
Toxic parenting

Zohi! A 13-year-old girl. Having no friends just living her life "does she feel bad for herself"? I don't know about her but I feel bad for her.

Zohi was attending a maths lecture. it was raining outside. she was looking out of the window. she was thinking about something and she was lost in that thought.

Teacher: be attentive I will not repeat my words you have to understand the lecture so it will not be a problem for you later.

She start paying attention in class and she was understanding everything that the teacher was saying. maths lecture ended *bell rang.* Everyone was in a rush because it was off time but she was so quiet and doing her work slowly because there was nothing special at the home. she was not excited about anything because she knows what would happen when she will reach home. She packed her bag and walk towards home. She reached home.

She saw her parents were fighting. she ignored them and went straight into her room. After some minutes her parents stop fighting and her mother called her to join them for food.

She comes to the table and her mother handover food to her. Her mother cooked brinjal which she use to hate the most but her mother didn't know about that because she never paid attention to her. without saying a word she just ate her food and went into her room to do her homework. she was all depressed because she really don't have any kind of friends she just lay down on her bed and started using her phone but later she get annoyed of her phone. she put the phone aside and start doing her homework after finishing her homework. she event out of her room. She saw her mother was watching a drama on the TV. she asked her mother let's talk about something. pay attention to me.

Her mother: you can go out. we will talk about something later. I am not free right now.


She was coming back from her school she saw her father fighting with someone on the road. she ran towards him and try to stop them but her father pushed her away. She got injured but her father didn't notice that she stood up and walk towards her house. on the way, she met a stranger who was sitting under the street light. she sat beside her. that stranger looked towards her and ignored her

Zohi: hello my name is zohi I'm coming back from my school.

Stranger: hello my name is Lisa.

Zohi: I was going back to my house but I don't want to go back because I know what is going to happen. it makes me so depressed. I don't want to go back to that house. I just want to leave that house and go far away from them.

Lisa was looking at her curiously.

Lisa: why are you telling me this I didn't ask you about anything. you just came and sat here.

Zohi: I was just so depressed. I want to say something. I wanted to talk to someone. I just met you. you're nothing special.

She picks her bag and walk home. she was finding her keys suddenly her mother open the door and pick up her bag and put it aside and welcome her. she was surprised at what is happening because her mother never treated her like that before she was curious so that's why she asked her mother " why are you doing this"? her mother replied "I and your father are getting a divorce and you have to choose with whom you want to live"

She was shocked to ask when it happened. her mother said it is just none of your business. Do you just have to reply to whom you will choose? she was stunned for the moment. She doesn't know whom she should choose because both of them never treated her well. She was stunned and went into her room and set on the bed and thinking about it suddenly a bell rang and her father came. he was apologizing for something but she didn't understand what is happening. she came out of the Room. her father ask her the same question "whom you will choose" she said I will choose mother because what happened today melts her heart she remember how her father pushed her and didn't care about her and just remember how her mother welcome her.

Her father disappointed slap on her face and left the house. Her mother hugged her and said it is okay just forget it then she went into her room and thought about her decision. The next morning when she woke up there was a man inside their house she ask her mother "who is he" her mother replied he is my lawyer and I hired him for your custody and to proceed with my divorce case. She quietly left the house and she saw her father wandering with a lady.

"I think my decision is correct"

said zohi

Her mother got her custody after time passed She start to realize that she had made the wrong decision because her mother starts scolding her over the little things and started ignoring her again she was just learning from her mother how to be irresponsible and she start hating her pts father and mother both and decided to choose her path. next morning when her Mother went to wake up her but she notices that she was not there and even her belongings were not there

On the other side, we saw that she was bordering a train and moving out of the station. she settled there she bought a new house there. She does Part time Jobs and she had a hobby of paintings

*after 5 years*

suddenly the bell rang

*door opened*

her mother was shocked and sad Zohi what are you doing? why you left me 5 years ago.?

Zohi: I am just here to look over you. I was just worried about you and father. I have many things to tell you. Even if you never care about me but still I miss you. I have something to tell you that I have been doing a job and I have saved a lot of money and I am going out of the country and I'll forget everything that happened in my past. So before going I want to meet you and dad.

She called her father and ask him to join the dinner and told him everything. Her father came with his wife but zohi said that she only want you to come I don't want your wife to come in. They were sitting at the dining table eating food quietly and took her bag and take out some money and said this is some money I want to give you before I leave as a gift. her parents took the money. they both at the same time asked how much money do you have. She replied I have 6 billion in my bank account I start my business painting and I won the lottery that's why I have this much money...

They both look shocked...

Her mother stand up and went to the kitchen. She bring her a glass of juice and there was something strange. she drink the juice and she was feeling anxious suddenly she felt like she was dying. !! she died!!

her mother: that's all is. We will use that whole money *laughing*

They both handshake...

Zohi opened her eye... They were in shock... She pretended to be dead because she saw her mother putting poison in the Juice...

She was hurt because of her parent's reaction. She said in my childhood "when I choose my father I feel bad for your mother but when I choose your mother I feel bad for my father. so I decided to love both of you equally that was hard for me to choose one of you but you both never love me you both are involved in the conspiracy. I didn't drink that because I saw you put poison in that... Crying Hard...

She felt Distortion in her breathing and she was losing all her power. she fell because the food she ate was poisoned.. when her mother went to bring the juice her father put the poison in the food...

She died!!!