
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Video Games
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123 Chs

Love is War (Sakuya's POV)

As I stepped into my room, I couldn't help but notice the flush on my face. The thought of Shun inviting me out stirred a warmth that seemed to radiate from my very core.

Facing the mirror, I analyzed my reflection. "Hnnnngggh~ That was the first time Shun invited me out..." My cheeks reddened further.

Turning to my closet, I opened it with a sense of excitement. "I-I wonder what I should wear...!"

Pausing, I scanned my wardrobe with careful consideration.

"Aaargghhh~ Should I go for something cute? Or perhaps a more mature look?"

The internal debate began as I weighed the options, each outfit carrying its own implications for the evening ahead.

First time... huh... Does Shun even see me as a woman? I mean... I understand that there are four girls in love with him. Even Milady also sees Shun as a man.

Flashback to the kitchen:

The soft glow of dinner light streamed into the kitchen as Shun and Sakuya worked together to prepare dinner. The air was filled with a comfortable camaraderie as they discussed unexpected guests.

"Shun? Is everything set?"

 "Yes, Sakuya... Although I didn't expect Miss Patchouli to join us, even though she always wanted to eat in the library."

Sakuya smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "It was unexpected. Even Miss Remilia was shocked."

At that moment, She moved closer, her tone lowering, "You know, Shun, you work so hard. I think you deserve a little... reward." I glanced at him, letting a subtle smirk play on my lips.

He blinked, seemingly caught off guard. "Reward?"

I stepped even closer, leaning in. "Mmm-hmm. A reward for being such an exceptional butler." The air between us shifted, charged with a different kind of tension.

"O-oh... Is that so?"

"You know, Shun, I find a man who can handle the chaos of this mansion quite attractive."

Sakuya leaned in, her lips near his ear, "And someone who can handle me, even more so."

"Haha, Miss Sakuya, that's also one of the butler's jobs, you know?" Shun chuckled, picking up the tray and heading out of the kitchen.

Sakuya was left standing there, her eyes wide and jaw slightly open. A momentary lapse in her usually composed demeanor betrayed the surprise and perhaps a tinge of embarrassment.

She quickly collected herself, but a subtle blush lingered on her cheeks as she watched Shun leave.


End of Flashback.

Wait... Shun might think this is just ordinary shopping... Maybe this is my chance to show him my cute side!

Sakuya looked at herself in the mirror once again, a determined glint in her eyes. She chose an outfit that balanced elegance with a touch of sweetness, a delicate dress that accentuated her features.

As she finished preparing, she took a deep breath, calming the nervous flutter in her chest. After all, it wasn't just any shopping; it was a chance to reveal a different facet of herself to Shun.

Just as she walked out of her room, Shun was standing beside the door.

"Oh? Shun? You're here? You could've waited for me at the gate."

"It's fine, Miss Sakuya. I think I'd rather wait for you here."

Sakuya smiled on the outside, but on the inside, she was flustered. The unexpected encounter caught her off guard, and she found herself momentarily lost in Shun's presence.

"Fufu~ Is that so?" Sakuya beamed, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Alright then... Let's go." She took the lead, gracefully stepping into the hallway. Shun, however, couldn't help but stare at her, a mix of awe and embarrassment painted across his face. "Something matter?"

Caught off guard, Shun stammered, "Uhm... Miss Sakuya? I mean... Miss Sakuya... Your dress looks good on you."

Sakuya's lips curled into a pleased smile. "Oh...? I'm glad you liked it."

"But Miss Sakuya-"

She teasingly put her finger on Shun's lips, "Don't ruin the mood." Her wink only deepened Shun's flustered state, leaving him nodding in agreement.

"Fufu~ Let's go?" Sakuya took a step forward, and Shun quickly followed suit, the air charged with a mix of excitement and a hint of awkwardness.

As the two walked side by side down the hallway, the fairy maids flitted about, their hushed whispers catching Sakuya's discerning gaze. 

 She shot them a glare, and they immediately returned to their tasks.

Upon reaching the gate, Meiling, in the midst of meditation, opened her eyes, a bright grin lighting up her face at the sight of Shun and Sakuya.

"Oh! Heading out? I heard that we're celebrating Shun's 1-year stay here but..." Meiling's eyes flickered toward Sakuya, "That's a cute outfit, Miss Sakuya!"

Sakuya gave a satisfied chuckle. "Ara? Thank you, Meiling. I'm glad you weren't sleeping on your duty."

"Ahahaha~ I never sleep, of course! Ahahahaha~"

"More importantly, Meiling," Shun interjected, "is there something you'd like us to buy?" 

"Hmm..." Meiling's eyes lingered on Sakuya and Shun, her smile widening as if she held a secret. "I think I am fine!"

Shun, seizing the moment, extended his hand towards Sakuya. "I see. Let's go, Miss Sakuya."

Caught off guard, Sakuya's cheeks flushed with a delicate pink. "Y-Yeah," she stammered, her hand hesitating before finally intertwining with Shun's.

As they moved forward, a flicker of determination ignited in Sakuya's gaze.

Unspoken thoughts echoed in her mind, "From this point on... I have to win this battle...!"