
Part 11

While the blond man was thinking, Avren moved his attention to the young lady.


He gasped lightly. Then a slight smile appeared on his face. He thought in his heart:

"What a surprise! I didn't expect to see someone with that physique again."

Seeing his surprised expression, Joice was a little confused. She was sure that she had never met that young man before.

At this moment, the blond man, who was thinking, spoke.

"Alright, I will go with you."

Seeing him agree, Avren was quite pleased.

"Right, young lady, would you like to join us?"

Joice was surprised by his invitation. She started thinking.

Now that the floor is a mess, the test will be cancelled for sure and we will be stuck in this floor for a long time.

Judging by this man's strength, maybe he can find a way to go to the next floor.

"Alright, I will join you."

After thinking for a while, she agreed.

"Great! We should leave now, but before that, we should get know each other. We will start with you, young lady."

Realising that they will have to travel together, both Joice and the blond irregular thought it was a good idea.

"My name is Joice Zahard. One of Zahard's princesses. I am also from the Arie Family. I specialize in sword techniques so I can play the role of the fisherman."

After she finished, Avren looked at the blond man and said:

"It's your turn, kid."

The young man was a little irritated. You called her 'young lady', why are you calling me 'kid'?

"My name is Long Jin. I am an irregular, so I came from outside of the tower. My clan is one of the nine Eternal Territories outside the tower, the Eternal Dragon Clan. I specialize in claw techniques but I know other techniques as well. As we already have a fisherman, I can be the spear bearer."

Joice was surprised by this information. She was curious about the world outside the tower. She asked.

"Nine Eternal Territories? What are those?"

Knowing that she knows nothing about the outside, Long Jin explained patiently.

"Outside the tower, there are countless numbers of universes. These universes are created naturally and have numerous living beings. But Eternal Territories are different. They are created artificially. Each of these territories has an Eternal existence overseeing it. That's why it's called 'Eternal'. Actually, that exiatence is also the creator of the Eternal Territory."

"My Eternal Dragon Clan has an Eternal existence so we are one of the nine Eternal Territories! In fact, this tower is also one of the nine Eternal Territories. It's real name is The Eternal Tower!"

Joice was flabbergasted by this information. She realised how little did she know. While she was thinking this, Long Jin continued.

"Every Eternal Territory has a certain goal or specific reason for it to exist. For example, our Eternal Dragon Clan was created as a place meant for only our clan to settle. No outsider is allowed in."

Joice asked curiously:

"If that's the case, then what is the goal of the tower?"

She wanted to know why all these people are kept inside the tower. Why can't they get out?

"This...I don't know."

Long Jin shook his head.

Joice was a little disappointed in her heart but didn't show it in her face.

Avren, who was listening silently the whole time, spoke.

"The goal of the tower is to produce large numbers of Axis Users. It helps the people inside increase their potential and talent to a very high degree so that they could have a better chance to breakthrough."