
Tower of God: The Enigmatic King's Story

An irregular will shake the tower with his different view of life. Evil? Kindness? None of that matters to him. All that matters is his pleasure and displeasure. Be his ally for you to be safe. Be his enemy for you to cease to exist. In the end, your life will only matter if... You are of use to him. Tower of god is not mine. Cover of the story is not mine. Words per chapter ranges from 2500 upto 3000+ except the prologue and side chapters so I can confidently say that the actual number of chapters is double its amount if you compare it to the majority of books that averages 1000-1500 words per chap. (I have to say this since I know that it will be unfair to me if y'all just assumed that it's your typical chapter quantity focused fanfic) This book is not for normies who doesn't like harem and treats shounen protagonist as if they are the only kind of protagonists that exists. This book contains huge spoilers (and I mean HUGE spoilers) from the manhwa so if you are an anime watcher only (yuck. sucks to be you) then you better not read this if you don't want to be spoiled.

Nattnatt · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 2: Red

(A/n: Two words. Get ready)

"What a great day to live"

Said Kai as he is lying down on the ground after getting german suplexed by the wild princess.

He then saw the the girl talking to him with an unknown language


"Huh? Umm can't understand you, girl"

Said Kai as he stood up and patted his clothes.

Meanwhile, yuri noticed that he can't understand her so she turns at headon and asked.

"Hey, headon, did you not even give him a pocket?"

"Well, Lord Kai told me to close my mouth so I'm just following his order."

"What nonsense is that? Just admit that you didn't give it to him on purpose" said yuri as she glared at headon.

"I couldn't possibly- Lord Kai told me to close my mouth so I didn't get to give him a pocket."

"Tsk. Evan!!"


Evan landed on his feet as his huge bag shook up and down.

"What is it m'lady?"

He then noticed headon looking at him as he chuckled and sweat nervously.

"He-hello there, headon-nim. You look as fine as always he- hehe."

"So you are the one who guided the princess, Evan Edrok"

"You- you got it all wrong headon-nim!-"

"Evan, quit with the garbage talk and give this newbie your spare pocket. Headon didn't even bother giving one to him"

"Ye-yes m'lady"

He then placed his huge bag down as he searched for something.

"Hmm where did I put it...oh, there it is."

He then walked towards Kai as he handed him the pocket.

"Take it. This an A-grade pocket. A bit too prestigious for a new comer but...this is all I have for now."

Kai then looked at the small man handing him some kind of ball with confusion.

'First, a rabbit, and now a small dude. And what the heck is this tower's deal with balls?' Don't tell me that some test in the upper floors requires me to give them my ball sacks?'

He shook his head as he grabs the ball that Evan is handing to him

"You're saying that you'll give this to me, right?"

He then grabs the ball before it vanished as information forced their way to his head.

After a few seconds, the flow of information to his brain stopped as he regained his consciousness.


"How is it, newcomer? The feeling of attaining a pocket for the first time? Can you understand me now? - oof" Said Evan with his arms crossed before he got shoved away by Yuri

She took Evan's position to look at Kai's face closer. Her nose still a little red from the left over blood.

"So? How is it it newbie? Can understand me now?"

'Understand? Hmm?'

He then looked at the ball that is now floating beside him.

"I see...so it's this ball that made me know your language or something?"

"Fast on picking up I see! That's right! And for your information, that pocket's rank is way too high for a newcomer so be thankful!"

"I see...thanks umm"

"I'm Yuri! A very very strong high ranker of the tower! And this is Evan edrok. An A-grade guide and also a High ranker although he's obviously much weaker than me." Said yuri acting proudly.

"Lady Yuri...sigh. Anyways newbie, that thing is called Pocket. It is something very essential in climbing the tower. It contains a number of features including all the languages of the tower. Meaning it will translate everything for you."

"Oh right, try saying invisible mode"

"Hm invisible mode"

After Kai said those words, the pocket disappears.

"It disappeared...so does that mean it's invisible now? Amazing." Asked Kai.

"That's right. And don't get surprised by just this. There's billions of things more surprising in this tower than a pocket. Anyway, if you want to see it, just say visible mode."

"Alright, thanks for this. I'll also forget that Yuri german suplexed me out of nowhere since you gave me an important item."

Meanwhile, while Evan and Kai is talking, Yuri approached Headon to ask some questions.

"Hey, headon. Just because he's an irregular entry, must you use such tactics to chase him away?"

"I didn't use any tactics, princess. I was simply administering a proper test for this individual. I never tried to chase him away."

"That's a lousy excuse, headon. That test's difficulty is for level 20 or higher."

"Princess Yuri. You seem to forget the fact that that child is an irregular. All the irregular entries had possessed a power beyond imagination."

"For an irregular, that much difficulty is appropriate because they are special beings."


Then out of nowhere, a handsome red head suddenly appeared between them

"Yo, yo~ I've been hearing that I'm an irregular and whatnot~ mind explaining?" Ask Kaiser playfuly

'Goddamit, he's also playful. Playful, handsome...if only he's younger...hehehe'

"Ehehehe" Yuri drools as she imagines her stretching a chibi Kai's face.

"Hey, hey. Stop acting sus. It's giving me goosebumps" said Kai as the hair on his skin stands up at the sight of her.

"Huh. Oh. A-Ahem! What's your question again...oh right! What's an irregular...hmmm. Well, we call the ones who actually opened the door to the tower an irregular. It means you were not chosen by the tower to enter."

"Only the selected chosen may enter the tower. However, rarely, an irregular like yourself enter. Since long time ago, irregular have brought chaos and change to the tower."

"Also, they all possess an enormous strength to the point that they became a symbol of fear within this walls."

"And I can confidently say that the three of us can sense something strange within you."

Said yuri as she points at Kai.

"But still!! Even if you're an irregular, this test is still too much!"

"That's why...can you lower the difficulty of this, headon. C'mon man." Said yuri as she lightly hit headon's shoulder with her elbow.

"Princess, you seem determined to see this child climb to the top of the tower."


"Ok. I understand. Then let's bend the rules a little."

"Ah!? For real!?"

"How does this sound to you? How about you lend him one of the weapons that you possess?"

"Lend...a weapon?"

"Yes. The weapons that you possess are all weapons that only high rankers can use. If you were to lend such a weapon, would it not be a huge advantage for him?"

"Hmm Ah! Now that I think about it, you've been recently bestowed a weapon from the king?"

'B- Black march?!?' screamed evan in his thoughts.

"Truthfully, lending a weapon is against the rules but if the princess chooses to lend this child the black march, i'm willing to look away just this time."

"Black...Black march is a bit..."

"Do you feel it's too much to let it go? You seem to want to let this child go up but you don't want to

gamble something you own."

'This bastard...even though he fully knows what king of weapon it is...'

"Well, if you don't want to, then we can just go on with this test normally." he's about to tell Kai to proceed to the test before yuri spoke.



"Hey, newcomer! What's your name?"

"Yoru Kaizer. You can call me Kai if you want"

"Good! Kai! Do you want to climb this tower or do you want to give up now!?"

"I'd rather die than pass up an opportunity to escape a boring life"

"Mwahahaha I see that you are not afraid of death! I like it!"

Yuri then walked towards Kai and put her arm on his shoulders although it's an awkward sight because Kai is much taller than her. (A/n: yuri is 5'10 and Kai is 6'3)

She then look towards his face

"But you might really die, you know? There's so many things in the tower that can torment you until you would even seek death yourself. Are you sure that it's really worth to gamble just to avoid a boring but peaceful life?"


After being silent for a second, Kai then turned to face yuri as he smiles.

And at that moment, Yuri saw a face that she will never forget in her whole life.

Kai showed her a smile that exudes extreme craziness.

A smile that craves for something for its whole life.

A smile that conveys that once it finally found what it craved for, it will never let go even if the whole world tries to stop it.

A smile...that is willing to destroy everything to achieve what it wants.

At the sight of this, yuri felt like she is getting swallowed and devoured by this smile that she lost the ability to look away. Even Headon and Evan felt a chill that they never felt even at the face of strong beings.

"Is that enough of a reason...princess yuri?" Said Kai while the craziness is still in his eyes.

"What...what did you even experienced to have that kind of smile?" Said yuri as she still can't look away.

At her question, Kai's face turns back to normal as he slowly take off yuri's arm from his shoulder. Seeing this, yuri also regained her cool as she stands up straight.

"Nothing really. But if I were to think of an explanation, then it's probably because I extremely hate boredom. I detest it so much that I'm willing to do everything to destroy it."

'...I see...that's probably the thing that forcibly opened the tower...' All three of them thought at the same time.

"Well...alright! I also hate boredom but not as much as you...arms inventory: visible mode"

After she said that, some kind of weapon holder appeared beside her. All the weapons that it is holding is exuding strong auras.

She then grabs some sort of needle like weapon and holds it infront of Kai.

"Here, take it. It's the black march. I'll lend it to you for now."


"Lady Yuri! You mustn't! You can't just lend a weapon like black march! If the king finds out, it's execution, execution, m'lady!" Pleads evan.

"Are you sure? Princess Yuri? From what I heard from evan and headon, it's a very precious item..."

"Take it. Didn't you want to get rid of your boredom no matter what?"


After thinking about it, Kai takes the weapon from yuri's hand.

"The name of that weapon is black march. It's one of the most basic type of weapon in the tower. A needle. Needle is used to stab and pierce."

"The black march is a top grade needle. It is made by master craftsman edwaru and it's one of the 13 month series. The weapon itself is actually alive and is capable of extreme power."

"Even if you take this needle, it's still likely that you will lose. Since no matter how strong the weapon is, it depend on the user to wield it."

"Anyway, go on with the test. Pretty sure that you will not give up even if a god convinces you anyway." She then walks away while evan is still convincing her to take the needle back.

'...I've received so much more help than when I was in my world even though I've been there for years and here for an hour...' He looks at the needle and turns to Yuri who is walking away.

"Thanks, Sister Yuri. I promise that I will definitely give this back to you and repay you no matter what you want." Kai said having the feeling that calling her sister is a good thing...which is actually true because...

Yuri is currently having a nosebleed again...

Kai then walked towards the cage for the second time.

Meanwhile, Evan walks towards Yuri and asked.

"Lady yuri. Why are you helping him to the extent that you are willing to lend him the black march?" Asked evan

"Perhaps, you fell in love to him-"



"Quiet, stupid."

"M'lady...you know...that you are helping someone who even monsters will fear, right?"

"...I know...but isn't it exciting? It hurts to admit it but when I looked at his crazy eyes, I immediately knew that we are only side characters in this tower...so...I want to atleast be one of the main supporters to this main character..."

"Destruction, change, ruling everything- no matter what this miracle incarnation's path is...

"We just have to ride this unstoppable wave of craziness and see where it will take us."


[Back to Kai walking towards the cage]

'I still can't believe that I'm already about to face a creature that only appears in movies even though I'm just walking on a street an hour ago..."

He then looks at the white steel eel as it swims in the water like energy.

'Now that I think about it, is that water? Do I have to fight the eel while in the water? oh wait, why is the water not coming out of the cage though? Huh? The more I think about it, the more I get confused..."

'Let's just stop thinking about it.'

He then hardens his grip on the needle as he is about to set his foot inside the cage



He's about to set his foot when he felt the needle in his hand vibrated a little


He then ignores it thinking that it only vibrated due to him gripping it tightly.

The moment he step inside the cage, a red aura coming out from him suddenly spreads through out the entire cage changing the whole environment in the cage into red.

All three spectators was shocked at the sight.

"Huh? What happened!? Hey Kai! what did you do!?" Shouted yuri from the back.

"It seems Lord Kai indeed has a strange power befitting that of an irregular."

"Turning a cage filled with shinsu to red...there's only one who can do that..."

Meanwhile Kai is also filled with questions.


"What happened? Is this some kind of intruder warning protocol or something?" He asked before hearing yuri shouting at him.

"Heck if I know, Sister Yuri! Shouldn't you three be the one explaining this to me!?!?"

"Well, that makes sense..." Yuri then tried to think about it before evan said something.

"Lady Yuri...this kind of power...you already know it, right?"

"Huh? Oh, wait. You're right...turning a shinsu filled environment into red is something 'he' can do...

"The High ranker second only to Phantaminum..."

Then both of them said a name at the same time.


The moment they said that, time seems to have stopped as a huge red gate with some patterns appeared floating in the air inside the cage.

The gate opened as a man that looks exactly like Kai wearing a brown jacket with a white scarf stepped out and floated in the air. He never looked away from Kai the very moment his eyes laid upon him.

After some seconds of silence, the man finally spoke

"To think that you defied fate and forcefully open the doors to the tower..."

"You wasted all my efforts to get you away from this tower as far as possible..."

The man then sighed before he seemingly teleported infront of Kai.

The man then looked at Kai's face for a few seconds before letting out a genuine smile. The smile of a more mature Kai is revealed.

"...If this is really what you want, then so be it. I will just have to support you with everything you want.

"You've suffered so much because I assumed that you would want a peaceful life in a world where there's no one who can be oppressively strong."

"But it turns out that I am extremely wrong"

He then held Kai's face with his right hand.

"My first child...if having your adventure towards the end of this tower is what you like, even if you end up like the fake king. I will still support you with everything I have even if I end up having to sacrifies my life...


"That's my duty as your father"


(A/n: look at me writing a fanfic on a whim and deviating from the plot so much lol.)

Drop dem stones ma G