
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Video Games
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123 Chs

Maid's Feelings (Sakuya's Point of View)

I turned my gaze towards the person in front of me, narrowing my eyes. "What are you trying to imply?"

"Hehehe... Vampire maid... Aren't you jealous?" she taunted, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

I clenched my fists, feeling a mix of frustration and anger rising within me. "Jealous? Why would I be?"

She chuckled softly. "Oh, come now. You can't deny the feelings you have for him. And now that Youmu has confessed to Shun, don't you think he'll accept her confession?"

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm myself. Images of Shun and Youmu together flashed in my mind, stirring up a storm of emotions. "Don't mock me," I murmured, my voice barely audible.


I opened my eyes, determination flickering in their crimson depths. "No matter what happens, my duty as a maid comes first. I won't let personal feelings interfere with my responsibilities."

She tilted her head, studying me with interest. "Well, aren't you an intriguing vampire maid? I look forward to seeing how this unfolds."

I swiftly threw a barrage of knives in her direction, but she effortlessly dodged them, her movements graceful and agile. As I prepared for another attack, she raised her arm, causing a surge of energy to envelop her. ("Tongue-Cut Sparrow: "Hate for the Humble and Rich") In an instant, she disappeared, leaving me momentarily perplexed.

But my confusion was short-lived as she reappeared, flanked by two identical versions of herself—one on the left and one on the right. One of the Parsees unleashed a barrage of small white bullets, while the other fired large green bullets toward me. "I can feel your jealousy!~"

I focused my senses and swiftly maneuvered through the bullet barrage, dodging and weaving with calculated precision. The air around me crackled with energy as I prepared my counterattack.

(Illusion Image: "Luna Clock") With a swift motion, I activated my spell, freezing time around us. A curtain of random daggers materialized, suspended in mid-air. Seizing the opportunity, I strategically positioned the daggers, creating a ring of blades that surrounded Parsee.

Time resumed its flow, and Parsee found herself trapped within the circle of daggers. The blades shimmered menacingly, their sharp edges gleaming in the light. A sense of unease crept over her as she realized her predicament.

"Now, let's see how you escape this."

"Hehe~" The other Parsee disappeared from her position, while the remaining one was hit by the surrounding daggers and vanished. Suddenly, the original Parsee reappeared in the middle, her eyes gleaming with malice. With a swift motion, she unleashed her attack,

( "Malice Sign: Shrine Visit in the Dead of Night.")

Unstable streams of aimed shots erupted from her, transforming into glowing bullets that streaked toward me. The air crackled with energy as the bullets closed in, their trajectory precise and unyielding.

But I was prepared. ("Illusion World: The World.")

As time froze around us, a surreal landscape unfolded, a realm born from the depths of my mind. The air crackled with mystic energy as the curtain of random daggers materialized, suspended in mid-air. With swift and precise movements, I positioned the daggers with impeccable accuracy, forming a complex pattern that surrounded Parsee.

Time resumed as the knives that had been suspended in mid-air began to move, their trajectory aimed directly at Parsee. With a sudden surge of speed and force, the blades launched toward her.

Parsee's eyes widened in alarm as she realized the impending danger. She tried to evade the incoming onslaught, but the sheer number and velocity of the knives made it nearly impossible to escape unscathed. Some blades grazed her, leaving shallow cuts on her arms and legs

A pained expression crossed Parsee's face as she staggered backward, blood trickling from her wounds.

I approached Parsee, pointing my dagger. Despite the pain she was in, she nodded in acknowledgment, understanding that she had been defeated. I walked past her, leaving her behind.

As I descended deeper into the underground, I couldn't shake the unfamiliar feeling that had welled up inside me. I paused for a moment, crouching down as I tried to process the emotions swirling within. "Haahh... Lady Remilia, I haven't felt this before..."

The thought of Shun and Youmu being together as lovers caused a painful twinge in my chest. Jealousy, an emotion I hadn't experienced until now, gnawed at me.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. A few minutes later, I rose back up and opened my eyes. "Duty comes first."