
Ch. 27 Initiation Test Pt. 1

( Jinsung Pov )

" Zero and Bam have been able to soak up every knowledge and skills taught to them with ease, with Bam able to copy it despite seeing them once and Zero having the fastest progress to master those skills." I spoke to Grace and everyone.

" And Zero... has broken out of his room 8 times, and the increase of guards have seem to have an effect on Zero using his skills on them, causing fear and anxiety to any guards that pass by."

" We have also positioned stronger regulars, but it didn't take long for him to take them down. I suspect that facing stronger challenges seemed to increase Zero's progress." I finished as i put the reports down.

" And Bam? Has he tried to escape?" Grace asked.

" No, he has been nothing but cooperative." I replied.

" I see, then guess Zero the initiation test."

" But Leader.... that would..."

" If he escapes, then we could easily find him again. He's not strong enough to escape us, but he's also strong enough to take the test."

" Yes, leader."

( Zero Pov )

It's been a week since I've been released from the torturing room, which isn't so much different when training against my mentor.

Since he knew about my healing ability, he didn't hesitate to break my bones every chance he grew to teach me about defense in hand to hand combat, which I managed to learn.

[ Close Quarter combat ] [ Level 2 ]

[ + 20% unarmed speed and attack damage ]

' I finally completed the training.' I thought as I remembered my first mentor training that I never got to finish.

' Now that I think about it. I never really finished my training.' I chuckled as I looked around at the door.

I saw Jinsung standing with his usual lazy expression.

" It's time. For your initiation. Here's your gear for this mission and your mission." He dropped a bag in front of me before leaving.

I looked at the bag before getting off my bed and checking inside.

It was regular clothes, some money, a pair of daggers and a paper.

[ Ding! Assassinate Byung ]

[ Rewards: 325xp, New item ]

I sighed and got ready and memorized the paper before exiting the room.

" Ready? Then follow me." He said without letting me speak as I just followed him.

I continued following him as I memorized every path until we stood outside of the building.

I blinked my eyes as I looked around to see people walking around like usual.

" This is the 3rd floor. You have 2 days to finish your mission and report back with no one following you." Jinsung spoke before walking back inside.

' This is a test to see whether if I would escape or not. I can't escape now, I don't have any information on these guys except their name.'

' And not to mention, they still have my shit.'

( Jinsung Pov )

" Uhm, where's Zero?" Bam asked after I was done instructing him.

" Zero... he's taking the initiation test to join us. And let's say... he's making a lot of noise." I replied as I remembered the reports I've gotten hours after Zero had left.

" What?" Bam tilted his head.

" Sigh, this friend of yours is a dangerous person. His ability to learn and improve at a fast rate is what alarms us. Your friend is something else entirely."

" So, we decided to test and teach him in a different manner."

( Zero's Pov )

Clank! Splak!

The sounds of metal and sparks flying through the air brought so much nostalgia as I kept moving despite the numerous regulars in my way.

I pasted the fisherman and moved towards the spear bearer.

Spears, needles, and wave controllers were difficult to battle, but over time, I adapted to their fighting styles and tactics.

I used the dagger to guide a spear to another direction before using the other dagger to attack the spear bearers vitals, his neck, eye and heart were stabbed in a quick succession before I moved to the wave controller.

I lifted my hand to use [ Telekinetic Barrier] to bock the Banng before rushing towards the wave controller.

He failed to retreat as my dagger found its way to the back of his neck before cutting off his head.

" This wouldn't have happened if you told me where Byung is." I shouted as I dodged a bullet from the distance.

" Sigh, you fucked up." I muttered as I aimed my finger at the sniper from the tower and released a [ Baang ] killing the sniper.

[ +80xp]

The stronger the enemy, the bigger the xp I will receive, and each kills had 20xp.

I walked in front of the large building, knowing my target was inside, I grabbed the wave controllers body and used it as a shield before entering.

And while I'm here, killing anything that got in my way I decided to use my skills that I barely the chance to use.

[ Cold Blade ] and [ Body enhancement]

[ Strength: 10 -> 12 ]

[ Agility: 9 -> 10 ]

I immediately threw the body after it was stabbed by a spear before I countered with stabbing the spear bearers eye.

' A total of 15 regulars, including the spear bearer.' I thought as I analyzed the room and created a quick plan to kill everyone.

His eye socket started to freeze beforeni pulled out the dagger before moving to the next victims.

Using the sharingan, I predicted their attacks and countered and killed them before they had the chance to fight back.

All it took was one glance to fing their weakness as I targeted a couple, the woman first as she held her knee as her boyfriend rushed to her aid.

Using this chance, I quickly killed the boyfriend who was a wave controller first before finishing off the woman before using her corpse to block a baang.

" You're out of Shinsu..." I spoke as I relaxed the ice off the daggers as I made my way towards the last regular.

" W...w..wait! Please... klukk!!" He didn't finish as I stabbed his throat.

I let his body fall to the floor before I continued to climb the stairs to the top floor.

As I entered the second floor, I looked to see the lack of people as I walked into the office.

' Nothing here as well...' I thought as I looked around for any hidden rooms but found nothing, and just as I was about to give up, I found my target running to the train station.

" Aw... fuck!" I cursed as I stepped back before junoing out the window.

[ -5hp]

Ignoring the panel, I bag running towards the target before he escaped.

" Fuck out of the way! Move! Fuck off!" I shouted as I pushed away anyone that got in my way.

And just as he rushed inside the train cabin I was about to enter but the doors closed as I rammed my shoulder into the glass creating a crack.

The target, byung fell to his back in fear as I forced the doors to open.

Frozen in fear, he couldn't stop my blade cutting his head off as I looked around to see everyone running away into the next cabin.

I ignored them waited for the next stop to return back to FUG.

' I also have to make sure I'm not followed too. And with how much noise i made, I'm pretty sure there is going to be a lot of guards.'

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