
Towards Yesterday's Promise

Celine and Raver were best friends since they were kids. From the very start, there was this connection between them that defined the two of them possible to be more than friends but due to life’s fate, Raver tended to neglect it, leaving Celine caught up and left behind where they left. One night changed Celine’s whole life and possibly Raver’s. She caught herself having a baby with the man she knew wouldn’t be possible to be hers.

Karmelalalaxxx · Teen
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6 Chs


POV: Celine

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you and Hailey would take up for the next semester?" The shock on my face was very evident, I could tell from my reflection in the glass wall beside me.

"I-I'm waiting for Hailey. We agreed to meet here once one of us is finished. I finished first so I came here," I answered. "How about you? Should you register as well?"

"Ours is scheduled tomorrow."

"Oh, I see," I replied and bobbed my head. "Then what are you doing here?"

He gave a small smile which immediately went off. "I talked to my dad, that's why."

"Oh, really? Tito Peter's here? I haven't seen him in a long time." I scratched my nose. "Where is he? I want to see him." He leaned against the back of his chair and turned his gaze to the numerous people walking inside the mall.

"We didn't have a good talk so I left him in the restaurant," He said without looking at me.

He told me even before he submitted his application for Cornell that his dad wasn't on board with his decision. Lately, they weren't in good terms as well because of it. Tito Peter insisted that Raver's decision to go abroad just to study was an impulsive decision and was only derived out of his wrath to his mother. I too think that it was a little superfluity to go abroad just because he couldn't stand seeing someone. However, come to think of it, it would be a great opportunity for Raver if he went to New York because there were tons of choices there. I just hoped his dad also saw that.

But who was I to judge him, huh? He was his father. I'd probably go nuts as well if my child suddenly decided to study abroad and left me here.

"That's sad. Are you okay?" I said, trying to lessen the tension he was feeling. I stifled a smile to show him that I was here, no matter what he had to undergo. We both looked into each other's eyes, deep that it was a miracle I hadn't drowned yet.

"Yeah, of course. He wasn't concurring with this decision from the very start so all is still good."

Now that we were here, I couldn't help but to think about my pregnancy again. When I told Hailey that I was settled with my decision, I was sure back then. Now, I didn't even know if my decisions would bring good or not. I started to contemplate with myself in my head and boy, it gave me migraine just by thinking about it.

"So, uh, When exactly will you leave?" I asked. I had to know exactly how many days left before he'd go to New York. I wanted to choose the right decision so that I wouldn't mess this up.

"Some time along last week of December," He whispered. He didn't seem to look enthusiastic now than when he first told me the news. I wondered what was going on inside his head.

Was it still because of his father? I really couldn't read him.He was so hard to decipher. I bet Sherlock wouldn't even have the littlest idea how to solve a mystery like him.

"So you'll finish this semester first before you transfer to Cornell?"

"Yep, that is the plan." He then bit his lower lip and opened his mouth to say, "Hey, do you think it's a good idea to-" He wasn't able to finish it because Hailey interrupted. He started to mutter without even looking to us while shoving her hand inside the paper bags he was holding.

"Cece look what I found while I was in the department store! These onesies are in a seventy-five percent off sale! And the best thing is that these are unisex-" Then she took time to look at us looking startled. "Oh my god! You scared me!" She pointed to Raver.

"It's your fault, you weren't looking. And what took you so long to arrive, huh? Celine's waiting for you for some time now." I frowned and opened my mouth to defend Hailey. But it was no use since the two already started to bicker.

"Hey I wasn't waiting long for-"

"Excuse me? You weren't even accounted for here! Why are you here?!" She retorted.

"That is not the point you left Celine waiting here until your stupid ass shows up." He said nonchalantly. She sat in one of the seats and continued to squabble with Raver.

"We were just talking on the phone ten minutes ago! Basically, she didn't wait that long!"

"That doesn't change the fact that you kept her waiting."

Hailey looked so offended right now while raver didn't seem to care. They were glaring at each other but Raver's glare was full of indifference while Hailey's was full of annoyance. I had to get between them because the last thing I needed was a brawl to happen.

"Stop it, you two. We're in a public place, don't make any scene."

"Making a scene? I'm not making a scene! But that guy is!" She wasn't exactly loud but almost all the people inside the cafe were looking at us.

"Shhh, let's just get our order." I said and opted to call the waiter.

"What? I thought we'll eat while waiting for your d-" I immediately covered her mouth before she could even finish her sentence. I eyed her menacingly and pleaded to shut her mouth about it.

I almost forgot about it. We were going to the doctor oh my god! And Raver didn't know about the baby yet! What should I do? Fuck!

We both slowly looked at Raver who was sitting in his chair as his arms were crossed over his chest. His eyes were squinting a little, probably iching to ask what was that all about. And I wasn't wrong because he asked.

"After your what?" He asked me. I took my hand off Hailey's mouth and she smiled apologetically at me.

"Uhm… w-we're about to… uh… go to uhm… t-to the-"

"I set Cece up with a blind date." She did the task for me. I eyed her but I didn't know if I showed a thankful emotion or an irritated one.

"What the fuck? You can't do that." As if on queue, Raver moved in his seat and sat upright, looking like a hungry lion.

"Of course I can. I had Cece's permission." My eyes Immediately widened.

I wasn't expecting her to suddenly say that. I didn't know how to act myself. Seeing Raver in his threatening state right now caught me off guard. I didn't know why he was acting all disturbed when there was nothing to be disturbed about. If it was really true that Hailey was setting me up with a guy, then so what? He had his share of playing around. Couldn't I have mine?

"U-Uh, yeah. I thought 'Why not?'." I smiled warily. "I-I mean, it's not like I'm in a relationship so what's the harm of going on a date?"

"You barely even know the guy." He said after he tightened his jaw.

"That's what blind dates are," Hailey stepped in. "And it's not like I'm giving Cece a bad guy. He's… He's good, y-you know." He glared at Hailey swiftly and looked at me.

"But you don't do this," He licked his lips and continued talking. "This is unlike you."

"Relax, it's not like I'm committing a crime," I defended myself. He looked back at Hailey and bombarded her with questions.

"So who's this guy? How old is he? Are you sure you're not setting up Celine with a con artist?"

"Have a little faith will you? I set her up with someone that has great credentials! And she's old enough to distinguish herself if the guy's pleasant or not."

"You're putting her in jeopardy! Why don't you go on the blind date yourself?" I inhaled a large amount of breath and exhaled. All of this just so I could hide him the baby? So either way, both decisions are hard to cope up with? God, talk about life.

"She can handle herself fairly! She's even having a-"

"Hailey let's go," I stood up from my seat before she could even finish. "Let's go," I reiterated and hooked my arms in hers. "We're going, Raver. See you around," I bid my goodbye and strutted out of the café