

This is a story about a neighborhood about familes and there kids but when a new person moves in changes everything and unleashes fury on everyone.

admiredorsey · Urban
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Chapter 3: Among The Known

              "So are you gonna tell me where we're you or we just gonna stand here and look stupid. ANSWER ME" Daisy said. "I went to the gym" Marcus said. "The gym is not open today I went before I came home" Daisy said. "I went to the one by Cewview Highschool" Marcus said. "If you gonna lie make sure you get your info right cause that gym hasn't even opened yet" Daisy said. "Oh" Marcus said. "Where are you son of a bitch" Daisy said. "Across the street helping the new neighbor" Marcus said. "Then why did you lie the first times I asked you your lying about something I know you are I'm reading you" Daisy said. "Listen Daisy" Marcus said. "No go read the kids there bedtime story please honey" Daisy said. Marcus walked upstairs. Daisy walked out the house and went next door too Wanda house.

Daisy walked in. "Hey are you okay" Wanda said. "I just need a friend to talk to right now" Daisy said. "Yeah what's up" Wanda said. "I think he's cheating on my Marcus" Daisy said. "What what are you talking about" Wanda said. "He's shirt was in his super Wanda he had to be cheating on me" Daisy said. "Are you sure can you confirm that" Wanda said. "No but you can. Did you see anything I know you did" Daisy said. "No" Wanda said. "I swear if you are lieing to me" Daisy said. "I'm not I didn't see anything" Wanda said. "I think imma kill him and her" Daisy said. "Don't you already know we have a murder on our hands remember" Wanda said. "It was self defense" Daisy said. "Whatever it was we have a body we can't afford another one" Wanda said.

"I know imma go take a walk" Daisy said. "No sit here tonight" Wanda said. "Thanks" Daisy said. "Should we bring back old times" Wanda said. "Wanda I love you o really do but I don't like girls" Daisy said. "Okay whatever" Wanda said.

Diana was in her house. She heard someone in the back yard. She walked back there and saw Oscar.

"Why are you in my backyard is late" Diana said. "I don't wanna go home to that bitch I want you I love you" Oscar said. "Get your ass away from here and go home to my best friends house" Diana said. "So your sleeping with her bestie husband that's a turn" Oscar said. "Don't you dare get away now" Diana said. "No" Oscar said. "I'm going to shoot you" Diana said. "So do it bitch" Oscar said.

              At Daisy house Ben was in his room. He grabbed a box from under his bed and it had a pack of cocaine in there. Ben called a drug lord he knows personally.

         "Yes I got your shit come get it" Ben said. Chasity comes in. "Who is that" Chasity said. "Your a noisy bitch" Ben said. "And the baddest who's coming to get there shit bitch" Chasity said. "Where's mom and dad" Ben said. "Mom left dad is in his room probably jacking off to some porn like always" Chasity said. "Alright" Ben said he gets up and walks out the room.

                  Trisha was sleep in her bed. She felt Oscar wasn't next to her in the bed. She gets up and she walks out her room. She walked into the living room and a bunch of drug dealers and gang leaders were sitting in there.

             April went into her indoor back yard and she started digging into the grass and she saw a dead body. "That's my cousin" April said.