
Top 20 Sailing Injustices

This is a fanfic that does not belong to me. I simply edit it and try to correct any grammatical errors to make it more understandable. I liked this Mtl, so I considered editing it for Webnovel . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: The Twenty Most Injustices in the World of Pirates were chosen by the enigmatic Sea Circle Calendar 1519 projection when it arrived in the One Piece universe. The first Akainu. Akainu: "How come? Slandering the elderly man is a grave offense. However, when viewing the film, Akainu saw that despite Summit War's greatest efforts, Whitebeard nearly drove him to the bottom of the ocean. Sengoku continues to oppose him as a marshal, and Akainu views the final battle as the last fight of his life! Furthermore, he discovered that the Marine Corps, Five Elders, and Fujitora had no regard for him once he was appointed marshal. "You guys are amazing!" said Akainu. Garp says, "I raised three grandchildren and wanted them to be Marines, but I didn't expect one to be the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, the second one to defeat Kaido and become the Four Emperors, and the last one to dare to invade the Holy Land to compete with the Five Elders and Im!" Rocks: "I was betrayed in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, what the heck!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author : One Piece Konoha 123 Mtl link : https://mtlnation.com/novel/inventory-of-the-20-most-injustices-in-sailing-starting-with-akainu

LordSaviorC · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 15: Garp: Marco, why can't you stop me?

[Kaidou of the Beasts: "Absolutely not, Sakazuki!"]

[Byrnndi World: "Sakazuki, don't trust them anymore!"]

[Ochoku: "I really can't stand it, Sakazuki. They let you down time and time again, but you choose to believe in them again and again!"]

[Gol D. Roger: "If I were you, I would have turned black long ago, Sakazuki!"]

[Sakazuki: "I always believe that my comrades-in-arms are all on my side! Even though they do not work hard, no matter what, they are my respected comrades-in-arms and seniors!"]

[Sakazuki: "I believe in vice admiral Garp, because he was stopped by the captain of the Whitebeard crew. That's why he let the kid named Luffy rush to the execution platform!"]

[Ochoku: "It's over, as this Sakazuki guy has been rendered unconscious by his teammates thanks to their cunning plan!"]

[John: "When you stated such remarks, Sakazuki, were you laughing at the time?"]

[Byrnndi World: "Do you really think anyone can stop that old bastard Garp?"]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "You really don't know how strong this old bastard Garp is. Even if all the commanders of the Whitebeard group come together, they can't stop him at all!"]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "Not to mention the commanders, they are probably in a tough fight now. How many of them can free their hands to stop Garp???"]

[Monkey D. Garp: "Hey, hey, hey, you bastard pirates, don't brag too much about me. I'm no longer at my peak a long time ago, and now my strength has dropped to one-tenth of my peak!" "]

[Monkey D. Garp: "The Commanders of the Whitebeard crew are all as strong as monsters. Isn't it normal to be able to stop me?"]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "Shihahaha...when you said this, did you laugh? Garp?"]

[Marco the Phoenix: "Hey, hey, don't underestimate our Whitebeard group! If I were to stop Garp, there would definitely be a chance for Luffy to get on the execution stand!"]

[Monkey D. Garp: "I think so too. If it's Marco, the 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, he will definitely be able to stop me!"]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "Are you two singing the oboe from behind each other?"]

[Charlotte Linlin: "Since there is no video evidence, all you did was make that up."]

[Monkey D. Garp: "You are speaking complete nonsense! If the video can actually be played, then it will demonstrate that I have done nothing wrong. This demonstrates that Marco has the ability to successfully halt me, and as a result, Luffy arrived at the execution platform."]

"Ding, everyone's thoughts in the chat room have been detected."

"The system decided to play the video of Marco's fight with Garp!"

[Monkey D. Garp: "There's really one?!"]

[Kaidou of the Beasts: "I want to see how hard you are to be stopped by Marco, Garp!"]

[Golden Lion Shiki: "Are you panicking, Garp? Your failure is about to be exposed."]

[Ochoku: "Let me see! With Garp's strength, Marco was knocked away directly. There is no way he can be stopped!"]

[Byrnndi World: "In the final analysis, the reason why that brat Luffy is on the execution stand is entirely because of you, Garp!"]

[Edward Newgate: "Gurararara... You guys underestimate the strength of my sons!"]

[Marco the Phoenix: "That's right! I can even block Admiral Kizaru's attack with ease. Isn't it easy to block Garp's attack?"]

[Monkey·D Garp: "I think so too, that guy Marco is a complete monster! After all, he is second-in-command of the Whitebeard's ship!"]

The image that was originally frozen in playback is also continuing at this moment, amidst the noise of the crowd.

Countless pirates and marines are engaged in a fierce battle on the Marineford battleground.

Marco sighed slightly as he stood in the midst of the battlefield, looking up at the execution platform. "Wait for me, Ace!"

Marco used his Devil Fruit ability and transformed into a phoenix, flew into the air, and rushed towards the execution platform.

Noticing Marco's approach, Sengoku, who was on the execution platform, calmly put his hands in his pockets and commanded calmly "What are you doing? Shoot him down quickly!"

As Sengoku's voice fell, endless Marines raised their guns, aiming at Marco in mid-air.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Marco was being showered with dozens upon dozens of bullets, but not a single one of them was able to inflict any harm on him.

A number of Marines yelled out in unison, "The gun doesn't work!"

"It doesn't matter; keep shooting!" Sengoku commanded in a collected manner.

The voice of Sengoku has been heard, and an uncountable number of marines and pirates are engaged in combat on the battlefield.

There was a solemn expression on Sakazuki face, a relaxed look on Kizaru's face, and a composed demeanor on Kuzan's part as all eyes were on Marco.

Everyone on the Whitebeard group was in high spirits as Marco continued to approach.

Suddenly, Garp stood on the execution platform and jumped up. He flew directly into the air and appeared in front of Marco.


Marco was stunned; he didn't expect Garp to be so fast!


The next second, Garp's sandbag-sized fist landed directly on his head.


There was a loud noise in Marineford Square, and Marco was directly knocked away.

He hit the ground hard, causing a burst of thick smoke and dust!

When the smoke cleared, there was a large crater visible on the ground, and Marco had been severely beaten, to the point where he no longer possessed his Devil Fruit ability.

'Marco is such a man, he took a punch and didn't say a word! '

'Yeah, after getting punched, it only took hundreds of bandages. '

'This is the gold content of the top commander of the Whitebeards! Anyone else would have fallen long ago!'

'Garp's strength is still the same as before! '

'After all, he is still the hero of Naval Headquarters! The strongest guard! '

'After Garp punched Marco, he sat down in the seat that had previously been occupied by Sakazuki. The latter did not have the courage to utter a single word!!'

'Him being able to overpower Marco this easily, when Sakazuki himself had trouble with that and proceeding to sit on Sakazuki sit, I think is an indication that he is stronger than admirals, including Sakazuki. And maybe he is the strongest marine at that moment or second after Sengoku. In his prime I believe he was the strong adversary to Gol D. Roger, earning his respect. So it would make sense that Garp at the time of Marineford arc was as strong as Whitebeard himself, since Newgate presumably is as strong or a little weaker than Roger.'

Garp saw barrages of boasting about himself appearing on the screen.

he didn't feel happy at all, he just felt a big headache!

Because he blasted Marco off with a blow. When asked about it, how will he justify his actions? How did Luffy reach the stage where Ace would be executed?

Damn it!

Marco, why can't you stop me?

Why! ! !
