
Part 9

"Holy sh*t! This guy is really ruthless!"

Alvaro increased his running speed. He was worried that the blond man will come after him.

Fortunately, he was busy with princess Joice right now.

Joice stared at the man in front of her cautiously. Her hand never left her sword the entire time.

"I heared that an irregular entered the tower lately. If I am not wrong, it should be you, right?"

She didn't even look at the headless corpse in front of the man, as if it was a normal scene.

The blond man smiled slightly and said:

"As expected from her highness Joice. I just entered the tower But I already heared a lot about you."

Joice remaind silent but her hand tightened on the sword.

The two of them stared at each other for a while. They were just about to attack when suddenly...

"Alright regulars! Those who are still alive, congratulations! you have passed the first phase of the test!"

A voice rang in the test battlefield startling all the regulars.

"Now the second phase will begin! In five minutes, every three regulars have to form a team! No less! Those who don't will be eliminated."

"You can form a team by touching each other. If more more than 3 are touching, three of them will be randomly chosen! The rest will be eliminated!"

"Good luck! The countdown starts..now!"

Hearing the voice, princess Joice and the blond man, who were about to attack, stopped and began to think.

A while later, The blond man finally spoke.

"What do you say, princess? Do you want to form a team?"

Joice frowned a little and said:

"It seems we don't have a choice. But even if we form a team, we still need another person."

The man was about to reply when suddenly...

The world turned dark. All colors disappeared and the world's color seems to turn into grey.

Time seemed to freeze. The entire 2nd Floor was deathly silent.

Even the two rankers in the floating building were frozen in their places, losing their ability to move.

Joice and the blond man were in the same state. Their bodies couldn't move but they were still conscious.

Suddenly, an enraged voice could be heared across the entire floor.

"You little piece of sh*t! Didn't we already reach an agreement?!"

The floor started trembling violently.

This shout caused everyone's heart to squeeze. They felt their souls are being crushed by that shout.

All the regulars fainted and fell on the ground and the rankers spit out mouthfuls of blood and recieved serious internal injuries.

The only regulars who were still conscious, were Joice and the blond irregular. They were lying on the ground, their blood everywhere.

"I will pass whether you want it or not. But if you keep obstructing me, I will tear your little guardians into shreds! Not just in this floor but in EVERY floor."

After the voice spoke these words, a large crack quickly appeared in the sky above Joice and the blond man.

The crack opened and a young man walked out.

"Hmph. That's more like it."

The man snorted lightly then looked around.

He found a young man and a young lady seriously injured on the ground.

"sigh...I should have let Headon send me here instead."