
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Video Games
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123 Chs

The Petty Patrol Tengu (2)

Momiji and I both dashed forward simultaneously, our swords clashing as our eyes locked in a determined gaze. After the clash, we stepped back to our respective positions.

I swung my blood-crimson sword through the air, creating slash projectiles that soared toward Momiji.

Momiji swiftly sidesteps and leaps into the air, a magic circle materializing beneath her. (Dog Sign: Rabies Bite). she unleashes a barrage of slashes resembling ferocious beast fangs. The prowess of a wolf is clearly evident in her biting technique.

Despite my best efforts, I am grazed by the sudden onslaught of slashes, prompting me to quickly step back and create distance between us.

"She's a wolf, alright?!"

As I darted through the forest, attempting to create some distance between us, I soon realized that Momiji had already intercepted my path. Her words cut through the air with a sense of certainty.

"You can't run away. I possess the telegnosis ability, which grants me foresight up to a thousand ri ahead." As Momiji swung her sword at me, I swiftly raised my crimson-blood sword to block the attack.

This is getting out of hand already.

I retrieved my steel youkai sword and swiftly swung it towards Momiji. However, she anticipated my attack and quickly raised her shield to block my strike.

Without wasting a moment, Momiji seized the opportunity and used her shield to charge at me with incredible force. The impact sent me flying backward, crashing into a nearby tree. The collision left me momentarily stunned and caught off guard.


(Blood Sword: Crimson Tempest!) With a single sweeping motion, I unleash a colossal shockwave of crimson energy in the form of a sword slash. The shockwave cuts through the air, creating a devastating tempest that engulfs the surroundings.

"!?" Momiji quickly dodges, crouching down like a wolf hunting its prey. "Foolish attempt." Numerous wolf heads emerge beside her, shimmering with an ominous glow. They launch toward me like projectiles. Then, Momiji leaps into the air, surrounded by an aura of a gigantic wolf head. "This is the end!"

Not yet.

I swiftly rise to my feet and drive both of my blades into the ground. With a raised arm, (Divine Spear: "Spear of Gungnir"!) A massive red energy spear materializes in my hand, and hurl it toward Momiji with tremendous force.

The spear is so immense that it becomes nearly impossible to evade in close combat.

Momiji attempts to block it with her shield, but the impact causes a powerful explosion, sending her flying back into a nearby tree. "Gah!"

"Huff... How was my Lady Remilia's spear!"


I gently walked up to Momiji and lifted her into my arms, supporting her weight carefully. "Momiji, we need to find our way back," I say softly, adjusting my grip on her.

I sighed.

This is bad... I'm actually lost.

"Oh? What is a human like you doing in here?" a girl's voice inquired. I turned to face the source of the voice, my eyes landing on a girl dressed in a long red-orange dress, standing before us.

"Huh? Oh... Um... We're lost."

"Fufu~ I can see that... Although why is Momiji unconscious in your arms?"

"Uhh, there's an explanation for this, but first let's start with introductions.

Shizuha Aki looked at me with a mix of curiosity and amusement before nodding. "Very well. My name is Shizuha Aki, the goddess of autumn leaves, blessed with the power to control the turning of the leaves." She gracefully bowed

Taking the opportunity, I carefully laid Momiji down on the ground. "My name is Shun, a butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Shizuha Aki

"Oh, a butler from the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Interesting! Why would a human serve a vampire, though?"

I paused for a moment then averted my eyes.

"Hehe~ Sorry... Anyway, shall I guide you out of the Youkai Mountain? It's dangerous for humans to be here."

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm currently on a tour with Hatate"

Shizuha chuckled softly. "A tour? In the Youkai Mountain? Humans don't usually come here for sightseeing, you know. It can be quite perilous."

"I understand the risks, but I trust Hatate to guide me safely. Besides, I have my own reasons for exploring this place."

Shizuha sighed, her expression hinting at a mixture of concern and amusement. "Well, if you insist. Let's go back to Hatate then."


I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You're not opposed to it?"

She smiled wryly. "Normally, I would discourage humans from venturing further, but witnessing your determination and the display of your skills earlier... Let's just say it piqued my interest. However, I'd rather not get caught up in any more fights at the moment.

Hello guys! Yet again I'm here to promote my original story called "Oshi to Oshi" It's an idol rom-com! Why not check it out?

Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/oshi-to-oshi_25845687506360805

Thank you for supporting this book! Especially to those who keep giving this book Power Stones. (Although I don't know what it does)

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