
Chapter 212 : Deadpool’s Wand!

[The sudden and brazen insult hurled at Voldemort left everyone in shock!]

[This marks the first instance of such audacity!]

[Utterly daring!]

[The professors who caught wind of the altercation, along with the students familiar with Voldemort, were all struck with terror!]

[Yet, amidst the fear, there lingered an exhilarating sense of defying the taboo!]

[Regardless, Deadpool had made a name for himself at Hogwarts!]

[That night, Draco Malfoy penned a letter to his father, detailing the day's events!]

[Upon reading it, Lucius Malfoy's countenance underwent a drastic change, prompting him to hasten to a secret chamber, trembling with urgency!]

[In the next moment, he promptly transcribed everything into a worn brown notebook!]

[A few moments later, crimson script materialized on its pages!]

["Send me to Hogwarts!"


[Diagon Alley!]

[Today being Sunday, Hogwarts was also enjoying a holiday!]

[Accompanied by Lupin, Deadpool, who had long coveted a wand, made his way to Ollivander's Wand Shop!]

["Unfamiliar visitor, do you possess the necessary Ministry of Magic documentation?" The elderly man with wispy white hair peered down from his perch.

[Each wand bears its own history, and even adults must obtain Ministry approval to purchase one!]

[Without it, one is relegated to the clandestine market of Knockturn Alley!]


[Deadpool produced the documentation provided by Dumbledore and handed it to Ollivander!]

["No problem."

[Ollivander adjusted his glasses before inquiring:

["Has your original wand broken? And may I ask what material it was made of? It will aid in my recommendation."]

[Deadpool waved his hand dismissively, excitement evident in his voice:

["I don't care about the material, just as long as it's big and sturdy!"]

["Even better if it can obliterate an enemy's noggin in one go!"

[Lupin's eyelids twitched; he always felt that this mental illness was implying something.

"Are you sure you're not looking for a warhammer?" Lupin couldn't help but sneer.

Deadpool's eyes glowed. "If the warhammer can wield magic, then it's undoubtedly the best!"

Lupin couldn't imagine such a scene. Shouldn't wizards be elegant? What's with berserkers?

Olivander also furrowed his brow. It was the first time he had encountered such a request from a customer. Fortunately, his wand shop has a long history, so he can procure anything desired!

Ten minutes later, Ollivander returned from the back door, precisely with a huge box.

Deadpool eagerly took it over and opened the box. Inside was a giant wand about 1.8 meters tall. Of course, it wasn't the typical shape with one thin end and one narrow end, but rather the thickness of a baby's arm, adorned with beautiful engravings.

At the top of one end was a fist-sized red gem. At this moment, Lupin had no doubt that this thing could indeed knock his wolf head off. 

Ollivander then explained, "Such staves were not uncommon in ancient times. Back when there were fewer types of magic, sometimes a wand served as a weapon."

"That's it, Ares, pay for it!" As Deadpool grabbed the huge wand, he waved it vigorously twice and exclaimed, "Once again, my name is Lupin, not Ares!"

Lupin corrected while looking at Ollivander, "How much?"

Ollivander held out an index finger. "One hundred."

"One hundred silver sickles, it's not too expensive," Lupin said, about to pay. Dumbledore had given him 60 gold Galleons when he arrived, which was enough.

"No, one hundred Galleons," Ollivander interrupted.

"Why don't you go grab it?!" Both Deadpool and Lupin were shocked by this price.

Ollivander patiently explained, "This wand is made of Austrian magic brass, with Mithril fused into it, and its inner core is the largest muscle of a fire dragon. And that's not even considering the alchemical ruby!"

"One hundred gold Galleons, and I've already sold at a loss!" 

Deadpool nodded, then looked at Lupin and said, "He's right!"

Lupin, with a blank expression on his face, thought, "Who the hell are you with, and do you know how to bargain?"

["He's justified!" At this moment, Deadpool seemed to see a glimmer of hope!

[No logic, madness suddenly seemed reasonable!)

[Lupin resisted the urge to curse, took a deep breath, pulled Deadpool aside, then presented the money bag to Ollivander 

"We only have 60 gold Galleons on us, but we're willing to give them all to you. If you decline, we'll simply turn around and leave.."]

["Deal!" Ollivander was delighted that Lupin accepted the payment!

[100 gold Galleons used to be worth five or six hundred years ago!"

[Now it's just a relic, costing only a dozen gold plus. he never expected these guests to be so wealthy; he truly made a profit!"]

[Jingle Bell..)

[As the bell chimed, Deadpool and Lupin emerged from the shop with dazed expressions!)

[It wasn't until the cold wind hit them that they shuddered, as if awakening from a trance!)

["I believe we've been seemingly swindled.." Deadpool remarked, his faith in life wavering!]

["Please omit the 'seemingly'!!" Lupin retorted, rolling his eyes at Deadpool. If their roles weren't aligned, how easily could he have been deceived!)

[Now, we don't even have enough money left for a glass of butterbeer!]

["Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

[Deadpool chuckled dryly, then glanced back as he dragged his feet!)

[Damn it, he dared to cheat the funds of his deceased master, truly asking for trouble!"

[This time, he must make the old man experience the depths of the treacherous world!]


[It was Ollivander who dashed out, thrusting a vial into Deadpool's arms!]

["Guest, you forgot to take your healing wand essence/oil!"

[Deadpool's expression shifted suddenly!]

"Indeed, how could a Brit deceive another Brit!"

[This is the heart of a villain – the belly of a kun!]

["Thank you!"]


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