
The Beginning

It all started at the recruitment. Tord, or should I say Red Leader, was looking for new soldiers. We all knew we were all going to get in anyway, I mean, he literally wanted to take over the world. I gazed up at his podium in awe. There was so many recruits here, better than facing death I suppose but I actually wanted to be here. I have my reasons for it but I don't want to get into that right now. Anyway, I was actually looking for my bff, who was actually Tord's sister, Yuki. She was the one that suggested I join the Red Army, and to be honest I signed up and never looked back.

Tord looked over us all and started his welcoming speech. It was good, for being a speech, I am not into long boring things. I am here for action! I saw Yuki on the podium standing beside Tord. I guess she had to be there being his sister, and all, but I wish she was here with me. I realized then, the hall was silent and everyone was staring at ME!

Oh shit, I wasn't listening.

Yuki was on the podium encouraging me to go up there as well. I chuckled nervously as I made my way up to the podium and up the steps. "Congratulations Violet!" Yuki shouted to me and the masses of people in front of us.

"What for Yuki?" I Whispered quietly.

She laughed quietly and whispered back, "You're Tord's new second in command."

"No way!" I whispered as quietly as I could.

This was obviously Yuki's Doing, eh but I appreciate it.

"Thanks, Yuki."

"No problem, but now you need to get up there next to Tord." She said as she practically shoved me on the podium in Tord's direction.

I walked the rest of the way, turned to face the new recruits and saluted, just the way I practiced. The Recruits and the rest of the Red Army saluted back. That was the best day of my life!

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