
Top Idol

[Become the Top Idol, and the Creator shall grant your deepest desire.] What do you desire? Great riches and wealth? World-class fame and influence? Absolute authority and power? Or that which transcends them all? All you desire is within reach... only if you are willing to pay the price. -- Lenny Park, a 24-year-old debt-ridden failure and societal outcast receives an invite link from an unknown sender and becomes a 'Pointer' in the elite world of Top Idol — where beauty, talents, might, and fortune can simply be bought with V-points. But, to earn V-points and secure his status as an esteemed pointer, he must complete heinous daily tasks, acquire fame & influence, and also battle against other pointers with the risks of either total disqualification from Top Idol... or death.

MrLollip0p · Fantasy
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118 Chs


Witnessing the atrocious act of spitting on the Boss, the four goons passed Boss Falcone and burst in.

Lenny quickly pivoted and ran ahead into the apartment with the four goons scrambling after him.

"You bastard! Come here!" One shouted.


Lenny stopped abruptly as he passed the entrance of the small kitchen and quickly extended his hand to the side.

"You bastard! How dare you spit on Boss?!" Screamed Jug, who ran ahead of the other four, got to Lenny, and attempted to grab him.


With a deafening crack, a glass plate burst into a million shards in several directions upon impact with Jug's bald head. He immediately slumped on the floor, bleeding from his head and unconscious.

Lizard Liu and the three other goons paused at the small kitchen entrance, their gazes darting from the unconscious Andre to Lenny, perplexed about what just happened and unsure of the next course of action.

Boss Falcone arrived behind them, with the sunglasses in his hand and using a simple handkerchief to wipe the thick saliva off his face.

"You're gonna die today, kiddo." He calmly declared as he wiped the saliva off his sunglasses, not a single ounce of his regular playfulness in his tone.

Standing at the edge of the kitchen counter, in front of the kitchen utensils cupboard, Lenny looked upon in shock too, his eyes darting from his assailants to the unconscious Andre Jug.

He smiled sheepishly, stuttering as he said, "You… You guys should probably take him to the hospital…"

'...Hmm, is this the effect of the 5 v-points I invested in my strength attribute, coupled with my max agility? It's just… wow. Is he going to be okay? And how come he faints so fast…?' Lenny commented inwardly, completely ignoring Boss Falcone's threat. He was too far too deep to be afraid now.

"You bastaard!" The first of the two other goons let out his battle cry, crossed over Jug's unconscious body, and charged at Lenny. Taking his lead, the second other goon and Lizard Liu followed suit and charged.

Lenny's eyes widened. 

He quickly turned his waist and took out the only knife from the knife stand. But just then, with the small size of the kitchen, the goon had already gotten to him and grabbed his right hand before he could fully unsheathe the knife.


Lenny struggled with the short goon and used his right elbow to nudge the latter's mouth, temporarily stunning the goon. Lenny used that chance to free his left hand, extend his ring and index fingers, and stab them into the goon's eyes!

"Aaah!" The goon cried out and moved back, letting go of Lenny's hand that held onto the knife. The goon raised his hand to clean his tightly shut eyes as his brain's reflexive response was to protect them.

Just then, the second other goon and Lizard Liu had gotten to Lenny. The second other goon, who was slightly ahead, threw a punch, and Lizard Liu, who was slightly behind, went for a sidekick.

Witnessing the incoming attacks, Lenny's mind spun and his eyes reflected them at just about half a second slower. He reflexively shifted slightly to the side to evade the kick but the punch was already at his face.

He had seen the attack come, he was quick and reflexive enough to dodge if he had started moving a lot earlier, but he was too late. No, to be accurate, he lacked the skills needed to truly utilize his quickness and reflexivity at a rapid rate.


The punch sent Lenny's slumping on the small kitchen sink. The pain radiated from his jaw but the adrenaline flowing through his body at the moment didn't allow him to register it.

The goon that punched him grabbed his shoulder in an attempt to hoist him up from the sink and gift him another blow. 

However, Lenny suddenly spun around, pushed the goon with his body, bent down, and plunged the knife into the latter's thigh.


"Aah! Aah! Aah!" The goon screamed frantically as he stared at the knife in his thigh, blood calmly oozing out.

Lizard Liu's face contorted with anger and he sent his knee to Lenny's face, who was still bending down.

Seeing the attack come, Lenny deftly moved his face to the side, caught the leg as it rammed against his upper body, tightened his fist, and launched a counterattack!


His fist landed perfectly in the middle of Lizard Liu's nether region, specifically his groin area.

"Ooh!" Lizard Liu groaned, his eyes widened and his hands instinctively shielded the affected area to prevent further attacks.

'...Bullseye!' Lenny smirked as he quickly stood up, landed a punch on Liu's neck, and pushed him to the side. 

Then, he landed two punches on the goon with the knife stabbed in his thigh and the other one almost recovering from the eye poke.

He ran out from the small kitchen, heading to the bedroom area but Boss Falcone quickly caught him by the arm.

Slightly startled, Lenny quickly turned around and delivered a punch to Boss Falcone's face, however, the latter didn't budge and just gnashed his teeth.

"Oh shit…" Lenny muttered.


He headbutted Boss Falcone as he had seen in action movies, but instead, he was the one who became slightly dizzy.

Boss Falcone grabbed his shoulder and held it firmly. 

"This is how you do it," he muttered and aggressively headbutted Lenny, sending him into an instant state of quandary.

Lenny's vision blurred and his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head. He dizzily stepped back to find his bearing.

However, Boss Falcone didn't wait for Lenny to recover. He raised his fists to his face, and like an experienced pugilist, delivered two heavy punches to Lenny's abdomen, sending the brat reeling backwards.

"That was for Tommy," Boss Falcone said, taking out a gold knuckle duster from his pocket and putting it on his left hand.

Lenny slumped on his bed, but seeing Boss Falcone approach, he dizzily stood up and raised his tightened fists to his face, imitating his adversary.

"You wanna fight me, kid? I swear to God, I'll rip out all your teeth," Boss Falcone said, then threw a left hook.

With his maxed-out agility, Lenny had a professional level of quickness, flexibility, and reflexivity. However, he lacked experience, so he crudely circled under the punch and appeared at Boss Falcone's back.


Boss Falcone had masterfully thrown a spinning back elbow strike and Lenny was only fast enough to shield his face from the impact and was pushed slightly to the side.

'...He's fast too. But I'm faster…' Lenny quickly thought and steadied his ground. Facing each other, Lenny closed the distance between them.


He spat at Boss Falcone's face again and the saliva landed accurately on the latter's right eye, causing him to instinctively shut both of them.

As though waiting for this moment his whole life, Lenny put all his energy into his right leg and sent it flying to Boss Falcone's nether region.