
Toxic Tears: Love With Pain Intertwined

Author: CLOM
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 12.2K Views
  • 9 Chs
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What is Toxic Tears: Love With Pain Intertwined

Read ‘Toxic Tears: Love With Pain Intertwined’ Online for Free, written by the author CLOM, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, TRAGEDY Light Novel, BETRAYAL Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Caroline Hathaway, a beautiful and innocent soul falls in love with a man she was not meant to, Jhon. Jhon with mental f...


Caroline Hathaway, a beautiful and innocent soul falls in love with a man she was not meant to, Jhon. Jhon with mental frailty makes unforgivable and regretful mistakes before he goes into Coma. Upon awakening, he founds out his world is not as he wanted but, has to live on with it while hurting his newly found lover, Caroline in process... Caroline as a result is forced to take decisions she never wished to, changing her life entirely, in a painful way. What happens when a child is involved? Would things get better or worse?

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It's perfect for me . . I have awaited this book for so long🤭💖


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