

Tove Anderson, a talented young woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she falls deeply in love with Dylan. Blinded by love, Tove gives her all to the relationship, only to discover that Dylan has been cheating on her for years. Heartbroken and betrayed, Tove finds herself at rock bottom, questioning her worth and the meaning of true love. However, rather than succumbing to despair, she decides to use this betrayal as fuel for her transformation. With a steely determination and a burning desire for success, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Cyriacus_Nathalia · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 1

Dylan i'm sorry please listen to me you have to believe me, i have nothing to do with Marcus, this is all a misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding you say Vee! tell me what are their names you can't possibly be sleeping with just Marcus.

I swear to you Dylan i'm innocent you are the only person for me i've never slept with anyone just listen to me please. I know you are angry right now but i just ask for you to calm down and listen to me. It is me your Vee don't you trust me?

Trust you, Did you just say trust Vee? are you even worthy of it?

I know you Vee and i know underneath that innocent face of yours lies a whore ready to spread her legs for anyone who catches her eyes. Just take a look at yourself look at what you've reduced yourself to. When you where enjoying the limelight you never pictured a day like this did you? I loved you with everything in me i gave you my all Vee and what did you do? You betrayed that love and not only did you break my heart, you went ahead and embarassed me.

Making yourself cheap and accessible for anyman. Forget about trust i don't even want to look at you. Your face makes me sick to my stomach.Your smell makes my skin crawl. I don't want to see you ever again Vee you better leave this house before i come back. I don't want your filthy self in my home when i get back.

I watched Dylan leave with tears streaming down his face from the hurt he is going through, unable to say anything as i mainted my kneeling position. I wonder when it all started going wrong.

Dylan says really mean words whenever he is angry i've grown used to his words over the years however i know he does not mean them for he truly loves me and i love him just as much. I just have to wait till he calms down, then i will explain all that happened to him. I need to leave the house first before he comes back seeing his tears fall broke me even more. I hate seeing him in pain. If only he can just calm down and listen to me and know that nothing happened and all of this is just a misunderstanding.

Standing up and wiping my tears, i decided to call for a taxi to take me to one of the clubs i know he usually hang out with his friends. I'm really scared for his safety he looked so broken when he left i hope he does not do something stupid and hurt himself. I really can't bear to see him hurt or in pain.

Miss we are here i heard the cab man say. Thank you i mumbled as i paid and climbed down.

Club 360 is a high profile club known to cater to the elite and A listers of the entertainment industry from muscians to dancers to artists models and all. Be you a beginner or already made, you can find just about anyone here.

Over the years Dylan has made quite a name for himself and he is highly respected in the industry this misunderstanding must have hurt his pride a lot knowing how important i am to him and how much he loves me.

It is going to be fine i mentally encouraged myself as i joined the people going in. All i need to do is look for him and explain everything to him. Are you sure it is wise to meet him here i mentally asked myself. Dylan has kept our relationship a secret all this years and he is not even aware i know that he frequent places like this. I wondered if truly this was the best way to go about it. The last thing i want is to make him even more angry than he already is.

May i see your invitation miss, a voice brought me back to reality.


Without an invitation, you can't come in said the bouncer in front of me.

Oh i see.

If you don't have any can you kindly step aside so that i can attend to the next person.

I stepped aside as the bouncer attended to the next person.

Maybe i should take this as a sign and turn back already i told myself.


Vee is that you?

I was about to leave when i heard a voice call out my name.

I can't believe this, it is indeed you said a beautiful man as he engulf me in a hug and kissed both my cheeks.

It took me a while to remember him

Don't tell me you have forgotten about me pumpkin, the man said with a good natured smile.

How could i ever forget you Xavier, i said hugging him again.

What are you doing here asked Xavier?

I mean child you disappeared, no words, no nothing what actually happened to you? I'm very much mad at you but i don't think this is the place for such a discussion.

I... I.....

You what?

You know what, why don't you come inside with me let's sit and have a drink then i will take you somewhere nice and quiet and then we can have a talk. I won't be long inside i just need to see someone i would have canceled if it weren't important i won't take long. You just look for a place to sit and wait for me while i do my thing and after which we will go somewhere nice to chat.

I can't go in Xavier i don't have an invite.

Vee love, you are with me you don't need an invite.

As much as i missed xavier and would like to take him on his offer i can't help but wonder what Dylan will do if he sees me with Xavier i currently have a Marcus case going on i can't afford to add Xavier to do list i feared as i looked around in case he's already out here watching me.

Xavier maybe some other time i really can't go in.

Vee if you have something going on it's fine. But take, here this is my card call me when you are free to talk okay?

Okay i said as i took the card from him.

Good girl he said as he hugged me again before entering the club.