
Tough Love (no strings attached)

Based on gender-based violence If you were ever in a position where you couldn't defend yourself - please read the book. There is always someone out there who is willing to help! Synopsis: “Please, you’re hurting her. She’s only 8years old.” my mother pleaded for her drunken boyfriend to stop hitting me only because I didn’t wash the dishes properly. “Joe, she can’t survive another hit, please stop!” she yells again, but he kept hitting me, telling me how useless I am. “You will never be able to stand up for yourself. Just like your father, you are useless. You will never find a man that will love you, only abuse you,” he shouts. I can’t even lift my head with blood surging out of my mouth. My ribs were full of bruises and my mother was crying for her useless abusive boyfriend to stop hurting me. “You want more? I can go all-new night, little girl,” he yells while he gulps on a bottle of whiskey. My mother is sitting at the table, crying, but she’s not stopping him. I guess she’s just as weak as I. I can’t open my eyes, my jaws feel like it’s broken and my small tiny body is curled up on the floor in the small kitchen. My mother works as a server and earns little to nothing, and her jackass of a boyfriend spends most of the little money she earns on booze and drugs. “What women? What? Do you want to lie next to your daughter? You’re both useless.” he yells at my mother, who is crying none stop. I’m 8years old, and can’t defend myself, but my mother can defend me, but she’s choosing to stay with this abusive man. For what reason, I will never know. My father loved her. Why she turned to a man like this, I will never understand. “Get up you little brat, clean this kitchen, and you stop crying.” he shows his finger towards my mother who is still sitting on the broken chair in the small kitchen. “One day, when you're old enough, you will find out that no one will ever love you. Stand up!” he yells so hard that my ears are buzzing with pain. I struggle to stand up, ribs bruised and my legs can barely hold me with the pain and trembling I’m feeling. I could actually finally stand tall till he whacks me again to the floor. Mother is still just sitting there, crying, not saying anything to him anymore, probably too scared she will get beaten as well. I glared at him and decided that one day I will come back for you and you will pay for what you did to me. ............ Blurb: “if you can’t handle the punches, how will you ever stop them from abusing you?” “Hit me?” Blake yells. Making my eyes watery and angry. “Hit me, or I will hit you,” he said again. I picked up my fist to punch him as hard as I can, but he grabbed me and picked me up before my fist could connect with his jaw. Our eyes melted together, and I’m slowly disappearing into a dark place the more I stare. Emily Dawson was walking home one night from a small restaurant In Virginia where she works to pay for her doctor’s degree when she got jumped by three-man. they beat her and took all of her belongings. Her stepfather abused Emily when she was a child, so she never learned how to defend herself until Blake, the most popular and successful kickboxer in town, came to her rescue. At first, it was only about training and helping Emily get over her fears and learn how to defend herself until she fell in love with him, but that was a dark place she had to go in. Blake has a past of mistreating women, not abusing them but using them. Will he fall in love with her as well? Or will he keep their relationship with no strings attached?

ramona_els · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Dance with emotion

Blake's Pov

"Can I get you something to drink, Sir?" the bar lady asked, while my eyes follow Emily's every move. Her beautiful blond hair hanging perfectly down her back, her bright blue eyes that can make any man go numb by just looking at her. Her body is slim and perfect.

"No thank you," I responded while she throws herself at me.

I try to figure out why a nurse wants to learn how to defend herself? I know it's not just because of what happened in the Alley the other night, something happened to her that made her angry, and she's been holding on to that anger and pain for a long time. I've seen kids being abused that came to me for support and the same anger and pain they showed is multiplied on Emily's face.

I know how to teach how to defend yourself, but with her it's different. She's soft. I need a better strategy to help her than to get the anger out of her.

She needs to learn how to feel safe first.

Emily is ordering another drink and downs it in seconds. If someone will not stop her right now, she might pass out on the bar table. I kept my eyes on her till a few men approached her and I can see she felt uncomfortable. She doesn't know how to recognize compliments or a man showing his attraction to her.

Her entire body language is telling me to get her the fuck away from the man.

I stood up and grab her by the arm.

"What are you doing?" she asked but looks relieved when I grabbed her.

"Dance with me."

I took her arm and placed it around my neck and my hand on her back.

"Lift your arm, the other one," I instructed her. She looks confused and uncomfortable. I grab her to stand closer.

"Be confident, even if you don't feel like that now, never show your opponent that you are scared or uncomfortable." she stares at me and relaxed her shoulders.

"Now move away from me a little," I instructed. My eyes are still on hers. I can see she feels confused, not knowing what the hell I'm doing right now.

"Always keep a safe distance." I still hook her arm around my neck, and my hand on her back, but there is a distance between us, while we glide over the dance floor.

I suddenly picked her up and her eyes go wide. I just told her to keep a safe distance, and I took her by surprise to lift her.

"Did it surprise you?" I asked, pulling her a little closer.

"Yes," she responded, her face glowing with the lights and her blue eyes bright with the lights.

"Always use the element of surprise." I can see she's picking up With what I'm trying to do. Use dance moves instead of actual violence to help her.

"Dancing you can use to develop the emotional maturity for training and open the door to safe, caring and letting go of fear," I whispered close to her ear.

I spin her a few times and picked up my hand that looks like I'm about to hit her in the face, but she bent down and looked surprised by her own move. I smiled and pulled her in again.

"Dance work with full momentum, you go with what you feel." she's mesmerising herself in my dance training, and her smile is as beautiful as her confidence right now.

"We are rhythmical elements. The songs we know by heart are a source of independence. They are also tools of betrayal and fantasy, hooks and ladders for traps and escapes." She doesn't say a word. She kept her eyes on my lips and focus on my breathing.

I stepped closer to her, and she moved backwards, knowing exactly what I was about to do.

"The simple footwork of dance can be used to create a storm of a powerful slap and off-balancing strike." I pulled her close to me again. I think teaching her is more of a turn on for me than it's actually helping her to defend herself.

"The easiest way to overcome the fear of slapping someone in the face is to practice it while dancing. Simple but delightful exercise can release fear and gain confidence with every move."

"You felt uncomfortable in the beginning, right?" I asked, while her eyes are still focused on my breathing.

"Yes," she responded in a soft voice.

"How about now?"

"I feel more in control." She smiled while her blue eyes burn through my core.

"Good." I smiled back.

"Never panic, panic puts you at a disadvantage. The more confident you are, the more control you have." I grab both of her arms and put them around my neck, her body moving perfectly with mine. Our minds melted as one, and our eyes burned into each other.

Basically, it's the body parts that can't be strengthened, no matter how ripped your attacker is, they're still vulnerable in a lot of ways, find the way that will through them off-guard and give you a way to fight back and escape." I explain and spin her a few times, where she lands perfectly in my arms again.

"I just find your body part that will always work. You know how to find your way back to your first position. Even though I spin you, you landed back in my arms. Find the defence mode that will give you the upper hand to find your way back to where you started." the entire dance she was listening to every word, and her body relaxed as she felt in control. Even though I was the one that was leading the dance, she knew exactly what to do. The music stopped, and I pulled her closer, her face inches away from mine.

"Get some rest. I will see you tomorrow." She's dead quiet like she was in a trance of basic dance training, and it made me want her, but I promised myself a long time ago that I will never fall in love with a woman again that I'm training.

I turned around and walked to the front door to go home.

I can fucking kick myself for letting myself so close to her. The only thing that's spinning right now is her blue eyes that are like a ghost looking me straight in the eyes and there is no escaping from such beautiful eyes.

I just have to follow my own advice. Always be in control of your outcome.

The driver dropped me off at my apartment and the only thing that will keep my mind in control right now was a workout.

I took off my shirt and the mirror in the training room is reflecting Mandy's arms around me. Her soft hands were wrapped around my neck and the way she moved like we were meant to dance together, even though I was teaching her defence moves through dancing.

"Fuck," I yell and grab my hair. This was not supposed to happen. I was not supposed to get emotionally involved.

I turned the music up and kicked the kickboxing bag as hard as I can, my veins visible from all the sweat and anger.

I just have to find a way to train her without getting involved. I promised her, and I don't want her to get hurt ever again. The pain I saw on her face when that man attacked her, and the way she begged me to help her, I never want to see that again.