
Top Idol

[Become the Top Idol, and the Creator shall grant your deepest desire.] What do you desire? Great riches and wealth? World-class fame and influence? Absolute authority and power? Or that which transcends them all? All you desire is within reach... only if you are willing to pay the price. -- Lenny Park, a 24-year-old debt-ridden failure and societal outcast receives an invite link from an unknown sender and becomes a 'Pointer' in the elite world of Top Idol — where beauty, talents, might, and fortune can simply be bought with V-points. But, to earn V-points and secure his status as an esteemed pointer, he must complete heinous daily tasks, acquire fame & influence, and also battle against other pointers with the risks of either total disqualification from Top Idol... or death.

MrLollip0p · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Task Apprentice

Taking the subway and arriving at Jack's QuickStop convenience store by almost 4:30 PM, Lenny quickly changed into his work uniform—the red-sleeveless jacket—and rushed to the main store area, arriving at the counter from the door that led to the back.

Seeing Lenny arrive, Mr. Singh, the chubby tan-skinned manager with a deep Indian accent, glanced at him and shook his head in disappointment.

"You're late again," Mr. Singh said, his eyes trained on Lenny, who wasn't wearing a black face mask anymore.

Lenny let out a long sigh. "I know, sir. I'm very sorry. I… I ran into a health emergency."

Unusually, Mr. Singh just turned his head away and sighed too. He didn't yell at Lenny this time.

He just deliberated for a few seconds before he finally spoke: "I'm… selling the store. You have to start looking for another job."