
17. Suzie The Secretary

"I'll see you tomorrow, at four o'clock then, at that point, Raven. Any inquiries?"

"Do I get compensated for the meeting?"

"You're father said you were splendid, yet he didn't specify your superb funny bone. We'll get along extraordinary. Who knows, you might need to be a travel planner when you age."

Mrs. Peevish, my scandalous kindergarten instructor, would have been glad.

"I definitely know what I need to be," I answered. I needed to say a vampire, only just because. Yet, I realized she wouldn't get it.

"What is it that you need to be?"

"An expert tennis player. They get free rackets!"

My mom got me some awful splendidly hued Corporate Cathy gear so I could fit perfectly into the bundle of Dullsville's business world. I hauled them out of the shopping packs and cracked when I saw the sticker prices.

"Yowser! These outfits cost more than the tennis racket. Simply keep them and we'll be even."

"That is not the point!"

"This doesn't seem OK."

I hesitantly displayed a white pullover and blue knee-length skirt. My mom saw me like I was the girl she needed all of the time.

"Don't you wore strap tops, twists, and chime bottoms?" I inquired. "What I wear isn't that entirely different for my age."

"The fact that little young lady any longer, Raven makes Me not. Furthermore, I never wore lipstick. I went au naturel."

"Ugh," I said, and feigned exacerbation.

"Being a youngster is difficult, I know. In any case, you'll ultimately figure out who you truly are."

"I know who I am! Also, working at a travel service and wearing a white pullover and hose won't make me track down the 'inward me.'"

"Gracious, darling." She attempted to embrace me. "At the point when you're a young person, you believe that nobody comprehends you and everything and everyone opposes you."

"No, it's simply this town that is against me. I'd go off the deep end, Mom, assuming that I thought the entire world was against me!"

She embraced me hard and this time I let her. "I love you, Raven," she said, as just a smooshy mother can. "You're excellent in dark, yet you're crushing in red!"

"Stop it, Mom, you're wrinkling my new pullover." "I thought you'd never say that!" she said and crushed me much more tight.

The parttime after-school gig needed to go. How is it that I could get the scoop on the Mansion family assuming I would have been working throughout the evening? I needed to drag every one of those dry-clean just garments with me to school and keep them flawlessly in my storage until school was finished. My new evening discipline destroyed me inside.

"For what reason doesn't that person go to class?" I asked Becky as I was getting dressed.

"Perhaps he isn't enlisted at this point."

"In the event that I didn't have this dumb work, we could go explore at the present time. Ugh!"

I was jealous of Becky on the grounds that she got to return home to the place where there is digital TV and microwave popcorn, while I went from a school work area to a front counter.

Subsequent to heading out in different directions from Becky, I slipped into the bathroom and cleared off my dark lipstick with a wet paper towel and supplanted it with some super gaudy shade of red. I really resembled a phantom with my pale composition. I hesitantly put on my radiant red rayon-and-cotton mixes. "I'll miss you, yet we'll be back together in a couple of hours," I told my dark dress and battle boots, setting them in my rucksack.

I gave myself a quick overview - this was one time I truly believed being a vampire would prove to be useful. Perhaps I'd examine the mirror and see nothing. Rather I saw a hopeless young lady standing clumsily in her red rayon outfit. I crawled out of the bathroom looking both ways like I was going across the road and made my break securely out the front entryway. Or then again so I thought.

Trevor was remaining on the front advances.

I cracked when I saw him however attempted to overlook his presence and continue on. I needed to run, yet I wasn't utilized to thin heels.

"Hello, Halloween's finished!" he yelled, following me. "Where's your tennis skirt? Attending some ensemble party as Suzie Secretary?"

I kept on overlooking him, however he snatched my arm.

I was unable to tell him that I was working, or where I was working, and, in particular, that I was working since I needed to repay my dad for the tennis racket Trevor had made me lose. It would have given him an excess of pleasure.

He looked me over, that equivalent look he had given me when he initially saw me in my tennis outfit. This time I was his corporate beauty queen.

"Things being what they are, the place where are you going?"

"Nothing of you should be worrying about!"

"Truly? I didn't think we kept insider facts from one another."

"Get lost as of now."

"I'll simply stroll with you then, at that point."

I halted. "You won't stroll with me! You won't go anyplace with me! You will let me be! For good. For eternity!"

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