
Chapter 213 : Pay Up!

"Is he seriously ill?"

Strange was taken aback, baffled by Deadpool's erratic behavior. This guy was beyond unpredictable!

But in the next moment, a thought struck him, filling him with excitement.

Without hesitation, he whipped out his phone and captured Deadpool's expression of genuine emotion.

He was certain that someday in the future, Deadpool would cross paths with him again, and on that day, he'd whip out this photo to jog Deadpool's memory!

He, the future Sorcerer Supreme, guardian of the Time Stone, Doctor Strange, wouldn't let a dear friend remain in the dark!

The truth must be known!

Meanwhile, in the X-Men world...

Colossus and the others silently facepalmed, silently agreeing to never extend an invitation to Deadpool to join the X Academy.

Even with Professor Charles Xavier's guidance, Deadpool's presence would undoubtedly drag the collective IQ of the school below that of an average human!

With a tinge of regret, Colossus uttered, "Wade, you're a good man."

["You're a good person," Deadpool replied, dragging Lupin along with a solemn expression, exiting Ollivander's wand shop, tears glistening in their eyes.]

[They proceeded towards Knockturn Alley. Along the way, Deadpool cast a glance at Lupin, who initially looked shocked, then resigned.]

["What am I looking forward to?" Lupin mused, suddenly feeling that his vow to Dumbledore was the most regrettable decision of his life.

"God knows how long this absurd neurosis will torment me..."


[Knockturn Alley, often dubbed the black market, was just a stone's throw away from Diagon Alley. Here, one could find all manner of contraband, wanted criminals, dark wizards, and debauchery.

In essence, where Diagon Alley ended, Knockturn Alley thrived!

(Of course, provided one had the money... or the force!)

Without proper precautions, one would be akin to a lamb entering a den of wolves, left with naught but bones.

This time, Deadpool and Lupin ventured here to procure some medicinal herbs.]

[As they needed the compound decoction to be consumed continuously, Snape's supply of medicinal materials was definitely insufficient. Additionally, Lupin required special banned ingredients for his potion to prevent turning into a werewolf. Of course, being truly impoverished, their funds came from Dumbledore.]

[Knockturn Alley was sparsely populated, and those who did appear hurriedly passed by, cloaked in black robes that obscured their faces. Naturally, Lupin also lowered the brim of his hat.]

[As for Deadpool, upon arriving at the place, he refrained from his usual antics and remained composed.]

[Before long, the duo arrived at a grocery store named Bayan.]

[Upon entering, they were greeted by a peculiar scent, a blend of strong smelly socks and tulip perfume. In the center of the room, a black liquid bubbled on the stove.]

[The interior was modestly sized, with a shelf situated about a meter behind the stove, adorned with various bottles and containers. Deadpool couldn't help but notice a bottle filled with yellow liquid containing numerous eyes of varying sizes. Upon their entrance, the eyes fixated on them.]

["Ah, finally, visitors!" exclaimed an elderly voice, accompanied by a wrinkled hand emerging from a box, rummaging through the shelf. Deadpool eyed the palm-sized box, then turned his attention to the elderly figure before him.

"So, it's you," Deadpool remarked.

"Yes, I am the shopkeeper," the old man grinned, revealing blackened teeth.

"Damn, the previous one was a thief. But this man seems to be gullible!" Deadpool exclaimed with amusement.

"Ha! I'll surely get a discount this time!" 

With that, Deadpool seized a pounch with money within Lupin's astonished gaze, too swift for him to intervene.

*Jingle Bell.*

Deadpool and Lupin exited the grocery store, having once again exhausted the funds provided by Dumbledore.

"Well, I only bought one, and the rest is compensation," Deadpool remarked casually.

"I can't believe this! Whose idea was it to hide in a box?" Deadpool grumbled with an expression of utter misfortune.

(Lupin's face was devoid of life. "Why not just beat him senseless with a stick? Then neither of us would have to pay!")

"Absolutely!," Deadpool chimed in abruptly, his expression suddenly serious.

"Anyway, I overheard Dumbledore mentioning that there are troublemakers around, and if they cause any harm, they'll face the consequences!" Deadpool announced, as if contemplating a retreat.

*Ding dong...*

The chime of the Eight Eyes Grocery's doorbell sounded once again, and the door swung open.

"I don't buy it this time, no matter what you say!" Deadpool preemptively interjected, wary of emotional manipulation.

(Determined this time to maintain an icy resolve, he swore to himself to remain as cold as steel, even if it meant being degrees below zero!)

In the next moment, more than a dozen individuals wielding wands burst out of the door with a loud bang.

"Heh, there's really no need to see us off. How courteous of you," Deadpool chuckled, his grin scorching at a toasty 180.1 degrees above zero.

Lupin's expression shifted drastically as he immediately recognized the group before him.

"Death Eaters!"

"The shop owner must be one too, probably recognized Deadpool's insanity while selling stuff," Lupin surmised.

Nevertheless, Lupin remained relatively composed. If Dumbledore had summoned them, he must have foreseen this confrontation and prepared accordingly.

As Lupin scanned the surroundings for any signs of Bully Dundee's whereabouts, a loud roar echoed in his ears.

"You think you can disrespect me and then demand money from me?" Deadpool finally snapped at the group of individuals struggling down the stairs.

"Daring to demand payment from me? Do you really think I don't have a temper?!"

[In the blink of an eye, Deadpool lunged forward wielding a two-meter staff!]

[Broken! They've exposed the Death Eaters, yet still clueless about stalling for time!]

[Fool! Lupin stood by, bewildered, as he drew the wand from his waist, ready to attack!]

[But then his arm froze mid-air!]

[In just a moment, his worldview was shattered!]

[He witnessed an unbelievable sight!]

[The mentally unstable Deadpool transformed into a berserker, shrugging off all manner of offensive spells, even those endangering his life!]

[Simultaneously, he bellowed furiously:]

"[Underworld: 'Yes, provoke trouble, yes, deceive innocent people, bully the honest!']"

[As he yelled, he unleashed a barrage of dark strikes, disarming the Death Eaters one after another!]

[The Death Eaters' expressions morphed from hideousness to disdain and mockery, then to surprise, extreme shock, panic, until they collapsed to the ground in defeat!]

[Finally, the blood-soaked Deadpool kicked open the door of the grocery store and snarled at the old man halfway inside the till:]

"You old coot, pay up!"

"Pay what you owe!"]


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