
Tower of God: Infinity

waryfishy · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Crown Game

They had been waiting in the next room for quite a bit when Ikari saw the boy wearing a purple tracksuit walking over to Baam who was sitting next to Rak.

He saw them talking for a bit before Lero Ro joined them in the large room, "Did you have a good rest, Regulars?"

I'm so happy to see you again."

He laughed, "I came here with very good news."

"Good news?" one of the regulars asked.

Lero Ro smiled, "Yeah! I talked with the test director before I came here, and he told us to give you a bonus game!"

The boy with the purple tracksuit raised his hand, "Sorry but it's not good for us to have more tests."

Lero Ro sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that.

The bonus game has nothing to do with the test.

It's up to each team to choose to play the bonus game.

There's no penalty if you don't participate.

But the winner of this bonus game, get's to pass the final floor.

They get the right to go straight to the next floor."

Clare frowned, "So they don't have to complete the other tests."

Lero Ro turned to her, "That's correct.

Now I want you all to know that only one team will be able to pass so consider well since you might die."

Turning around he smiled back at them. You have 5 minutes to decide."

Staring at Lero Ro's back, Ikari narrowed his eyes, "Let's do it!"


Appearing inside a cell-like room, the team consisting of Clare Arie, Teresa Arie and Ikari looked around.

The room was coloured dark blue with small blue windows through which some light shone, and next to the metal bars blocking them from the outside was a fist-sized red button.

Suddenly Lero Ro's voice resounded in their small chamber, "The game you'll be playing is the crown game.

Simply put, you'll be stealing a crown from each other.

There are 5 rounds and each round is 5 minutes each and only a maximum of 5 teams can participate at once.

Whichever team holds the crown at the end of the round, wins and proceeds to the next.

Of course, the real winner is decided at the end of the 5th round.

If you want to enter a round all you have to do is press the red button.

The teams that can participate will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If multiple teams press the button at the same time, the ones that have participated the most will be able to enter the round.

But there is a way to finish the game early.

That is to sit on the throne with the crown on your head.

The round will automatically end the moment someone sits on the throne and the team of the person sitting on the throne becomes the winner of that round.

However, the person sitting on the throne won't be allowed to leave the throne unless he wants to lose.

The team will also lose if the crown gets stolen from them at any point after they sit on the throne.


Ikari looked around in confusion. He didn't know why Lero Ro had shouted ''Correct'' but he suspected that someone had said something only he could pick up.

"The winner of the previous round assumes a big risk in the next round!

But, if you postpone participating because of the risk you won't ever be able to get into the game at the end!

Well, although there are a lot of rules and limitations, the point is that the team with the crown at the end of the last round is the winner.

Don't overthink it.

You just have to steal the crown.

Oh, and one more thing.

One more team from another test spot will be participating.

It's a long story.

Well then, check the details in the information book next to the buzzer.

Now let's start the game.





Clare's eyes narrowed to slits, "We'll wait!"

Ikari smiled and nodded, trusting Clare's judgment.

Turning back to the arena Ikari saw as two teams had stepped into it, one consisted of the green girl, the black-haired swordsman and the brown-haired boy in the purple tracksuit.

While on the other side there were three other people one being a short black-haired boy with a red needle, a tall blond man with a grey robe and a brown-haired boy with two swords.

"Well, the count is over!

The first round of the crown game… BEGINS NOW!"

Ikari frowned as she saw the green lizard step forward, but that turned into surprise as she wiped the floor with the enemy team within a few seconds.

He was even more surprised when the lizard went over to the throne and placed the crown on her head ending the game.

Seeing the spectacle Teresa scoffed, "What an idiot, she's so arrogant it'll be the end of her."

But Clare's eyes were still narrowed, "That's the Green April!"

Teresa's eyes widened, "My god it is… we should take it."

Clare chuckled, "Sure."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Endrossi or Yuri?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)