

On the battlefield as the eldar observed these creatures, fighting creatures of the warp much like how the Mon'Keigh of terra fight, as creatures with armaments and weaponry much like them on the battlefield, with no such grace in their action just Cutting, Ripping, Tearing, Pulling, Wrenching their enemies

these massive 9 to 10 ft 'Kroxigor' scattered around the battlefield covering every area especially their flanks and a line of the massive shield wall, with the skinks at the back of the line

as a lone Kroxigor seem to be the commander standing in the middle of the hill as if observing and contemplating on what to do next, as even though they were powerful and well equipped they were losing wave after wave,

after wave of daemons came charging at them fighting them in melee and shooting at them as the battlefield was riddled with daemons and lizardmen as their souls, wouldn't go back to their master when they die at the lizardman's hands

but slowly and slowly as the casualty racked up they were pushing back the lizardman with heavy losses they were sacrificing everything and anything for chaos


[Stegadon Altilery]


[SW=Saurus Warriors]

[SP=Saurus Spears]








[Erica POV]

I stared at these creatures, as some, Dismembering or decapitating daemons that comes across them they were cutting, ripping, tearing, pulling, wrenching, bombing, shooting, and bashing daemons with their weapons like they were puddings and gell soft and squishy

even so, as more time passed they were losing ground as one lizardman died, it brought down 25 more lesser daemons with it,

the daemons don't seem to mind that their souls are getting destroyed as they pushed forward with each step they take they bleed until I thought that enough is enough and I ordered my forces to 'help' these creatures

"Farseer Edea Virdithas, at your command, bring forth judgment upon this chaos abomination," I said in a commanding tone

"It shall be done, lady Er'Ica'th" my farseer commander replied in a zealous tone that might fright and bring discomfort to others

they don't understand why she wanted to save these 'inferior & barbaric creatures but only do as they are told as she knows the way for the Aeldari as she is the light and the warmth that they seek

with an "mm" she turned her head once more upon the battlefield as more and more lizardman died creating an opportunity for the Aeldari to strike the chaos forces at their flanks which it was wide open and weak as they were focusing on the lizardman defenses

and so they charge out the treeling with Windriders at the front distracting the enemy,

Wave Serpent was just behind them as Guardian Defenders poured out and charged while a Farseer and a warlock commanded the front and Howling Banshees were just beside them with Rangers supporting from behind sniping those who seem to be important

while these were happening on the ground Hemlock Wraithfighter and Crimson Hunter were shooting down air power of chaos supporting the handful of 'Ripperdactyl Riders' and 'Terradon Riders' that fought valiantly

[Author POV]

and so with the help of the 'New' Eldar faction Ca'can'er and the Lizardman, they drove all of the chaos into a rout as they were forced to retreat in the warp, swore that they will come back

then when the Chaos retreated, the now two armies looked at one another, sizing each other up, and this action cause tension with both until the biggest one of the lizardmen stepped forward

"Greetings, visitors I am Nakai the Wanderer, the general of this army one of the great armies of the Cold One, may I ask who is in your command so we can speak"

a lizardman Kroxigor called Nakai in his power armor introduced himself in a crude and indifferent way that made the Aeldari forces think of how ungrateful these inferior races are

and as they were about to cuss Nakai to show 'respect' Erica stepped forward and flared her energy around that made the Aeldari calm and composed, as their anger subside

and then spoke " I am the one in command," she said with a warm tone in her voice

Nakai nod his giant reptilian head and when he was about to reply one of the skinks who was beside him suddenly lit up with psychic energy as its actions changed as if it was possessed as its eyes glow blue like a storm and icy cold

"Invite them here," it said in a cold voice then as if it wasn't even real the energy left as it arrived

Nakai then looked up at the sky and sighed he then once again turned his attention to the army in front of him

"I would like to invite you and your people to meet my liege whom I serve... THE COLD ONE"