
Tower of God: Infinity

waryfishy · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


"The third round will now begin!"

Teresa snorted as she saw the teams enter the arena, "Now that Anaak's gone they all think they take the crown."

Looking at the teams Ikari knew that what Teresa said was true, from what he could tell Baam's team would win easily, and his speculations were confirmed as he saw the blue-haired boy, whose name he thought was Khun, fire a wind blast through the charging teams, grabbing the crown for himself.

Clare narrowed her eyes, "That's quite a bit of power."

They saw as Khun raised the crown above his head, "Okay, game over…"

He then chuckled, lowered it again, "But that wouldn't be interesting." and placed it in his bag.

Khun then beckoned the other teams towards him, "Come on, if you beat me, I'll give you the crown."

Anger filled their eyes and one of them, a big black slimy creature launched itself at him.

Raising his bag Khun easily blocked the attack and, turning, absorbed the shinsu wave a woman had fired at him.

Dodging a small squirrel-like creature he reached into his back and threw the crown into the air, "This is too much work, here."

It landed a few meters away and sitting down on the throne Khun said, "Fight amongst yourselves."

Ikari narrowed his eyes and the left one turned black with cracks leading onto his face.

"It's fake!", he exclaimed in shock.

Both sisters looked at him in surprise.

"How do you know?" Clare asked as she walked towards him.

Turning around he shrugged, "I can see it."

His teammates' eyes widened and reaching forward Clare grabbed his chin, pulling Ikari towards her.

Placing one hand on his cheek she started tracing the skin beneath his eye, "Fascinating."

A deep blush formed on the boy's cheeks and he tried to turn away only to be stopped by Clare.

"And you said you could see that it wasn't real?"

Ikari nodded slightly, "Yes."

"How?" Clare asked, peeling Ikari's lower eyelid back.

"I don't know how to explain… it's like the crown has a certain pattern, but while the fake one's very similar it's not the same."

She nodded, "Alright, can you control this ability?"

Ikari shook his head, "It just activated automatically."

Clare sighed, "Fine, we'll have to change that."

She then let go of him and looking up, grinned, "Well will you look at that, it seems your friend's team's won."

Ikari turned around and saw Baam sitting on the throne, the crown on his head.

"That Khun boy, he can multiply things in his bag."

They turned to see Teresa glaring at the winners of the last match.

The fourth round was over as soon as it had begun, it seemed that one of the attacking teams had formed an alliance with Khun and had defeated both the other teams.

Stepping forward Teresa placed her hand on the buzzer ready to press it.

"If you'd like to participate in the final round, please press your buzzer."

And so she pressed it.

"As expected, enough teams elected to participate without a countdown."

Excluding their team, there were four other groups inside the arena.

They all seemed quite dangerous but two were above the others.

One was Baam's team and the other was the team from the other testing area.

But Clare and Teresa seemed totally relaxed as though they were still inside the room waiting for the next round.

"Like it or not, this is the last round.

Which team will claim the crown?

Let the game begin."

Ikari expected all teams to rush at the throne but it seemed one of the teams had other intentions.

All Ikari heard was a scuffle and when he turned an entire team had been wiped out.

His eyes narrowed as he stared at the woman in a black body tight suit, who was wielding a golden staff.

She then turned in their direction and waved, Ikari blinked in shock and turning around, saw Clare waving back.

"Do you know her?" he asked, surprised.

Clare nodded, "Yeah, we used to work together."

He was about to ask her another question when a shout echoed out from behind him, "You're on their side too!"

Turning around he saw one of the weaker teams rushing towards the woman but again they were wiped out within seconds.

"Ryun!" Clare called out, and the woman turned to look at her.

"We'll take care of the new team!"

The woman nodded and ran straight at the throne where one of the cloaked women was already waiting.

Teresa and Clare quickly jumped up and were about to run to the woman's aid when the big cloaked man stood in their way.

His cloak flapped open only to reveal a massive meat cleaver heading their way.

The twins quickly drew their swords and blocked the attack.

Clare then retreated and grabbing Ikari moved him to a safe distance before rejoining her sister in battle.

Watching the two fighting was eye-opening to Ikari, he didn't even know that so many moves were possible.

He watched as they fought back and forth across the arena forcing the other combatants to move out of their way.

But just as he thought Teresa would deliver a killing blow the man moved out of the sword's way and smashed da fist into her stomach hurling her into the wall.

Clare stumbled back in dismay and seeing an opening the giant slashed down at her.

She noticed just before it hit and rolled to the side, she dodged the attack only to be punched in the back of the skull.

Ikari screamed in rage and charged the giant, his speed increasing with every step.

The monster swung at him but he dodge and stepped onto the blade he ran up it.

Ikari let out a roar of rage and punched the giant in the face causing him to stumble backwards.

Raising his fist again he was about to clobber him but suddenly a massive shockwave hit them sending him flying into a wall.

Looking up he saw that from the place where the throne was a stream of golden light seemed to be shooting towards the ceiling.

He gasped as his view changed and he saw the immense power behind that light.

It didn't last very long but when the light cleared away a loud scream of agony echoed out from the masked woman, whose long red hair was now loosely hanging from around her face.

He saw as Baam stood up but just then a shadow fell over him.

Ikari gulped and looked up, the giant was standing over him, his massive cleaver raised ready to strike.

He tried moving out of the way but it was too late the man swung down.


(Khun Aguero Agnis POV)

I saw as Baam fell to the ground, he had just done something no second-floor regulars should be able to do.

Rushing forward I was planning to see his condition when a pained scream echoed out from the other side of the arena.

I spun around only to see the massive cloaked figure standing over Ikari, a massive blade lodged halfway through the boy's body.

My eyes widened, in mild surprise.

But just as I was about to turn around I saw the giant's head slip off his shoulders.

Stepping back I raised my dagger ready to defend myself if need be.

Another scream rang out and suddenly something immense hit my knife.

I was flung backwards and as I hit the opposing wall I saw that similar things had happened to the other participants.

Groaning, I stood up only to gasp at what I saw.

The walls, floor and ceiling of the arena were covered in gouges similar to cuts made by a blade.

I grimaced, as I looked at the kid that had done all this, "He's gonna be trouble.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Love interest?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)