
Ch. 4 Crowns Game(2)

< Hmm, actually forget the order. It seems someone best us to it.> I ordered Atalanta as I watched a masked woman with a pole arm knocking down other teams with ease.

[ Aura Manipulation: zero presence ]

I lowered my presence as I walked towards the throne.

" Master?" Atalanta was alarmed as she looked around.

< I'm fine.> I answered as I sat next to Bam and released the power.

" That was pretty amazing, wasn't it Bam?" I smiled as I glanced at Khuns' surprised face as the woman made it through Raak and him.

Before she could react, I kicked her off the throne and dodged a large disc.

" Whoops, I must've missed." I turned to see that woman again.

" You again... trying to kill me again?" I smiled as I saw an arrow hit her shield as Atalanta came to my side. I jumped off the throne and confronted her.

" Bam! Be careful! They are our enemy!" Khun shouted.

" What are you staring at? Am I that pretty to you two?" Androssi smirked as she looked at me and the masked women as Atalanta defended me from the others.

" Honesty speaking... Yes, but–" Before I could finish, the masked woman swung her pole at me, which was blocked by Atalanta's bow.

I threw a lunch at her as she easily blocked it with her shields. She then threw a few red needles at me, which penetrated my body.

She rushed at me again as he threw a right hook at her, which easily dodged as she brought her face close to mine.

Surprised, I quickly jumped back to dodge a kick.

" Hmm, you're pretty handsome." She grinned.

I took a red needle out of my body and tossed it to the side as my body began to reject the needles from my body, dropping them to the floor.

" Honesty... you're not my time anymore with how rough you're playing." I replied as I enhanced my speed again.

[ Speed enhancement 11 times ]

I looked back to the throne to see that large man protecting that woman, Rachel.

" You won't get past me, handsome." She pointed at me with a red needle. I dashed at her as she managed to block my attack but managed to push her back.

< Master. She got away!>

" Huh?" I looked back to see the masked woman rushing toward Bam, but Rachel was in the way.

" Shit! Bam!" I shouted at him, but he didn't stop as he tried to protect her.

[ All Fiction: Time Manipulation.]

I didn't want to use this much power since I'm worried it'll get to my head or, worse, lose control.

Time stopped, and I walked towards the throne and in front of the Rachel and Bam to shield them. As much as I want her to hit Rachel, Bam would be manipulated by her instead.

It seemed the masked woman hut her once, but Bam was trying to protect her, I reached out my hand and grabbed the staff before unfreezing time.

The masked woman was surprised, and Bam accidentally used Shinsu, which caused him to become unconscious. I felt my entire back being destroyed as I took the attack head-on.

" Master!!" Atalanta shouted as I took the crown from Bam and dropped myself on the throne.

" Ugh... " I groaned as I felt my back regenerating along with my broken hand caused by catching the masked woman staff.

" We did it..." I looked at Atalanta, who saw my dumb smile. She sighed and shook her head.


After the game, our team won, and we have a free ticket to the third floor, and we have three days of rest, which I'm going to use before leaving.

" Hm?" I opened my door and saw a bag on the bed, I walked towards the bag and opened it to find a book and a few cards.

I opened the book to find a name inside.

[ Atalanta ]

[ Favorability: Tolerates you ]

" Tolerates me, Huh, hehe. I guess it's better than nothing." I smiled as I put the book back into the bag and looked at the card.

It was another summoning card with a spear.

' A Lancer.' I thought as I put the card in the book and put it in the bag. I also looked to the side to find two needles.

The green April and the black March.

" Sigh, as cool as these weapons are. It's best to give them back to their owners. It's best to create a few connections... but how do I approach them?" I wondered as I held the green April in my hand.

Anaak is anti-socail and would probably attack me on sight. And Bam is guarded by Khun... Eh, gotta try as least.

I took the two needles and walked out of the room to find Bam and Anaak. I walked towards Bams room where he's currently recovering.

I opened the door to find Khun inside. We both stared at each other for a few seconds.

" ... Hey..." I smiled awkwardly as I looked at Bam.

" Oh, uh... hey." He replied as he sets his eyes on the black March before a small frown appeared on his face.

" Well, I guess I should return this." I said as I put the black March on the bed next to Bam.

" Why?" He asked.

" A favor in the future. I might as well make you guys owe me." I smiled as I left the room, I heard him sigh as I closed the door before walking towards Anaaks room.

I knocked on the door to receive no answer.

" Ahem! Hello? Anaak? It's me Alex." I knocked once more only to hear nothing.

" Sigh, I got your green April right here." I stepped back to see the door slammed opened as I saw Anaak reaching her hand out.

" Give it, or you're dead." She threatened.

" Hmm, how about this... I'll give it to you only if you become my friend." I smiled as I held the Green April.

She scowled as but didn't have a choice.

" Fine... I'll be your friend..." She said through her gritted teeth."

" Excellent!" I smiled I handed the green April in her hand.