
tower defense: ashen land

Ash a soldier at 22 years of age, retired after receiving a bullet to his right arm making him a disabled, even though they had to cut his right arm off, it wasn't that bad since he can "excuse" himself off of the pointless war his oh so proud country have. 4 years has passed since then and ash retired to be a gaming streamer, due to his laid back attitude and very nonchalant personality not many people watches his stream. his family are a classic case of a mistake, that kind of mistake. in order to live he had to stream almost everyday, and add that to the fact that his right arm are nonexistent, not many employer wanted a "damaged" person to work. then suddenly the game he was playing becomes reality, he of course are excited by the prospect of not streaming everyday and working his bones out, and would you know it, he has a system... ======================= ash is very selfish and usually doesn't care about other people, but of course he's still a human so if he can, he will help other people if there are no risk. expect gore description and fucked up stuff. also the game is a tower defense game! my favourite!! and ash too I guess. chapter are varied in quality and this is a casual project. and might I remind you that I'm an incompetent bufoon who can't get stuff right or accurate enough, I also am still new to this... HUGE twist incoming! prologue: oh, for such convoluted story to present itself in a demisely way of misery, such act are conveyed in such simple manner it just didn't do it justice. such are the way of life, it's full of holes and traps and lies and betrayal but no sooner it will soon be over, the truth will be revealed and the soul to unite. act 1: rough beginning. are these children can handle it? the weight of humanity lay on their shoulder, burdening them for what's to come. please do not lose hope in humanity, it is our fate to be this way and soon we shall overcome it, no matter if it takes year, decades, millennium, for one day we shall live our life in glory, though the pavement we built are from blood and bodies of whom have fallen, they shall be proud of our accomplishment. please have faith.

djakwpse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

unreasonable behavior.

[the next wave will come at 10 minute. ]

a notification interrupted me as both red and Dave arrived from the depth of the cave while carrying something in their back.

"red! the wave is gonna arrive at ten minutes flat! come here both of you! " I said as they ran to me.

"red guard that entrance and make sure that none of the enemy pass by the gate! even if some got in just ignore them! and tell everyone to go to their own post! " I said as red quickly ran to the entrance of the base, the wall or you could call it a spike wall is actually incredible small but enough to discourage any enemies, with that being said the base had a V shape making the enemies to at least funnel to the tight gate that's roughly the size of five person side to side.

there are one post for kassier to shoot any enemies that tried to destroy the spike wall and also picking up the stragglers that managed to get out, you can't never have too many failsafe.

"Dave! did you do archery?! " I said to Dave, he obviously pretty spooked by my paranoia ridden behavior.

"I did some when I was a kid?!? "good enough.

"then station yourself twenty meter or so from red and help him pick any stragglers! the bow is on the weapon rack near the tower! " I said in a commanding tone as he ran to the gate.

I had Kathy near the gate as well with a dagger in her hand because she asked for it, she is there if someone is injured, though she said she have healing magic for short term heal, obviously she couldn't use it to me because of the spell itself not for long exposure, I didn't really know what that meant but if the medic said it's bad then it's bad.

Joe is stationed on the gate as his purpose is to refill weapon and arrows in case any of them break, kassier had already teacher him to make a barely passable arrow but an arrow is better than none.

[wave 2 has arrived]

[leveling reward: watcher bot and order. ]

suddenly a bot appeared in my vision as it floated to my hand, the bot itself is shaped circle with a fragile looking glass encasing it enough to protect it from the harmless wind and rain, inside of it are very complicated looking machinery.

[synchronize with the bot? ]

what? it's from my level up so it's probably good, so I pressed yes.

suddenly a window popped in front of me showing a vision of myself looking at the nonexistent panel in front of me, I tried to move it with my mind for a bit and it works! it moved! I can oversee the whole battlefield this way! this is good news.

I quickly send the bot to the frontline as I finally saw what is happening.

nothing is actually happening as the enemies are yet to appear, then I see it... from the corner of my eyes I saw a wolves approaching from the side.

"hostile is approaching, watch out guys. " I said in hope of getting the order working from my hypothesis.

they suddenly tenses up, probably from hearing my word or from the warning.

then a group of wolves suddenly appeared from the left side of the spike wall, thank god that the spike worked as a deterrent for the wolves.

"a group of hostile is approaching on the left side. "

the first wolf that came from the right side is quickly put down as kassier sniped that guy from a long distance.

though it's not killing the wolves entirely, it hit gravely to the vein making it bleeding profusely onto the floor.

kassier finally sees the group of wolves approaching as he shot one in the leg slowing it down, then he shot several of them killing them if possible but most of the time separating them from the horde as to put lighter pressure of our one frontliner red.

then instead of a group of wolves, a turtle with white eyes appeared on the edge of my vision.

"a turtle with white eyes appeared, make sure not to attack it if possible. "

the group of wolves that came from the left side is finally approaching the gate as their previous number which is ten is now culled to about four, with three of the wolves severely injured and one of them is hanging on death's door.

with quick work red managed to slay both of them in a single swing, both the wolves step back at the scene and looked like they wanted to ran away but with a glow in their eye they immediately charged red with reckless abandon.

they jumped straight onto red trying to rip his throat out, unfortunately for the wolves red managed to put his too big to be useful sword as he smash the wolves using the blade knocking them out... I don't know you can knock out the wave... that's good to know.

[wave 2 is over. ]

[calculating reward... ]

[calculating wave 1 and 2 reward... ]

[please choose four of the following reward. ]


[fountain of food and water]

[fountain of healing]

[mind fountain]

[attack fountain]

[luck fountain]


[fountain of weapon]

[fountain of knowledge]

[defense fountain]

that's a lot of reward! but I need more information... let's check the chat for once.


[kale tenius:uhh... why is most of the thing doesn't appear? ]

[thumper:huh???? what's with that grammar? ]

[machina:we're ten years old bucko, no one is as genius as you. ]

[thumper:*nobody is a genius like you* hope that help ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ]

[machina:this guy... ]

[thumper:*this girl...* ]

[smelly:look at this fool rage quitting lol. ]

[machina:I swear one of these day, I'll go to your base and slap you ass like your mother would. ]

[smelly:try me. ]

[machina:I'm done. ]


[no one:do you guys level up? I got a weird reward stuff and I don't know what to take? ]

[thumper:whatever you do, just grab that mind fountain, it'll store your summon in an... unexpected way. ]

[machina:like that b**ch said, mind fountain is a no brainer, take it. unfortunately the rest of the reward is randomized except that, although whatever something like 'fountain of blah blah blah' it meant that you will be getting a tower like structure. ]

[no one:thanks, appreciate it. ]

with that I leave the chat to... whatever it do for the next few days... I'll need all the information I can get after all.