

This is a story about a neighborhood about familes and there kids but when a new person moves in changes everything and unleashes fury on everyone.

admiredorsey · Urban
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Chapter 7: Little Woman

             Samantha hanged up the phone Clark Daisy Father walked in.

         "Hello darling" Clark said. "Hi Mr. Winford is there anything I can help you with" Samantha said. "Yes bitch there is. My daughter she told me the harassment you caused her and you know that made me very angry you know what happened when someone pisses off me children and me it will be one bloody day in Toycity" Clark said. "Your daughter committed a crime" Samantha said. "No she did not your just made in high school she didn't give you nun of her pu**y bitch your mad so you will leave my daughter alone" Clark said. "And if not" Samantha said.

            Clark stood up.

"Then bitch I'll have your family members murder you in the street" Clark said. "You do you think you speaking too" Samantha said. "I am the most ruthless person on plant earth do you wanna try me Samantha October Frankfort" Clark said. "I'm gonna ask you to leave and never come back" Samantha said. "This is just your warning" Clark said and he walked out. "I don't fear" Samantha said.

            At the graveyard. Diana was getting barried.

Trisha got out the car and walked up to Oscar. "I'm so sorry about your whore may she Rest In Peace" Trisha said. "Get your ass outta here" Oscar said. "Drag me" Trisha said. Marcus walked up to them.

         "Hi Trisha" Marcus said. "Marcus don't speak to me" Trisha said. "Will you be coming to my house after this for dinner" Marcus said. "Of course to spread my evil glory" Trisha said. "Hum and I'll taste it like how I tasted April" Marcus said. "Speaking of April" Trisha said. April car pulled up to the gravesite.

           April walked up to them.

"Hi" April said. "Bitch you need to leave" Trisha said. "Aww sorry my nice sexy young body is fighting your deprive body darling" April said. "Darling wear did you get your dress dollar hooker" Trisha said. "No darling rich bitch store a store you probably won't be in for a while considering your list of money for the Westlyns" April said. "How about I grabbed that stick over there and stab you with it and Barry you some where here" Trisha said. "Control your crackhead of a husban darling not me" April said.

          Oscar grabbed yo in April.

"Stop" Marcus said. "I'll kill you" Oscar said. "Get off of me" April said. Marcus pulled Oscar away from her. Wanda walked yo to April. "Hey girl you shouldn't be here" Wanda said. "Well I am" April said and Daisy walked up to her. "Hello April" Daisy said. "Hi" April said. "Would you like to come to the dinner later at my house you know where it is" Daisy said. "Yes I'll be there" April said. "Good" Daisy said and she got in the car. "Bye bye Wanda" April said.

Brian and Kiah was at the mayors mansion.

Kiah walked out the mayors bedroom naked. "What the hell this is April's scheme not yours" Brian said. "I'm going home" Kiah said. "Are you having sex with him" Brian said. "He loves me not her" Kiah said. "He just loves whatever he can get from you he doesn't love you and you are doing April's man" Brian said. "I'll make sure she fails I love him" Kiah said. "Leave him aline he's deadly" Brian said. "Bye" Kiah said and Kiah walked down the hallway.

           At Daisy house everyone was there eating talking and drinking wine. Gill walked in Chasity grabbed him and bring him upstairs into her room.

              "What are you doing here" Chasity said. "Just came to see you" Gill said. "How am I going to tell them that I am pregnant" Chasity said. "You have to before you start showing and getting sick" Gill said. "So your having his baby" Ben said. As he was walking him. "YOUR HAVING HIS BABY" Ben screamed. Gill closed the door and covered Ben mouth. "Shut up you can't tell mom or dad" Chasity said. "Who says I won't you don't owe me anything I hate him and I hate you" Ben said. "Listen man" Gill said. "Shut the hell up its the truth I hate y'all" Ben said. "Ben please mom will kill me she will try to hurt the baby" Chasity said. "I don't give a damn. You like to sleep with my friends I can't ever have one friend cause you just throw you whorish body at there feet. And how the hell you know this aintJaydens baby didnt y'all have sex" Ben said. "What did he just say" Gill said.

             April walked in and Lana walked up to her.

"Come on" Lana said. "I'm not leaving bitch" April said. "You are gonna get yourself killed" Lana said. "Okay" April said. Daisy walked up to them. "No I want her here I have to speak with her about some business" Daisy said. "Get your dusty ass hands off of me" April said. "Little girl don't have me whoop your ass" Lana said. "Come on Apilr we can go into the office Marcus is in there I know how much you love him" Daisy said. April and Daisy and Marcus walked into the office.

          "So what is it" April said. "This" Daisy said and Daisy bashes a flower vase across April face and Apilr falls on the floor passed out or DEAD. Daisy walked out of the office. And Marcus was walked out of the office.