
Total Drama: The Hunter

A story in which a new character is added to the Total Drama cast. Aoife Jackson was just your everyday ordinary high schooler; not too popular but also not an outcast. Upon learning of the release of the game show Total Drama Island, he and his friends all decided to apply, not truly expecting much. Aoife was quite surprised to see the letter in his mail, expecting the accepted applicants to be people far more interesting than himself. Follow along as we discover more about Aoife and his mysterious past, as well as his interesting future. I chose to write this story as I’ve noticed there aren’t a ton of interesting TDI fanfics, so decided to take matters into my own hands.

Stealth_Panda · TV
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20 Chs

The Second Challenge (Part One)

A/N: So, the next challenge would typically be the sleepathon; however, I don't really like this as a challenge so I'll be replacing it with one that I come up with.


~~At The Same Time As Izzy And Aoife Are Having Their Meal~~

The door to the confessionals slammed open, Heather walking in. Sitting down, Heather crossed her legs as she gave a rather confident smirk toward the camera.

Opening her mouth, she began to speak, "This competition was an easy one, there was no real challenge to it." Her tone was cocky, as if she had been the one to win the competition single-handedly, seemingly forgetting that she had almost cost them the competition, not wanting to jump from the cliff.

She carried on, eyes narrowing into slits, her face becoming far more snake-like, "But. While the competition itself was easy, there was that weird pair of Aoife and Izzy. The two seemingly know each other, and not only did the two manage to jump down before any of us noticed, but they seemed to almost avoid my questions."

Saying this, Heather huffed, as if it were a crime for other's to ignore her words. Arms crossing, Heather looked into the camera with a smirk on her face as she finished with, "I'm onto those two, and I'll definitely figure out their secrets!"

~~Present Time~~

Aoife snapped awake at the blaring siren he could hear from far away. Noticing Izzy still sleeping on his shoulder, Aoife gently shook her awake.

Her eyes snapping open, Izzy seemed to enter a state of fight or flight at the feel of something touching her. Jumping back, she looked ahead, ready to strike at whatever had managed to sneak up on her.

Her predatory eyes landing on the figure of Aoife, she seemed confused for a couple seconds before her vigilant expression transformed into a beautiful smile.

Giving a small apologetic smile, Aoife said, "I'm sorry if I frightened you, but the siren is blaring, so I decided to wake you."

Izzy shook her head, replying, "No, my reaction had nothing to do with you. It's just that living life on the run for so long led me to never letting my guard down, someone being close enough to touch me in my sleep wasn't something that I could let happen."

This caused Aoife to give her a look of concern, but didn't speak on the subject, understanding that if she wanted to talk about it, she would.

"Well, let's get going toward the siren! I'll race ya?" Izzy said, her tone full of eagerness, ready for whatever challenge lay ahead. Ending the sentence with a challenging tone, one of confidence.

Giving a nod, her and Aoife got up, running through the forest toward the camp at their fastest speed, her hopping from tree branch to tree branch and him on the ground, swinging from vine to vine in an attempt to keep up with her.

Reaching the edge of the forest, the other contestants watched as Izzy came flying through, her expression one of victory.

Right on her heel came Aoife, flying through the air before landing in a barrel roll that kept his momentum.

Giving Izzy's back a look of determination, Aoife used his much larger stride to catch up to her, tackling her behind. The pair began to roll, coming to a laughing stop at the feet of the other campers.

The other campers gave the pair strange looks that were promptly ignored by the duo. Izzy gave a pout, giving Aoife a pointed look that said, 'Cheater.'

Still, all Aoife did in response was laugh, replying to her silent message with, "Hey! You didn't give any rules. Besides, I have to do something to counter your advantage, considering you're far more athletic than me." His tone one of someone proud of their accomplishments, feeling no shame at all.

This caused the pout that had formed on Izzy's face to melt, clearly the expression was fake from the start.

Giving Aoife a crazed look, Izzy spoke, "Next time, I'll definitely beat you!" Her tone one of challenge, clearly while she wasn't upset by the draw, her competitive spirit had been stoked.

It was at this point that a voice came from above the pair, "Where have you two been?" The voice was accusatory, as if the pair had done something wrong. Raising their heads, they noticed the one speaking was Heather, who was currently giving the pair a pointed look.

Giving Izzy a look that said 'I got it this time.', Aoife responded in a tone similar to Izzy's the last time she spoke to Heather, "We were in the forest, couldn't you see us come out?" His sentence ending in a question that seemed to imply the information was obvious, as if Heather had asked a question a first-grader could answer.

Heather sputtered, giving the pair an exasperated look before she finally managed to give a reply, "That's not what I meant and you know it!" Her tone one of irritation, her exhaustion with the pair giving her such answers back-to-back shining through.

Still, the pair remained silent, showing none of their current amusement at her response.

Getting up, the pair dusted themselves off, heading over to stand next to their team. Noticing a leaf stuck in Izzy's hair, Aoife reached out, plucking it out, earning a loving look from Izzy.

Reaching their group, Aoife stood in the back, Izzy next to him. The two seemed to ignore the strange gazes of the other's, instead focusing on Chris who was standing before them.

"Today marks the start of the second challenge," Chris said, a dramatic pause interrupting his sentence before he carried on, "this challenge will target your survival skills. Your challenge is," Another dramatic pause, the anticipation and nervousness building up in the contestants,

"to forage from your own food. From now until the end of the challenge, you will no longer be getting a meal from Chef. If you can't find any food within 3 days, you are automatically eliminated, as well as this, you can also give up if you find yourself unable to complete the challenge."

This caused a wave of unease to go through the campers, the members silently grumbling in complaint, clearly not liking this challenge.

Aoife and Izzy both had shining eyes, for them, this competition would be easy.

Still, Aoife gave the enemy team a once over, seeing if any of them may be able to survive the wild. If so, Aoife was making plans to sabotage them in secret, waiting for Chris to tell them how long the mission would go on for.

Giving the opposing team a look-over, two of them stood out, seeming confident in their ability to survive this challenge. Aoife narrowed his eyes, making sure to mark the two in his memories. These two being, the punk-rock looking guy, Duncan, and the Discord mod looking Ezekiel. (I had to, there's not really a better way to describe Ezekiel.)

As Aoife was focusing on the two, his attention was drawn by Chris continuing where he left off, clearly enjoying the grumblings of the two teams. "This competition will last for one-week, or until all the members of one team gives up." Chris said, his voice one of someone enjoying the misery of another.

Aoife and Izzy gave one another looks of confidence, the pair beginning to head off back to the clearing they had previously come from. The two of them took secret notice of the glare of suspicion Heather was currently sending their way, pretending to not notice.

The second the pair were outside their teams group, the voice of someone called out. "Wait! Where are you two heading? We planned to work together to form hunting parties to make it easier to hunt for food."

The voice was a gentle one, while the voice was questioning, it seemed more in concern than in malice, clearly showing it wasn't Heather.

Turning to the voice, Aoife found the rather attractive goth girl, Gwen, to be the one who had spoken out. Giving her a reassuring smile, Aoife spoke, "Izzy and I have experience with survival, don't worry, she and I can easily survive on our own." The reassuring smile turned into a confident one.

Giving the two a conflicting look, Gwen eventually settled on compromising with herself, "Alright. But, if either of you need anything, come find our group, alright?" Her tone was still concerned, but she was willing to allow the two to head off on their own.

Giving a nod of acceptance as well as a grateful smile, Aoife and Izzy headed off into the forest, their steps seeming light and carefree. Once their figures had disappeared, Gwen turned back to the rest of the team, beginning their talk about splitting up into teams.


Aoife and Izzy could currently be seen sitting in their clearing, with Aoife having taken his shirt off as his sweaty figure repeatedly raised and lowered in a steady rhythm.

He was currently completing pull-ups, his body showing signs of exertion, with every raise of his body, he'd exhale, and every time his figure dropped, he'd inhale.

This rhythm continued on for a few minutes, before the feminine voice of Izzy rang out, "Are you sure we should've split from the group? This mission would be a lot easier for them with our help." Izzy said as she sat nearby, watching Aoife's rising and falling figure.

Aoife glanced over, his motion not stopping as he responded, "This is a challenge. If we help them with the easier competitions, then won't they become reliant on us for the harder ones?" Aoife questioned, causing Izzy to give a pondering look before nodding in acceptance.

After completing another set of 10 pull-ups, Aoife hopped down. Heading over to another corner of the clearing, Aoife reached down as he grabbed the pair of strings that were currently wrapped around the 60-pound boulder he had dragged into the clearing.

Aoife had made the fiber stronger by wrapping a bunch of them together, creating far more resilient string.

Grabbing the two string, Aoife pulled them over his shoulder as he turned his back to the stone, preparing to run while dragging the stone behind him.

Aoife ran laps around the clearing, training his endurance. Within the first lap, Aoife was already feeling exhausted.

At this point, Izzy's voice rang out, "If this is all the stamina you have, how will you ever be able to satisfy me?" Her tone seductive. Turning toward her, Aoife felt a determination welling up inside him, seeing those swaying childbearing hips as she walked toward him.

Aoife understood that she was trying to motivate him; however, this only seemed to amplify the results. How could he possibly fail when his lovely woman had put in effort to motivate him forward?

And so, Aoife completed another five laps around the clearing before he fell to the ground, panting in exhaustion.

Resting for around five minutes, Aoife stood up, a determination in his eyes.

Turning around, Aoife spoke to Izzy, "Love, I have to go. I need to start collecting the resources I need to build myself a house. If I can complete it within the week that this challenge is going on for, I won't have to worry about being sabotaged by members of our team or the other team by doing exceedingly well at competitions!"

Aoife's voice was one of determination, showcasing his desire to finish this building within the one-week time limit.

And with that, he headed off into the forest to collect the necessary resources for the house he had in mind.


A/N: I thought about it and decided that this story will have r18 scenes. I just feel like it makes sense, seeing as the entire premise of the show is to gather a group of youths in the prime of their puberty, then put them all on an island and force them to interact with each other.