
my mum's attitude towards work.

"I can no longer bear this attitude of yours. What exactly is your problem? You keep coming home late and you feel there's nothing wrong with it. I've always known you to be a workaholic and I'm not surprised but for the sake of our daughter, your daughter, create time for us especially her. She is still a little girl and she's lacking motherly affection....." My dad said.

"Kola, what exactly are you talking about? What do you mean by my daughter lacking motherly affection? Am I not trying as a mother? I get her everything she needs and doesn't need. Do not put my daughter into this but you should stop nagging all the time. I've been out of this house since 4am and I cannot come back to rest peacefully. I am tired of this." My mum fired back.

"Listen to yourself, when last did you perform your duties as my wife or as the woman of the house. Lara, please we need you. Your daughter needs you. Your husband needs you please." My dad continued.

Well, this is what happens almost every night. As a six year old child, I understand perfectly everything that happens in our house. My dad works as an Estate Manager and I want to be like him in the future while my mum works as a banker with First Bank Nigeria. She leaves the house as early as 4am and comes back 9pm or 10pm. The last time I spoke with my mom was on Sunday when we were preparing for church. I'm not always up when she leaves and most times, I'm always asleep when she comes back. I slept this afternoon after school that's why I am not asleep yet.

I love my Dad more than my mummy because he always play with me and ask about my well being. My daddy dresses me up for school, he takes me to school before going to work and he picks me up most times. When he is busy, he sends one Of their company drivers to pick me up. My mum buys a lot of things for me but I don't get to see her. I miss my mum so much.

A slight tap on my arm woke me up from my sleep. I yawned and stretched my body before sitting up.

"Good morning my lucky charm." My dad greeted. That's how he greets me in the morning

"Good morning Dad." I replied his greeting.

"How was my princess' night?"

"Fine Dad."

"Let's prepare for school." He said.

He took me to the bathroom and took my toothbrush. He added the toothpaste and gave it to me.

"Thanks Dad." I said and he smiled.

"I'll prepare a warm bath for you Okay? Take your bath while I go prepare our meal." He said

"Okay Dad." He nodded and left.

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I took my bath and wore my school uniform. I took my school bag , wore my bedroom slippers and went to the sitting room. My Dad was setting the dining table when I got there.

"Hey Princess, start studying while I go dress up." He said.

The thing is I study every morning before going to school.

About 30mins later, my dad joined me and he asked me questions and I also did the same. We went to the dining room and ate and did necessary things then drove out of the compound.

At the school compound

"Be good baby. Face your studies and remember...."

"Book Before Boys Because Boys Bring Babies" I completed . That has been the rhyme since I turned 4

"I love you princess."

"I love you too daddy. Goodbye." I said and came down from the car then he drove off.


School has closed since 2pm and my dad isn't here. I'm so worried because he doesn't act this way.

Few minutes later, a car drove in and a man recognize-to be the company driver of Dad's office came down

"Hello Iyanu."

"Good afternoon sir." I greeted

"Where is your teacher?" He asked. I took him to my teacher and he said my dad asked him to pick me and my teacher told us my dad already called .

"Goodbye Miss Femi." I bade my teacher goodbye.

"Good bye dear." She replied.

We got into the car and drove off. On our way, the man stopped at the popular Mr "Biggs" restaurant and said my dad told him to buy me lunch. I told him what I wanted and he went to get it. Minutes later, he came back with a food bag and dropped it on the passenger's seat [the seat beside the driver] cos I was sitting at the backseat.


We got to the company and the car came to an halt. We got down and the man carried the food bag and held my hand as we went inside. I greeted everyone since I am familiar with them all. We got to my Dad's office and I saw his secretary sorting some files

"Good afternoon Aunt Sewa." I said and hugged her legs. She looked down and smiled

"How's my little princess doing?" She asked as she picked me up.

"I am fine." I said. "Where's Dad?"

"He's in a meeting but he'll be out in few minutes." She answered.

"Okay." I sat on the chair and looked at what she was doing

"Sweetie, why don't you eat your lunch before Daddy comes." She said. She opened the food and began to feed me. I wish she was my mum.

"Aunt Sewa I'm okay. I want daddy to eat the rest when he comes back." I told her

"Okay dear."

Minutes later, my dad arrived and we exchanged pleasantries. He ate the food and we left for home. We got home and I took my bath then I went to do my homework with the help of my daddy.


Saturday came, Mummy said she was attending a business party. Dad and I went to the amusement park.

Saturday went by and it was Sunday again. Dad dressed me up for church and we went to church. That has always been the routine. We came back and mum made lunch and dinner before facing her laptop again

I believe so much on destiny and i think no matter how wise you think you are, you can't brainwash destiny.

Alabi_Evanscreators' thoughts