
Top Idol

[Become the Top Idol, and the Creator shall grant your deepest desire.] What do you desire? Great riches and wealth? World-class fame and influence? Absolute authority and power? Or that which transcends them all? All you desire is within reach... only if you are willing to pay the price. -- Lenny Park, a 24-year-old debt-ridden failure and societal outcast receives an invite link from an unknown sender and becomes a 'Pointer' in the elite world of Top Idol — where beauty, talents, might, and fortune can simply be bought with V-points. But, to earn V-points and secure his status as an esteemed pointer, he must complete heinous daily tasks, acquire fame & influence, and also battle against other pointers with the risks of either total disqualification from Top Idol... or death.

MrLollip0p · Fantasy
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118 Chs

A Group of Three

As the girls, a group of three in Elite High school uniforms chatting and giggling entered…

Donning only the collared white shirt with her top two buttons undone, the girl at the forefront with a lighter skin tone and long blonde hair locked eyes with the cashier, who wore a calm smile.

She froze.

Dressed similarly to her friend, however having a slightly more defined chest, the girl behind her with light brown skin tone and curly dark brown hair paused too and immediately followed the trail of her friend's gaze.

Behind the two high school girls who just entered the convenience store and stood frozen, Lenny quickly recognized Mikaela at the back, who clandestinely tugged at her light brown friend.

Lenny initially maintained their stares for a second but felt the situation could turn awkward if he didn't speak.