1 Prologue

When the Earth was young and the Greek gods roamed, there was a flame. This flame, The Eternal Flame, was what kept the gods alive and gave them immortality. It was also what gave life to the world. However, as time passed, the world became polluted and stank from the greed of man that which were called humans.

The gods became weak, barely able to have the strength to defend themselves, much less than the world that they protected. Then came Hestia, goddess of the Hearth and Home. She took a piece of the fire and placed it in a child on Earth so that even if the Flame went out, there would still be a piece left that would one day ignite it once again.

While Mount Olympus was the home of the gods, that did not mean that it did not have it's problems. There were beings, beings of pure evil, that would manifest itself from the shadows and suck the life out of everything around it, everything it touched, until there was nothing left but the whispers of a once prosperous place. These creatures were called Wreathes. Made of shadows, they consumed on anything that had life so that it could use that life to make itself stronger and become immortal. Because these beings, even without it's abilities, could challenge the gods and were destined to destroy them.

The gods seen this as their fate, yet made no attempts to change it, for they knew that there would come a time when a woman would rise up against these Wreathes and destroy them once and for all. And this woman's name... was Makayla Hardson, one of the most powerful demigods the world had ever seen.

Apart of two world's yet one she calls home, while the other... she has yet to know of. But it is not her time. Not time to rise up against the enemies that threaten her world, her home, and those she loves most. Not yet to take a stand. Not yet to know the true meaning behind the marking on her palm that is so much more important and powerful than she could ever know. It is not her time, she has yet to be born and know the cruelties of life and know the pain of something being taken away that meant everything to her. But when she is... her power will shake this world and the enemies will shiver at the sound of her name. Makayla. Makayla Hardson, daughter of Poseidon, god of the Sea.
