
Torus Thrio: The Strongest God

In this wonderful world people are born with a seed, this seed can sprout in an infinite number of different ways; however, once sprouted, it can never return to its previous state. This seed is the seed to Godhood, the seed that forms the basis of ones divinity. And in this world there is one young man's seed that blooms into something unimaginably unique, this young man is Roy Thrio, read along as Roy explores his unique powers on his crazy journey to godhood.

Stealth_Panda · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Experimenting with Energy Manipulation and Strange Occurrence

After learning of the method to train his family trait, Torus quickly got down to it. The first thing he did was to simply get a better understanding of his newfound ease with controlling energy. 

To do this, Torus simply grabbed a bunch of the junk pre-made swords he had from practicing his blacksmithing, getting to work performing some very basic engravings on them. Then, he infused his energy into the engravings, performing imbuements into the objects.

During this process, Torus actually closed his eyes, focusing his entire attention on the sensation of moving his energy from within him and using it to influence the outside world. 

Specifically, Torus was looking at how his energy seemed to impact the energy of the world, how it seemed to be bringing about effects using the etching as a basis, and how his energy changed when it came into contact with the symbol.

As he did all this, it was rather easy for Torus to note the distinct difference between the process now versus before he had awakened the Thrio Trait. 

For one, the energy flow was smoother, with much less energy being released that was wasted and didn't end up going into the imbuement process compared to before, and for another, it seemed even just the imbuement itself was more effective.

It cost him less energy to perform than usual with no suffering to the effect of the imbuement itself. Using one of his old sword's that had an imbuement on it, Torus placed his new creation between two objects, letting the blade hover over the gap. 

Then, grabbing the older imbued blade, Torus raised it high above his head, taking a deep breath before swinging it down with full force.


The shrill sound of metal-on-metal rang out, the sound so high-pitched it would be deafening to the average listener. Instead, Torus just looked down at his handiwork, swordhandle still within his grasp. 

Raising his unarmed hand to his chin, Torus began to rub it as he mumbled to himself, "Interesting. It seems like the difference between my new imbuements and my old ones is even greater than I thought," He muttered, eyes still locked on the sight below him.

If one were to look at where his sight was, they would find it to be the exact gap where one his newer sword had previously been placed. 

Now, if one were to look at this gap, they would still see that of a perfectly fine blade, the only sight that would show one of Torus' previous actions being a slight white mark on the side of the blade where his attack had landed. 

Instead, if one's gaze were to focus a bit more downwards, they would find that of three metal shards, their shape when combined, reminiscent of that of a blade.

Then, if one were to focus on Torus' hand that was currently grasping a hilt, they would find no blade attached to it. Upon impact, the older blade had simply shattered at the hardness of the newer one. 

Obviously, Torus recognized that this wasn't a one-to-one situation between real combat; however, what this did demonstrate was that the newer blade was much tougher overall compared to the older one.

Satisfied with his testing, Torus figured it was now time for him to move onto his next step of training. What that was is rather simple - now that he had an idea of the differences between his new blade and the old one, Torus figured the best next thing was to learn more about energy manipulation. 

That was why Torus placed the 'Family History' book back into his chest, instead pulling out the enchanting and imbuement one. 

Reading through it, Torus seemingly pulled a notebook from out of nowhere, his hands moving at a blurring pace as he seemed to write notes down for anything interesting he learned within.


It was late afternoon, and Torus' figure could be seen getting up from his previously seated position within his family's backyard. After standing, Torus' arms stretched out toward the sky as he let out a low groan, his gaze turning to the house. 

As he moved on from his previous activity, he couldn't help but to groan to himself, "I guess it's time I stop my studying. I should spend some time interacting with my parents more tomorrow, I'll be leaving soon after all," he thought to himself.

The reason for his obvious distaste for his pause in studying was rather simple - Torus loved to study. Ever since he was a little kid, Torus had loved spending countless hours cooped up simply learning about something new. 

And now that what he was learning was something that could help him with his next favorite hobby - fighting - Torus couldn't be any more ecstatic.

This was also the reason he couldn't wait to leave his small village and venture out into the wider world. 

He couldn't wait to see what new things he could learn during his adventure, as well as what strong opponents he would encounter. 

So, Torus felt deeply regretful at any moment he had to give up on his studying. This just so happened to be one of those moments, where Tous found something more important to do other than studying - spending time with his family.

Ever since he had awakened his God Seed, Torus felt like he hadn't had all that much interaction with his mother and father, considering he spent so much of his time out either studying or fighting. 

Considering that he was soon to leave the village for an undetermined amount of time, Torus felt that he should spend his last few days taking things easy and spending some time with his parents.

As such, Torus headed inside, ready to rest for the day, excited for the next morning.


Even though this was Torus' previous thoughts, the next morning found him getting a little side-tracked from his original intentions. 

Whereas he originally planned to put his training on hold for the rest of the weekend, due to a combination of his parents having other plans, as well as him feeling unsatisfied with where he was in terms of energy manipulation, he ended up training the next day.

That was the reason he was now sitting in the middle of the field within the forest, his mind clear of all thoughts as he reflected on the events of the past few days. The reason for this was simple - he didn't know how he should go about training his God Seed. 

After reading through the book on Enchanting and Imbuement the previous day, the flame mark on Torus' forehead had deepened into a darker, more realistic red color.

However, upon trying to continue his self-study once more today, Torus had found little-to-no improvements in his Trait. 

After a moment of thought, the reason behind this became clear - he had simply reached the limits of what he could learn from a book - he needed practical experience. 

However, Torus figured that delving into Imbuing and Enchanting at the moment would take a very long time, and it would instead be simpler to take his focus elsewhere.

However, while he made the decision to focus on something else, he had no clue what it was he should focus on. 

That was the reason he was reflecting on the event of the previous week; he was hoping to find some form of inspiration in what he had accomplished so far. Currently, he was thinking back to his time in his mindscape and interacting with the animals and beasts contained there.

It was as he was thinking back to this point that an epiphany seemed to hit him, as if a wave smashing into him. 

As a brilliant gleam lit up within his eyes, Torus mumbled to himself, "What if I experiment with some of the weaker beasts within the forest? I can manipulate my energy to use it in a scan-like function, to view how the energy within the beast seems to operate. 

From there, I can then try to induce artificial evolution in the species, and watch how its energy changes. This should then give me insight into how I should morph my energy to introduce evolutions in myself without needing outside resources." As he said this, Torus' eyes gleamed brighter and brighter with each word, a look of gleaming enlightenment appearing in his eyes. 

What he didn't realize however, was that this look of enlightenment wasn't produced simply from his newfound understanding, but also brought about by a change in his God Seed.

As this sudden epiphany for how he could further his understanding of beasts washed over him, it seemed his words resonated with his Aspect far stronger than they ever had previously. 

As a result, Torus could only now feel it as energy flooded his God Seed, the amount being so much it was almost equivalent alone to all the progress he had made so far combined.

The amount of energy now flooding his veins was so much so, that it overwhelmed his senses, overstimulating him. 

As such, Torus promptly passed out, his hands placed on his head as he cradled it as if to protect it from the overwhelming amount of energy.