
Totally opposites ?

Volume 1 - free chapters (95 chapters) This book will not be tooo long like other cliche novels. Enjoy!!! Completed with 134 chapters. New volume soon! Ever thought what its like to fall for someone who you didn’t even knew you would fall for . Ever thought the person who appears the opposite of you is actually just like you . Similarly two people when meet they have an effect on each other that no one ever had on them !! ____________ This story is about Ji yun who is an abandoned daughter of a rich family with only one step sister . She is like any other girl for everyone as she keeps a low profile but under that low profile is a girl who is involved in hacking and owns the most famous cafe of the company. One day she accidentally meets Heyeon jun who is like any other Cold and overbearing CEO but is envolved in underworld . He is a famous personality but never did she expect herself to owe him her life . Her life becomes a roller coaster of emotions as they both start working together and she starts developing feelings for him . Will she give this relationship a chance , When she is afraid to let anyone in ? Will Heyeon jun let her in ? Will he like her back ? Will he give her the love she had deserved? —sneak peek— Heyeon Jun looked at her with pursed lips , he took a deep breath relaxing himself ,"Fine ! I need the reports done by tomorrow morning and make sure to be ready for office ." He picked up his Laptop and some files before leaving the study . Ji Yun's eyes watered as her heart clenched, why does she always feel like this whenever he yells at her . She sighed controlling her tears and looked at the coffee on the table . She wasted her twenty minutes on it . She will drink it herself since he didn’t want to drink it . Before she could reach out for it , Heyeon Jun's hand picked it up and he left the study again . Ji yun scoffed , this Asshole ! *** I SWEAR EVERYTHING IS MY OWN IMAGINATION AND SECONDLY IF YOU READ IT UNDER ANY OTHER APP OR WEBSITE , its not ORIGINAL PLEASE REPORT! This is my first book Cover doesn’t belong to me ,,, all credits to creator !!

theunknownsoul · Teen
Not enough ratings
134 Chs

See , its all your fault !

Dong Heon opened his eyes exactly at 5 am . They had to go back to their daily routine. He looked at Xia Ri whose back was pressed against his chest . His arm was wrapped around her waist as her hair were tied in a messy bun . Dong Heon smiled as he kissed her hairs and slowly removed his hand from her waist . Not stiring her up .

Xia Ri frowned slightly at the loss of warmth but he carrased her head until she fell back asleep . He stood up and changed into his gym wears . He had skipped workout from last few days .

Entering the gym room he turned the lights and conditioning on . He took a deep breath knowing , he had to stick back to his normal schedule . He did some stretching before he idulged himself in his immense workout to keep himself fit and focused .


Xia Ri looked lazily at the figure who just left the room and headed out . She knew he didn't notice she was already up . But she couldn't fall asleep when she lost the warmth of him . She did close her eyes when he patter her head slightly like a small baby .

She herself changed into a her workout clothes and headed towards the gym . She looked at Dong heon who was doing some pulls . She couldn't help but look at his back muscles which moved whenever he pulled the bar down .

She gulped slightly. She bit her lip and entered the gym , just then did she notice that it was sound proof and some music was being played . She looked around and her eyes again landed on Dong Heon who was smiling at her now .

He asked ,"You wanna workout?" Xia Ri nodded ,"Yeah its been a long time. I guess a week or so ." Dong Heon seemed quite surprised,"Now I know how you are in such a good shape after eating that much." Xia Ri giggled as she started stretching and warming up .

Dong Heon continued his workout as Xia Ri started with some cardio since she was doing workout after sometime .

She looked at the Mirror in front of her as she was passing by a wall . She frowned ,'Ah , I lost all my abs and even gained weight . Look at my cute little stomach.' She giggled at her thoughts and patted her belly not knowing she was entertaining someone so much .

After some time she decided to do some pull ups for arms . She noticed that Dong Heon was now sitting on a side and it looked like he was taking a break.

She smiled at him and she first adjust the weight according to herself and then she took a deep breath before she started to lift the weight down . Her face held a frown as she pulled it down everytime . She was having a hard time so Dong Heon said he would help her . He supported the bar with his strength whenever she pulled it so that it won't be too much for her to handle .

He was smiling down at her . He all of a sudden remembered something,"Your training will start from tomorrow."

Xia Ri stopped midway and the rod would have hit her face if hadn't caught it and pulled it back up . Xia Ri stood up and looked at him with a confused look .

Dong Heon blinked casually,"Your training for fighting. Like I said , you need to learn how to defend yourself if you are in danger and I am not around."

Xia Ri smiled slightly,"Oh ! When will you train me." Dong Heon smiled evily ,"wake up every morning Five am."

Xia Ri frowned ,"So early." Dong Heon nodded ,"We will have no time since we are both working couple. So thats the best time and it will anyways be a workout for you and me."

Xia Ri's frown deepened,"You and me?" Dong Heon nodded ,"Yeah . Since I will train you . But I need my fees." Xia Ri made an 'Oh' face but when she the last part she scoffed ,"fees?" Dong Heon stepped closer ,"Yeah , I want you as my fees."

Xia Ri chuckled and walked away ,"Fine ! Fine . Now let me do my workout don't distract me."

Dong heon laughed lightly at his wife's cute reaction . He didn't miss her all blushy cheeks and how she avoided his gaze .


Xia Ri looked at her watch as she entered her office . She texted Ji Yun ,"are you all fine now . No more jet lagged ? I guess you are probably back to work . I will call you today."

She sighed and looked at the work stacked up at her desk . She scoffed ,'indeed , to get something, you need to sacrifice.'

She was enjoying all this while at home not caring about work and it ended up stacking up . She cursed Dong Heon , it was all his fault . If not for his sweet treatment and care , she would have not forget about work . Humph !

She clicked a picture of the files and sent it to Dong Heon with a text ,"See , Its all your fault . You distracted me from work . Sob , sob ! (ㄴ ㅡ ㄴ)"

She also sent a cute puffy cheek emoji with it . She smiled at her phone and then dug herself in her work as usual .


Dong Heon had already done work in advance to clear his schedule so he was doing as normal. He went through files and it was almost lunch break when he noticed Xia Ri's text .

He was walking in the cafeteria to get himself something to eat . As usual , he liked to eat in the cafeteria since he was used to it . He smiled when he read the text as he took a bite of his sandwich. He chuckled when he saw the cute emoji . It indeed looked like Xia Ri .

Everyone looked at each other in surprise. Boss was in a good mood now ?! What the hell. He smiled at his phone . He finally has a wife now. ?! He is in love ?!

Dong Heon replied ,"Well , I also had to work overtime for me to clear my schedule for a week." He instantly received a text saying ,"see you at home , Don't distract me!"

He again chuckled and put his phone back in his pocket .


Dong Heon looked at his wrist watch and then he looked up to see his wife smiling at him with a surprised look . He smiled back and waved at her . Xia Ri ran towards him like a cute little puppy and hugged him ,"It was a long day hubby !"

Dong Heon patted her back ,"Yeah wifey , I am hungry . Lets go back home."

Xia Ri nodded .


Xia Ri stuffed her mouth with rice ,"Ah ! Its tasty." Dong Heon chuckled,"Narcissism on its peak."

Xia Ri nodded and asked ,"Well , How was your day ?" Dong Heon smiled ,"It was amazing , but I missed you." Xia Ri made a thoughtful face ,"Hmm , me too. But we beed to be serious and focused now !"

Dong Heon nodded ,"Actually , I want to tell you something." Xia Ri raised a brow . He sighed ,"You are going to have training tomorrow morning. Remember?" Xia Ri nodded . Dong Heon smiled ,"So I have feelings for you."

Xia Ri coughed lightly,"Are you stupid or something. I know you have feelings for me but this doesn't make any sense . The two things you said have no connection!" Dong Heon shrugged ,"I know I just want to keep the .. convo going . So I just.." he himself laughed lightly and Xia Ri joined.

After that as usual they went to sleep casually cuddling .

[ (•_•!) cheesy ! ]



Dong Heon : It was funny how she sent me that text .

Xia Ri : actually I wanted to make you smile .

Dong Heon nods .

Ji Yun : they had a sweet kinda love story .

Heyeon Jun : Yup , I agree . Its cute . But look at us like we have a long weird rolller coaster of emotions, isn't it interesting?

Ji Yun : Yeah actually , but it's unique and fun . We are getting a book written on that.

Dong Heon : which ones your favorite? Author?

Author: I am writing both so I like both .

Awkward laugh .

Everyone ignored author and leaves the room .

Guys i write casual behind the scenes . That means that you need to think of them as the star cast of a drama discussing it . Laugh laugh !

Also did you like the chapter . Comment and tell me how you feel , pretty please !

theunknownsoulcreators' thoughts