
Tower Of God: Eternal Life.

In his pursuit of Eternal Life, Fang Yuan, the Great Love Immortal Vunerable from the world of Gu tries to refine Eternal Gu, but ultimately fails. In his last moments before his demise, through a set of mysterious and baffling encounters, he comes across a book describing a tower where his one and only wish can be fulfilled. Following the instructions of the book, Fang Yuan is sent to the Tower Of God. What changes will the The Demonic Path Overlord bring to the tower. And will he again fail in his pursuit of Eternal Life or not. This is the beginning of the end of Fang Yuan. His end in one world and beginning another. This is the story of Eternal. His Beginning and End.

drpassionofnovel · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Upon reaching the cage, the bars of the cage blocking his path disappeared making way for him to enter. Fang Yuan entered.

The humanoid shinheuh upon seeing him enter released its killing intent and slowly stood.

As the shinheuh stood up, Fang Yuan moved his legs and hands to determine how much his movements were hindered in this thick liquid shinsu.

Surprisingly, his movements weren't hindered at all. In fact, he felt the high concentration of shinsu nourishing and strengthening him even though it was by a very small amount.

Fang Yuan took a martial stance and looked at the shinheuh with a cold and killing gaze. Now wasn't the time to think about how wonderful the shinsu was or his high resistance towards it. What he needed to do now was to focus on the fight and finish this shinheuh as quickly as possible.

The humanoid shinheuh growled and dashed towards Fang Yuan with its sword raised and slashed at him vertically from the top.

Fang Yuan was not surprised by its speed since he had been observing it vigilantly.

He dodged to the left avoiding the slash. The broad sword of the shinheuh landed on the floor. A deafening sound was heard upon impact.

The shinheuh raised it's sword again and slashed towards Fang Yuan horizontally from the right. He ducked dodging the attack.

This back and forth fighting of attacking and dodging continued between the shinheuh and Fang Yuan for quite a while.

As the fight continued, Fang Yuan came to the conclusion that he could not block or parry the shinheuh attacks. He had no weapon plus the shinheuh was physically stronger than him.

And judging from how thick its skin looked, normal punches and kicks would have no effect. Also the shinheuh seem to possess no intelligence and its attack were crude and unpolished. In all, he could kill it.

The fight dragged on for a while and Fang Yuan felt it. He was starting to get tired even though the shinsu was strengthening him. His stamina was running out. He needed to end this soon.

The humanoid shinheuh slashed at Fang Yuan again looking to cleave him in half from his left. An opportunity presented itself.

He ducked, dodging the attack and rushed towards the monster with all his strength.

[ Demonic Martial Style Transcendental Skill: Shockwave Palms.]

He stretched both his hands backwards and shot them towards the chest of the shinheuh with immense speed. His palms hit the shinheuh's chest and a shockwave generated from his palms sent it flying. Without stopping, Fang Yuan quickly chased after it.

The shinheuh landed some 15 meters away from its original standing point. It was lying on the ground dead. Its chest had caved in.

Upon reaching it and seeing that the shinheuh was dead, Fang Yuan stood there slightly panting.

He looked at his shaking hands as he thought: 'Though in the Gu world, martial arts was just a mortal art. I practiced it and reached Supreme Grandmaster. My martial skills are divided into four tiers. From lowest to highest, they are; common, special, transcendental and ultimate. If I am this tired after just performing transcendental skill, I don't think I can even do an ultimate skill unless I become stronger.'

Headon walked infront of him and say, "Hmm, average performance for an irregular. Not bad. Well done Fang Yuan. You are now qualified to climb the tower. You took 25 minutes 34 seconds to kill the shinheuh."

"Ok, before I send you to the next floor. Your prize."

Headon waved his wand and immediately particles of white light engulfed Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan then noticed that a black ball like device was floating besides him.

Before he could ask what it was, Headon explained saying: "That's a pocket. A device used to communicate with the different races in the tower. It translates all languages spoken in the tower to Macsethian for easy communication. It is a must have when climbing. Basically it is what identifies you as a person who is climbing the tower. It also the function of recording events, taking images and has an inventory for storing items and used for payment of goods through the use of points. It can also be used to check time, has a dictionary, serve as a light source, used as a diary and other functions. Pockets are ranked from lowest to highest; E-ranked to S-ranked. The one I gave you is an E-ranked pocket. Its function are limited but should be enough for now. To make the pocket invisible, say invisible mode and vice versa."

Headon then continued after a slight pause: "Now as for the other prize, Ask any question you wish and I shall answer you. But beware, some questions relating to the origin of the tower and my origin, goal and purpose, I will not answer."

Fang Yuan had expected that much and asked: "Great guardian, thank you for your gifts. My question is simple, what things should I be wary of in climbing the tower?"

"Hmm, a smart question indeed. Let me see. Just make sure not to tell people you can't trust that you are from the outside. After all it's rare for someone from the outside to climb the tower. After all, Zahard and the ten great family leaders are not particularly happy about other irregulars after that incident."

'Wait, from what he is saying. Climbing the tower is mostly done by those born inside the tower but a rare case such as someone from outside climbing is also possible. Those from outside are called irregulars. Most importantly, he said that Zahard and the ten great families are not particularly fond of irregulars after an incident. Judging from that, Zahard and the ten great families leaders are very powerful individuals in the tower and also an incident had made them dislike irregulars.' Fang Yuan thought and deduced after listening to Headon's words.

"Oh, let me add this. It's also important. On each floor is an guardian who is basically immortal and invulnerable to all attacks. Guardians have complete control over the shinsu of their floor making them gods on their respective floors. People climbing the tower normally needs to make a contract in order to use shinsu. But individuals such as your esteemed self do not need such a contract. Therefore, that means you do not need a contract from a guardian no matter what kind of contract it is. The reason why you must be careful of contracts is simple; No matter how wonderful the contract seems, it's a shackle, not strength. Eventually it is will be what limits you and be your downfall." Headon added as he looked at Fang Yuan's face.

"About the contracts, even if it is from you, great guardian. Should I not accept it?" Fang Yuan asked with a sly smile.

"What do you think? Climb to the top and you shall know the answer. You have been here long enough. Time to go to the next floor."

Headon then waved his staff at Yanis. Immediately, a black vortex engulfed the Fang Yuan and he disappeared from the first floor of the tower of god.

"What story shall you tell, my child?" Headon said with an evil grin displaying his sharp and narrow teeth as he walked into the darkness.

The first floor returned to its state of silence.