
Part 6

"Alright little rabbit. Now that you helped me, I will help you with one thing. I don't like owing people favors. Tell me, what do you want?"

Headon felt his heart skip a beat. What should I wish for?

After a while, he made up his mind.

"Sir, When you entered the tower, you destroyed the laws guarding the gate from the outside. If you don't mind...could you please restore them?"

The young man was a little surprised.

"Destroyed? When did I destoy them? The guy who made this tower isn't simple. I won't destroy his 'rules' for no reason. I just shattered the outer layer and made my way through the inner layer without completely destroying it. As long as the core is still intact, and those old monsters don't make a move, no one will be able to enter. Even ordinary Axis users can't. Eventually, it will repair itself. Pick another wish."

Headon sighed in relief in his heart but was also shocked by this information.

Axis users? Old monsters?

After thinking for a while he replied.

"Eh...I don't really need anything else."

The young man looked at him with a light smile.

"Are you sure? I can get you out of the tower if you want."

Headon's eyes glowed for a moment before returning to normal. He shook his head.

"No need. I am used to living here. It's not that bad actually. Besides, I have my mission to fulfill."

The young man nodded. Then he waved his hand and a small token appeared in his hand.

"Alright then. Take this tocken. If you are in danger, it will help you save your life once."

Headon took the token and looked closely at it.

The token was golden in color. In one side, it had the word 'ETERNAL' and on the other side, it had the word 'HAVEN'.

Eternal Haven?

Headon toke note of the name in his heart and bowed sincerely.

"Thank you, sir!"

The young man smiled lightly.

"Alright, enough of that. Now, I should head to the second floor."

Headon nodded his head hurriedly.

"I will send you there right away!"

He was about to go make preparation but heared the voice of the young man.

"No need. I will go myself."

After he said these words, the young man raised his finger slowly.

As his finger moved, space around it trembled and cracked up. After his finger stopped, a space crack appeared in front of him.

Headon was shocked senseless by this scene.

Before he could recover from his shock the space crack opened and suffocating aura emitted from it and covered the entire area.

Headon felt it was hard to even breathe. His entire body couldn't move.

This aura...This feeling...

It's too familier.

Right. The aura coming from the space crack, emanated the same kind of pressure he felt from that young man before!

This pressure...it doesn't come from someone more powerful than him but from something on a comletely diffrent league of existence than him.


A cold snort rang in the floor. Following it, an even more terrifing aura came from the young man. This aura suppresed the aura coming from the space crack and pushed it back inside.

"I am just going to the next floor. So what if I break the space here? It can be restored. Don't make a fuss!"

Hearing his cold words, the aura retracted completely into the space crack.

Right now, Headon was lying on the ground and drenched in sweat.

After taking a look at him, the young man stepped into the crack.

"See you later, Little Rabbit."

His body disappeared entirely in the space crack.

Before the space crack disappeared his voice rang out again.

"My name is Avren. Remember it well."