
TOP SECRET - Adventures in the Dark Continent

After graduating from university, Liu Yang and his group of friends went to drink at a bar. The group drank until they couldn't take it anymore. Liu Yang was so drunk that he didn't know how to get home, so he intended to rent a hotel room. The next day, Liu Yang woke up inside a hotel room, beside him was a beautiful naked young woman. They were both naked. After enjoying the remaining time with the young woman, Liu Yang passed out again. He only woke up several days later, this time, he was in a boat being taken somewhere strange. The place he was being taken to was called the Dark Continent. ---------------------------------- FREE COINS In a few days, this author-san will receive a code worth 1000 coins. A maximum of ten accounts can use the code. Each account can ONLY obtain 100 Coins. One account is limited to a single claim of each redemption code. ---------------- THE CODE WILL BE POSTED IN THE AUTHOR NOTES OF THE "PROLOGUE" CHAPTER OF THE NOVEL. DATE: 13/03/2021 TIME: 12PM +8GMT

_chomps · Fantasy
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Chatting with a cat

Roar ...

The white cat roared lower this time. It was suspicious that there might be something wrong with the meat. It sniffed the meat a few times before realizing that there was nothing wrong.

Its large mouth was opened and two rows of shiny white crystalline teeth appeared. The first bite was a little difficult because the meat was frozen, but there was no problem for the cat to eat the meat.

With each bite, the white cat showed a happy and cheerful face. It seemed to be eating the best thing there is.

Roar !!

After the good meal, the white cat roared with joy. It wanted some more meat, its gaze towards Liu Yang was like a little kitten asking for food.

"I have some more food, but you need to come here" Liu Yang waved his hand with a piece of meat in the other.

Seeing the piece of red meat in Liu Yang's hand, the white cat licked its lips. But suddenly, the white cat turned and ran, it disappeared into the white snow.