
Torn Souls

Clintonvic · Realistic
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3 Chs

A Sad Evening

The door creaked as Nora entered her home, a heavy heart weighing her down, and tear-stained eyes revealing the pain within. Her clothes bore the scars of a lunchtime ordeal that left more than just fabric torn. As her grandmother caught sight of her, a concerned frown etched across her face, Nora crumbled. Before a word could escape her grandmother's lips, the floodgates of emotion burst open.

With a voice laden with sorrow, Nora recounted the cruel events of lunchtime. She questioned the world's cruelty, grappling with the hurtful reality of being rich. Her friends seemed to see her wealth more than her, making her feel different and unwanted. "It's not fair," she whispered, her words a fragile plea for understanding.

In the midst of Nora's despair, her grandmother became a refuge. Arms wrapped around her, offering solace as she guided Nora towards the bathroom, suggesting a comforting bath to wash away the anguish. Promising Nora's favorite meal, her grandmother's comforting presence momentarily eased the storm within.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting shadows across the dining table, Nora and her grandmother sat down for dinner. The air was thick with unspoken tensions. In a moment of vulnerability, Nora hesitated, then bravely raised the question that had been simmering within her.

"Grandma, what if I change school?" she asked, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Her grandmother, caught in a moment of contemplation, hesitated before agreeing to think about it. However, as Nora delved into the reasons behind her desire for change, her grandmother intervened. "This is a serious conversation, not like talking with your friends," she reminded, a gentle but firm tone hanging in the air.

Tension mounted as Nora's frustration peaked. Leaving her dinner untouched, she rose abruptly, storming upstairs in a torrent of emotions. Her grandmother called after her, the echoes of concern lingering unanswered.

The once-harmonious evening had transformed into a symphony of hurt feelings and unspoken words. Nora, feeling adrift in a sea of emotions, and her grandmother, navigating the delicate dance of understanding, found themselves caught in the currents of a challenging moment. The room held the weight of unresolved tension, a silence that spoke volumes, leaving both longing for a bridge to traverse the emotional expanse that separated them.

I'm grateful for all the support my novel has received, but I've decided to take a break from writing it. However, a video series, based on the novel is in progress, and I'll drop the link when it's ready. Thank you for your understanding and support.

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