

"Nathan help me out here." Ivy mumbles from beside him on his couch as he hums catching popcorn with his mouth. 

"I think I should ask out Han. It's been more than a month, we've been only friends." 

At this, he stops catching popcorn resulting in them falling on the ground and his face falls completely but as dumb as it sounds, she didn't notice. At all. 

"Oh. Yeah, you should, I think he likes you too." He mumbles, sitting back on the couch with legs crossed. She nods to herself feet dangling off the couch as she stares at the movie playing in front of them. None of them were actually paying attention, it was just a filler for the silence they enjoyed together after the exhausting day at work. 

The two had decided that they were gonna hang out at Nathan's place on weekends since it a bit far from their workplace and week days at Ivy's place. It was quite a strange feeling for both of them to feel this comfortable around someone. It had been a while after all.