
Tower Hunter

If you were forced into another world and told the only way to get home is to hunt down an artifact in towers full of monsters and traps would you try?

dinow · Games
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The Mistake

Riff was an ordinary college student, he got passing grades, had some friends, but was mostly quiet and always in the back of the class playing games on his phone; everyday he went to his dorm, he'd boot up his computer, and jump on whatever game was popular at the time was. Most people would call what he has a "gaming addiction" or "Stagnant Water."

One day after being held back by a professor for not paying enough attention in class, he decided he wanted to grab a bite to eat before another gaming session. Weirdly though, as he was crossing the campus he saw a bright light coming from inside one of the garden shed buildings and went to check it out. Upon entering the building he notices that no one was inside, and the light coming from under a door in the back of the room. Curious, he entered the room and saw symbols covering the ground with a faint glow and notices how it looks like a magic circle he has seen in a manga or games. Wondering what it was and the reason the whole building glowed, he went up to it and touched it and then saw darkness.

'Well crap, you weren't supposed to end up here.' He hears a faint high condescending pitched voice around him.

'Who... who are you? And what happened?' Riff tries to get up from laying on the ground.

'Yea, sorry about that you weren't supposed to be teleported, but now you're here, I have to do something about that.'

Finally, on his feet, Riff looks to see it's a small girl with questionable features in front and a white, almost blinding, void surrounding him.

'Where am I? Am I dead?'

'Hi, you can call me the creator, and you've been teleported to my world, the one I that created. You weren't supposed to show up, I had summoned four people from your world to be heroes and save this world from the towers that terrorize the people of my world... blah blah blah… kill the demon king... blah blah blah… they won... happy ever after and got sent home. But now you just showed up, Mr. Random guy who found himself here, care to explain how you got here.'

'Sure, I was leaving campus when a building close to me had a bright flash coming from it and me being curious, I had gone to see what happened, entered, found what I assume a magic circle of sorts, touched it, and here I am talking to a small women yell at me and calling herself the creator.'

'First, I'm not THAT short okay, second why would you just randomly touch a magic circle, and third I don't have a way to send you back since I am unaware of how you came here in the first place.'

'Wait so you don't know how I got here? And you can't send me back?'

'Yep, sorry but hey you'll be able to hang out with me till you parish'

'Not happening, you said you were a creator right, why not make a circle that can send me back like you did with the so called four hero's you mentioned earlier?'

'Sorry only by killing the final floor boss and gaining the wish stone will you have the chance to get back to your world, but since he was defeated and the wish stone used, it's impossible. Sorry.'

Riff now getting more frustrated and panicked as he is being told that it'll be impossible to get back to his world, starts to think of ways to possibly escape from this white void and back to normal society.

'Hey hold up, you said you created a world, that world had the boss and wish stone, right? If you can do that then why can't you just make another wish stone?'

'The wish stone was not put there by me, it showed up one day with the tower and so I summoned people from another world gave them gifts and asked if they could defeat it for me, that's all.'

'Then can you remake that world or better yet go back in time when the heroes didn't have the stone, better yet not even in the world yet? And I'll make a wager with you since you seem bored in this white void, cause I would. You send me back to the time that the towers first appeared, give me a gift like you did with the heroes, and let me solo the tower to get that wish stone.'

'That is a very funny offer your giving me, I will say, but what do I gain to helping you? And if you fail my world will be taken over by the tower again and that's no fun.'

'The rules are simple I win by getting to the top of the tower and getting the wish stone, you win if I don't and it won't matter cause you can just summon the heroes who beat the tower last time since you know they won't fail. I get a chance to leave this place and you get some entertainment since you seem unimpressed with this white void of nothingness.'

'I was getting bored and... you do make some good points, so I will take up your wager but if you fail, as you said I do get a bit lonely, you will have to stay with me in this void, forever, with the only thing you can do is nothing or watch as the world below falls and evolves and your stuck with me.'

'Fine I'll take the deal but, for the challenge I want to chose which gift I start with and I want to start will all of the gifts the 'heroes' started with a little extra, because you don't think I could win with only one gift did you?'

'Fine, you will need all the help you can get but if you can't get that stone the punishment will be a bit harsher than the one that's already been laid out. But I'll accept your offer, now before you go the gift is like a system, it will adapt itself so you can understand it in the easiest way possible. Now good luck Mr. Hero and may your journey be filled with traps and challenges.'


Right as she finishes her sentence, she snaps her fingers and Riff is transported to the beginning, when the tower rose and the world would change for better or worst.

Hope ya'll enjoyed the intro and hope ya'll follow me through the story of The Tower

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