
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Video Games
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123 Chs

Dream Incident (1)

"Hehehe~" Alice pulled me closer, her voice sounding somewhat drunk. "Now that I think about it, aren't you a cutie?" she said, giggling.

Before I could respond, Youmu grabbed my arm, pulling me toward her. "What do you mean~ Shun is mine! I already confessed!" she exclaimed, her words echoing Alice's tone.

My mind was spinning, not just from the alcohol's effect but also from the sudden affectionate attention I was receiving.

"Uhm, let's all calm down and talk about this later when we're not... like this," I suggested, trying to gently extricate myself from their embrace.

But the two of them were not in a state to reason.

"SHUN! Who do you think is better? This woman or me!" Youmu demanded, looking at me with a glare.

"E-Eh...? But..."

"That's right, Shun... Who... is better!~" Alice chimed in, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

I found myself caught in an awkward situation, with both Youmu and Alice vying for my attention. I tried to find the right words to respond to, but my mind was still clouded from the sake I had earlier.

"Well, uh... You're both amazing in your ways," I stammered, hoping to defuse the tension.

"Ha! You're just trying to avoid answering!" Youmu huffed, crossing her arms.

I scratched my head, feeling even more flustered. "No, really, I just don't want to compare you two like that. You're both important to me in different ways."

"You're being indecisive, Shun!" Youmu pouted.

"That's right... Shun... You're being a bad boy right now... and do you know what happens to those bad boys?~" Alice slowly steps back, and Youmu follows suit.

Behind Alice, dolls started appearing, and Youmu unsheathed her Roukanken

"They should be punished~" Alice points her fingers at me, and the dolls start attacking with their small blades.

"Eh?! Wait!" I immediately stepped back trying to reason with them.

"No, no, Shun... You listen to us~" Youmu said, her voice sweet yet menacing as her half-phantom form fired purple bubble-like bullets in two arcing zig-zags.

Everything seemed to slow down, except for them and the dolls.

Meanwhile, Alice took out more dolls (Magic Sign: "Artful Sacrifice") and threw a magically-charged doll toward me.

Thinking quickly, I leaped high into the air, just in time for the doll to explode harmlessly below me. I landed back on the ground, panting.

"These two are in sync... I can't keep up!" I thought to myself, trying to catch my breath.

Alice and Youmu stood before me, still grinning mischievously. "You're quite agile, Shun~"

"Yeah, but not agile enough!" Youmu added, pointing her Roukanken at me.

Youmu swung Roukanken, and a flurry of pink slice projectiles came rushing toward me.

I managed to dodge some, but one caught me off guard, hitting me in the front.

I winced in pain but quickly moved to evade the rest of the projectiles.

However, Youmu wasn't done yet. She took a new stance, her sword gleaming with power. (Human Sign: "Slash of the Present World"). With incredible speed, she dashed forward, her blade slicing through me.

"Argh!" I staggered back, clutching my side in pain.

"Does it hurt?~" Alice asked, her tone filled with mischief.

"It does hurt... really," I admitted wincing as I took out my blood crystal and used its sharp edge to make my finger bleed, forming a blood-crimson blade. "It's my turn now." "But it's my turn now."

As I held the blood crimson blade in my hand, Youmu stepped back beside Alice, and the two of them exchanged glances. A menacing aura began emanating from their bodies.

"Hehe~ Do you think it's just us two?"

Before I could react, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to find Sakuya and Reisen joining the fray.


Sakuya wielded her knives and Reisen's eyes turned crimson.

I tried to avoid looking directly at Reisen's eyes, as they had a mesmerizing effect.

"We won't hold back... Shun"

the four of them said in unison.

I took a deep breath, my grip on the blood crimson blade tightening. "Very well."

I took the crimson pocket watch out of my pocket, its ticking filling the air like the beat of a battle drum. "Fine, Let's dance."

As I squared my shoulders and assumed a battle-ready stance, the world seemed to slow down, each moment stretching into eternity.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, sharpening my senses and heightening my focus.

By the way, Are you interested in assassins? How about the action genre? Well, Today I made a new novel "My Household is Full of Assassin Maids" Please check it out!

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