
Part 17

Despite his rage, the Supreme Elder tried his best to remain calm. At least in the surface.

Unfortunately, all the people in the hall could sense his anger and frustration.

After a moment of brief silence, the Supreme Elder spoke.

"I don't understand this guy. Our relations with the Eternal Haven is quite good. I can't see the reason behind his behaviour."

The more the Supreme Elder spoke, the more furious he became.

Seeing the Supreme Elder so angry, a man who looked middle aged stepped forward and spoke.

"Supreme Elder, this man has entered the tower forcefully. We tried to stop him at that time but you stopped us. May I know why?"

The Supreme Elder looked at the middle aged man and sighed.

"Third Elder, it's not that I didn't want to stop him. But the Ancestor sent me a message to let it slide. I had no choice."

All the people in the hall were shocked. The Ancestor? Why would such a mighty being speak for this guy?

That troublemaker's strength, they had seen very clearly. He was an Axis User. An extremely strong one at that. You could say that his strength is at the most peak of Axis Users.

But that's it.

The first three Elders have the same strength as this guy. Not to mention the Supreme Elders who are far stronger.

But now the Ancestor, an Eternal Being, spoke for this guy?!


It doesn't make sense!

Seeing their shock, the Supreme Elder sighed in depression.

"Although the Ancestor told me to let him enter, it doesn't mean he could do whatever he wants! He broke the rules of the tests in all 20 floors. He even broke the space between the first and second floors! I can no longer pretend I didn't notice."

Saying that, the Elder looked at the middle aged man.

"Third Elder, go pay him a visit. Tell him to behave. If he doesn't, teach him a lesson and throw him out!"

The Third Elder calsped his hands and bowed slightly.

"Yes, Supreme Elder!"

The third Elder walked towards the gate of the hall and was about to leave when the Supreme Elder called once again.


The Third Elder turned to the Supreme Elder and asked politely.

"Do you have any more instructions, Supreme Elder?"

The Suprme Elder waved his hand and a sword appeared in his hands.

"The people of the Eternal Haven are all monsters whose battle strength defies logic. This is a Semi-Eternal treasure. I shall lend it to you just in case."

All the people in the hall looked at the Third Elder enviously. Although the Supreme Elder only lent the sword to the Third Elder, it's still a huge opprtunity.

A Semi-Eternal treasure has a trace of a unique Energy. Despite being vastly inferior to the true Eternal Energy, this Energy surpasses the Energy used by any Axis User by a large margin. If he could gain insights of this Energy, his strength will rocket up!

The Third Elder was greatly moved. He bowed to the Supreme Elder.

"Thank you, Supreme Elder!"

The Supreme Elder nodded his head and smiled.
