some chocolate . I sat on my back on the comfortable bed singing loudly. "One way , or another , I'm gonna find you , I'm gonna get you get you get you , one way " I stopped midway and glanced at the big TV infront of me . I fished for the remote and switched on the News Channel watching boring old news till I got the story I was looking for. I rose up with a huge smile on my face . Putting the volume a little higher . " The police have no idea how such an event could take place. A man by name Jake Larsen was found unconceis with both his eyes missing from his sockets . There damage is big but the young man survived and is still alive. This will indeed be a tough investigation but the police are hellbent on finding out who is behind such inhumane behaviour...." The rest of the words were drowned out as i sat back down with a proud smile on my face . My fingerprints were everywhere on that crime scene wich made everything more and more exciting . Like I said I'm a shadow there is no trace of my existence . I had no name no profile . My fingertips will just give them a huge Black void. Isn't this great and it also saves me from wearing uncomfortable gloves . I chewed on my chocolate till I was out and tired. I didn't bother for a shower ,I'm actually a very clean person so I just changed into nothing but my skin and fell asleep.