

This is a story about a neighborhood about familes and there kids but when a new person moves in changes everything and unleashes fury on everyone.

admiredorsey · Urban
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49 Chs

Chapter 5: Chasity-season finale

In the Toycity hospital.

Chasity was laying in the bed crying. Daisy walked in and shut the door. She walked over to her slowly.

"Mom I can't do this anymore my baby is dead. My child is gone. Why is there a reason for me to live" Chasity said. "That is what I said to myself. You should have dug the blade deeper and deeper into your veins killing you right away so again I asked myself why are you living. Just do it kill youself if your smart do it. Would you like me to help you" Daisy said. "You were never a mother do me. You were always ponding me off. You never liked me you liked Ben more cause he passed more classes in school and he achieved more" Chasity said.

"Your right to have never like you. I wanted you dead o tried many times but at the same time I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and dumb although I was never a whore but I was till young and dumb. You need to gather up yourself and do it quick" Daisy said. "Mom look behind you" Chasity said and she turned her head.