
Future plans

Ron gained 30 stars worth from that one potion, it was by no means a small amount. Dungeons were a great boon that Ron had to try and find as much as possible. Granted not every dungeon would give him potions however the points alone made it all worth it.

Opening his eyes and returning from the void, Ron was assaulted by pain the moment he returned. It felt like someone had cut open his skin piece by piece. He was bleeding from a lot of area's. Another thing Ron noted was the smell, simply put he smelled like sewage waste.

Looking at his skin an oily substance could be seen shimmering in the sun. It was everywhere even in his clothes and stunk to high heavens. He looked at Scarlett only to see her about 10 metres away from him. Was she that far away when he drank the potion?

"I'm not getting anywhere close to you until you wash, you reek" She yelled from her position, clearly affected by Ron's smell.

"Did lighting more stars make me smell so much?" Ron asked as he undressed and took out a bathtub and filled it with water.

"Yep, every star purifies the body a little bit. Usually it's one at a time so it's not noticeable. I assume you lit a lot of stars with that smell" Scarlett explained a bit about the lighting of the stars.

"30 stars I assume that's pretty good" Ron explained as he cleaned his body. He realised his wounds were already scabbing over "Wounds healing faster also a product of more stars?" He asked Scarlett.

"Not that i'm aware of, seems like a bonus from the potion" Scarlett said as she also noted Ron's body was healing a lot quicker than normal.

An increased healing factor was always a great boon to get, it would mean less time recovering and the longer a battle went on for he would last longer than his opponents. Some of the characters Ron knew were infamous for their near immortal healing factor: Deadpool, Majin Buu and Alucard to name a few.

Speaking of Alucard, Ron had an idea about his whip. He wanted to try and use the most powerful whip he could think of: Vampire Killer. Vampire Killer was the weapon used by the Belmont clan of the Castlevania series. It was a holy weapon made to kill all creatures of darkness and could even deal damage to death itself.

And with the wish store Ron could in theory make it even stronger than it was, the possibilities were endless. For instance although the weapon was made for creatures of darkness Ron could wish for it to be powerful against all creatures. Ron opened the wish store and said: "I wish for the holy whip the Vampire Killer".


Ron got a long list of all sorts of combinations of Vampire Killer with all sorts of extra bonuses. Were there really that many upgrades to that weapon? Ron quickly found the basic Vampire Killer he had been looking for and focused on the description.

Vampire Killer costs 10,000 wish points: 'A legendary whip wielded by the Belmont clan in order to defeat Dracula. Upgraded from the Whip of Alchemy, this leather whip can only do damage to creatures of darkness. Only a Belmont descendant can wield this whip without suffering severe consequences. (Can be upgraded see list).

It was a lot more pricey than Ron had anticipated, it also came with a condition that only a Belmont could wield the whip. Ron didn't know the innermost lore of the Castlevania series, only the most famous pieces.

"So that's the whip plan?" Scarlett asked when she heard the wish. Ron nodded and explained Vampire Killer a little to her. "That's quite the weapon however it will definitely cost a ton of points" She noted as she heard about the whip's feats.

"It will be an extremely long project, I'll also need to change my bloodline in order to use the whip" Ron said, explaining the Belmont bloodline.

"Be careful, I don't know what changes will happen to the kindling stage if you change your bloodline" Scarlett warned him of unknown changes to the kindling stage. The kindling stage was intrinsically linked to the body of the user.

"I will keep it in mind, for now I do not have the points to buy the whip. But I could buy a weaker version of the whip, I'll also have to check the Belmont bloodline" Ron commented as he opened the wish store once more and looked up the original version of Vampire Killer, the Whip of Alchemy.

Whip of Alchemy costs 2,500 points: 'Created with alchemy by alchemist Rinaldo Gandolfi. It was created to slay creatures of the dark after Rinaldo's daughter vampirised and killed his family. (Can be transformed cost 7,500 wish points or use a willing yet tainted soul).

Ron was a little surprised, it was the first time it mentioned something other than wish points could be used to transform the weapon. Most likely it was the original way Vampire Killer was made. It was still too expensive however it was a lot less than Vampire Killer. After that Ron looked at the Belmont bloodline.

Belmont bloodline costs 5,000 points: 'Bloodline of the famous Belmont clan, a clan of vampire hunters. The Belmonts had superhuman capabilities, could use holy magic and sense vampires through this bloodline. (Note compatibility required for bloodlines).

Seems like there was more to the bloodline than just usage of the Vampire Killer. Superhuman capabilities were already a great boon, the holy magic was something Ron had expected. Grand cross was the bread and butter Belmont move along with multiple other specials.

There was one caveat: compatibility. The closer one was to the Belmont clan the more power it could give him. Ron had a natural talent for whips and flails, he also upgraded his unarmed combat talent as well. In essence the only thing missing was a holy attribute and he would basically be a close relative of the Belmonts. Ron hoped it was enough to succeed.

"Also too expensive?" Scarlett said as she noticed Ron's expressions and thoughtful look. Ron nodded and breathed a small sigh, there was no other option he needed to gather a lot more points would he want to master Vampire Killer and the Belmont powers.

"I guess plan B for now" Ron muttered, he had considered what to do if Vampire Killer was too expensive. Scarlett looked at him quizzically as Ron took out his whip and opened the wish store once more. He thought about the wording before speaking.

"I wish to be able to adjust my whip's weight up to 10 times," Ron said. Physics still applied in the tower, gravity still persisted and of course force was still a thing. Velocity times mass equals force, in other words a speeding truck could slam through walls. The whip wasn't meant to deal tons of force but what if Ron could make it?


It was the rest of Ron's points except for a small amount of 350 points. However if it meant more power in the whip itself that would be worth it. This way the whip was at least a little caught up to his more dominant physique when not using the kindling power.

"A heavier whip swung at high speeds means more power, I see" Scarlett didn't understand physics as deeply as Ron, however she did know heavy things at high speeds would hurt. Ron nodded at her simple explanation. The whip shone and markings were etched into the handle of the whip, at the same time Ron could feel information on how it worked enter his mind.

It was quite simple. He needed to say times x weight and it would work, Ron gave it a few tries before bumping it up to 10 times. Swinging around a 15 kg whip around was a bit of a challenge normally however Ron's body was a lot stronger now with the potion. Ron tested the whip out on a tree swinging it at maximum weight. *crack* the whip cracked and hit the tree, the tree shook a little. Upon close inspection Ron could see a massive crack in the tree.

"You really are getting scarier by the day, alright you ready to go?" Scarlett didn't want to be left behind by Ron, the feeling of being caught up kept closing in every second while she couldn't progress. It was incredibly vexing.

"Fine, let's go" Ron whipped out the compass once more and recalibrated him and Scarlett to the west and walked that way. Soon they exited the spider forest territory, the spider's territory will soon be reclaimed by the forest animals and time will wash away most signs of them.

They continued on their trek in the forest for 2 days. Ron had plenty of fighting against the wildlife and testing his body, nothing substantial happened in these 2 days. No more spiders and no more wish points being obtained. Luckily Ron had enough food and water so that no more wish points had to be spent.

On the third day a change happened. They had reached the end of the forest and into a new area, but it was quite the shocker when Ron and Scarlett saw the new scene. It was a desert, an actual bona fide desert. It looked like someone just made a line where the sand began and the forest ended.

"This is a little unnatural" Even Scarlett was surprised at the change of scenery. She wondered if something caused this or if this was just natural.

"And that's not the only change" Ron said as he looked at the compass. The arrow was no longer pointing to their backs, now it was pointing in front of them. It meant a new dungeon was close to them. Scarlett smiled and hoped that it would be a dungeon she could enter.

They entered the desert and noticed a sharp spike in temperature, it suddenly got a lot warmer. It was as if they had entered a completely new world.

Soon they came across the first new enemy in the desert. It has claws and a long tail that ends in a thin sharp point, it was a scorpion.

"You want to have a swing at it?" Scarlett asked Ron. She didn't think it would be a fair fight if she took it.

"Sure leave the scorpion to me" Ron said sarcastically as he looked at the scorpion, it was roughly the same size as him yet Ron didn't feel threatened by it at all.

"Weight times 10" Ron stated calmly as he readied the whip, the scorpion raised its claws and tail. Suddenly the scorpion extended its tail to stab Ron, Ron sidestepped aside and swung the whip at the scorpion. The scorpion used its thick claws to block the whip expecting it to not do too much, *crack* The whip slammed into the claw and made small cracks from the impact. Scorpions were evolved to withstand the heat better so the burning didn't affect it too much.

The scorpion staggered a little not expecting the damage and Ron took advantage of the opening to whip it again. More cracks started to appear on the claws as the scorpion took more and more hits. Soon the claws couldn't take it anymore and broke off. The scorpion swung its stinger like a madman trying to catch Ron somehow. Ron stored the whip away and placed his hands in front of his chest.

The scorpion stabbed once more only for the stinger to get caught on something, for a second it thought it had won before looking closely. Ron had caught the stinger under his left armpit, his right hand bulged a little before his nails elongated and sharpened like knives. He trusted his right hand down and cut off the stinger of the scorpion, he then rushed in and stabbed his right hand through the scorpion, it quickly died there after.

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