
Top 20 Sailing Injustices

This is a fanfic that does not belong to me. I simply edit it and try to correct any grammatical errors to make it more understandable. I liked this Mtl, so I considered editing it for Webnovel . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: The Twenty Most Injustices in the World of Pirates were chosen by the enigmatic Sea Circle Calendar 1519 projection when it arrived in the One Piece universe. The first Akainu. Akainu: "How come? Slandering the elderly man is a grave offense. However, when viewing the film, Akainu saw that despite Summit War's greatest efforts, Whitebeard nearly drove him to the bottom of the ocean. Sengoku continues to oppose him as a marshal, and Akainu views the final battle as the last fight of his life! Furthermore, he discovered that the Marine Corps, Five Elders, and Fujitora had no regard for him once he was appointed marshal. "You guys are amazing!" said Akainu. Garp says, "I raised three grandchildren and wanted them to be Marines, but I didn't expect one to be the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, the second one to defeat Kaido and become the Four Emperors, and the last one to dare to invade the Holy Land to compete with the Five Elders and Im!" Rocks: "I was betrayed in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, what the heck!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author : One Piece Konoha 123 Mtl link : https://mtlnation.com/novel/inventory-of-the-20-most-injustices-in-sailing-starting-with-akainu

LordSaviorC · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 78: Thatch Poisoned Whitebeard, So Blackbeard Killed Him?

[Sakazuki: "Aren't you willing to accept the truth? Whitebeard?"]

[Crocodile: "I was just like you at first, I didn't believe that I was an unjust, Whitebeard." ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "Jihahaha... What, Newgate you bastard, do you think the system's words are false?"]

[Sengoku the Buddha: "So far, the system's words were never wrong, Whitebeard."]

[Marshall D. Teach: "Damn it! Who is it? Who is it? Who is the traitor on the ship? How dare you betray dad!!!"]

[Portgas D. Ace: "It's so abominable! What kind of bastard betrayed us? Dad treated us so well, and yet he treated dad like this!"]

[Marco the Phoenix: "The traitor should stand up now! You still have room to turn back now! Otherwise, once the inventory video exposes you, you will be dead!"]

[Jozu: "That's right! The betrayer must be on the Modi Bic now, right? Admit your crime immediately. We may forgive you, but if you refuse to admit it, wait for the inventory. At the end of the video, if we can move, you will definitely die!!!"]

[Edward Newgate: "My child, there is still room to look back now. No matter how many things you do to hurt me in the future, as long as you admit it now, I will forgive you."]

[Kaido of the Beasts: "Worororo...it seems like the betrayer doesn't intend to admit it."]

[Charlotte Linlin: "Mamama...who could it be?"]

[Gol D. Roger: "After my comprehensive analysis of Newgate, Marco is definitely not the one! Because he fought against Admiral several times in Summit War. As for Jozu, Vista, and all the captains, there is no suspicion, because they all fought against Marine in Summit War."]

[Gol D. Roger: "According to my inference, the captain of your Whitebeard Pirates is basically without any suspicion. The suspects should be ordinary crew members on the ship."]

[Portgas D. Ace: "By the way! I don't think I've seen you in Summit War, Teach!"]

Currently Marshall D. Teach is Ace's subordinate, so Ace was in the Summit War that was played earlier.

He always noticed that his men were fighting bravely against the enemy, but there was no sign of Teach.

[Marshall D. Teach: "There is no way, Captain Ace. There are too many people in Summit War. Maybe it's because I was unlucky and didn't appear on the scene. But you have to believe me, Captain Ace. I have already joined dad's pirate group. It has been decades, and there is absolutely no way I could betray my father!"]

[Portgas D. Ace: "I believe you, Teach."]

[Red-haired Shanks: "It's really strange, Teach. With your strength, it's impossible not to leave the boat during the Summit War. After all, your strength is terrifying!!!"]

[Marshall D. Teach: "Red hair!"]

[Red-haired Shanks: "Since I became a pirate, I have experienced countless battles on this sea, but only the three scars on the corners of my eyes make me feel pain, and those scars are the Teach you left! I don't think a strong man like you would have no footage of him fighting against those high-ranking marine in Summit War."]

[Red-haired Shanks: "You have great strength, but you have been hiding on the Whitebeard group's ship, Teach! What is your purpose?"]

[Marshall D. Teach: "Dad, he wants to wrongly accuse me!!!"]

[Edward Newgate: "Shut up, red-haired kid, I won't allow you to speculate and doubt my child at will!"]

[Red-haired Shanks: "Sorry, I just casually expressed my opinion."]

[Edward Newgate: "A brat like you, dare to speculate on my pirate group?"]

[Yasopp: "Hey, hey, old man Whitebeard, our boss is just kindly reminding you of something."]

[Edward Newgate: "Humph! I adopted this guy Teach when he was a child, and he has been following me for decades. Although I don't know who the traitor is, I am only convinced that Teach is absolutely loyal to me!" ]

[Kaido of the Beasts: "I advise you not to talk too much, Newgate."]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "Don't forget, you are a big injustice now, you Newgate bastard."]

[Edward Newgate: "Shut up, Helmsman Shiki."]

[Golden Lion Shiki:"..."]

While Edward Newgate was arguing with everyone in the chat room.

The scene that was originally frozen also started to play.

New World, a certain sea area.

On board the Moby Dick.

"Hey, Ace, look what I got?"

Thatch held Dark Fruit in his hand and smiled at Ace beside him.

"Oh? Is it Devil Fruit? You're very lucky, Satchi." Ace looked at the Devil Fruit in Sachi's hand carefully and smiled.

"According to the rules of our Whitebeard group, whoever gets the Devil Fruit belongs to him, which means that the Devil Fruit now belongs to you, Satchi, what do you think, are you interested in this Devil Fruit?" Jozu stood aside. asked.

"Hahaha... I don't know what this Devil Fruit is yet, but I'm not very interested in eating Devil Fruit, so I'll leave it alone for now." Satchi scratched his head and said when talking to Ace and others.

Not far away, Marshall Teach was staring at Dark Fruit with bright eyes.

At night, Satchi put the Devil Fruit on the table, and then began to look through the Devil Fruit illustrated book wanting to know what the Devil Fruit was called and what abilities it had.

"Ka Kaa!!!"

At this moment, the door was slowly pushed open.

Marshall Teach walked in with killing intent in his eyes.

"It's you, Teach, what's the matter so late?" Satchi turned his head slightly, and asked with a smile after seeing that it was Marshall Teach.

"Captain Satchi, do you know what this Devil Fruit is?" Marshall Teach asked.

"I'm looking at the Devil Fruit illustration book, I believe I will know later." Satchi shook his head slightly.

The words fell.

Satchi then turned his head and continued to look at the Devil Fruit illustrated book in his hand.

"Found it! This Devil Fruit is called..."

Satchi was thinking of the Devil Fruit's name when he suddenly felt his chest tighten. He lowered his head slightly and saw a long blade piercing his chest.


Satchi staggered and fell to the ground, his heart was pierced and his consciousness was constantly blurred.

"Thieves hahaha... I got it! I finally got this Devil Fruit! I have dreamed of lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for decades, and I have always wanted the Dark Fruit, and I finally got it!"

Marshall Teach picked up the Dark Fruit and laughed wildly.

"Why...why Teach?" Satchi asked weakly as he fell to the ground.

"It can only be blamed on you for getting this Devil Fruit, Satchi." Marshall Teach smiled sinisterly.

"If you want... I can give it to you."

Marshall Teach: "..."

As this plot plays, it ends.

Countless barrages appeared on the screen.

'Blackbeard is so f**king damn, Whitebeard adopted him since he was a child, the whole Whitebeard group treats him well, but he actually killed his companion who lived with him day and night in order to get this Devil Fruit!'

'I feel like Blackbeard has a brain hole. With Satchi character, why don't he just give it to him if he wants it?"

'He may think that killing people and seizing goods is more like a pirate. '

'If you want me to say, Blackbeard can be called a real pirate! He has no benevolence and morality, no humanity, and he only wants to climb to the top, for which he is willing to do all kinds of cruel things.'

'But one thing is for sure, he deserves to die.'

'No! Is there a possibility that Blackbeard killed Thatch to save Whitebeard?'

'Damn it! Sir, please speak!'

'Do you still remember? Thatch is the cook on board, which means that he is responsible for almost all the meals of the entire Whitebeard regiment. Of course, there must be other people's help, but he is the 4th Division Commander. Being so trusted by Whitebeard is enough to prove that Whitebeard's meals are definitely made by him! And have you noticed that Whitebeard is of the same age as Garp, Sengoku, and Kong, but Whitebeard's body is extremely weak, and he needs to be intubated all day long, and Summit War has many attacks. On the other hand, Garp, Sengoku, Kong and the others are all insanely tough! Those who don't know would think that Whitebeard is a circle older than them, so weak. '

'Sir, what you mean is that...thatch poisoned Whitebeard's food???'

'That's right!'

'Damn it! It's terrifying to think about it!!!"

'Take a breath. '

'I never thought of this when I watched it before! You are so wise, sir! You can see it all!'

Originally the entire Whitebeard group.

After seeing Marshall Teach kill Thatch.

It's all full of fire, but after seeing the barrage.

All of them were confused.

It's not just them who are confused.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

[Edward Newgate: "????"]

[Marco the Phoenix: "????"]

[Portgas D. Ace:"????"]

[Jozu: "????"]

[Kaido of the Beasts: "????"]

[Gol D. Roger: "????" ]