
The Beginning

Tori's POV

(Alarm clock goes off)

Ugh. Morning already? Hi. My name is Tori. I am 17 years old girl who lives in a small town of Fulton, Missouri. I live with my mom Jodi and have two annoying brothers Josh and Harold.

"Tori!", my mom screamed.

"Yes?!" I said, after I had stopped brushing my teeth.

"I need you to get downstairs right now or you're going to be late for school!" Mom exclaimed.

"Coming, Mom!" I responded with a sigh.

I went to my closet and tried to find the cutest thing to wear for school today. I chose to keep it simple with a purple T shirt, gray pants and black flats.

I part my hair to the left with a comb. Then, I grabbed my curling iron and gave myself some big, bouncy curls before I headed down stairs.

"Perfect. Just absolutely perfect!" I said to myself while looking in the mirror.

"Morning, Mom", I said to Jodi.

"Good morning, sweetie", Jodi responded with a smile. "How are you doing today?

"I am doing good"

"That's wonderful, Tori. I made you your favorite meal. French toast with bacon on the side".

"Thanks, Mom", I said.

"You're welcome, darling", Mom replied. "Oh, dear. I am running late for work. Make sure that you lock the house up before you leave".

"Okay, Mom. I love you"

"I love you, too"

After I had finished my breakfast, I locked the door with my key that my mom gave to me just in case I can't get in the house while she's away.

I walked for 20 miles until I had made it to Fulton High School. I opened the doors and everyone was literally staring at me like a hawk.

"Hey, there, pretty girl. Where are you going?", one boy said to me.

"None of your business, weirdo". I snarked.

"Oops. I am sorry about that", Rebecca said with a laugh after bumping into me on purpose.

Then, someone taped a drawing of me on my locker that read "Little Miss Goody Two-Shoes".

"God, can't this day get any worse?" I said asked myself before balling the paper up and throwing it in the trash.

I have been bullied for years ever since I was 14. I was picked on for many things. Wearing braces, the way that I wore my clothes or my hair and being called names like "teacher's pet" and "little miss perfect"

I can't wait until I turn 18 and graduate so that I can stay as far away from school as possible.