
Unway V.S. Red Band

"To think the Death Seeker clan would sink so low" said Unway. "How else are we gonna speak to a psychopomp?" asked red band kid. "You didn't have to come after people" replied Unway. "It's more impressive that way" responded the female ninja. The ninja Unway was fighting before had seemingly caught up and said "We'll rank up faster" "It's more fun" said the red band ninja as he lunged forward attempting to scoop at Unway. Unway was faster and struck at the ground causing a magma fissure to erupt from the ground. The red band kid dodged but the girl was hit and got burned. "This seems really dangerous" said the other male ninja "maybe we should leave" "What's the point in doing it if its not dangerous" red band replied. The female ninja managed to climb a tree and readies herself to jump down on top of Unway. "You miss the point, after that display I can't let any of you leave here alive" stated Unway. Enway was already hiding in the shed by now but Zemeki was to scared to move, he wanted to help, prove he could be useful but, in the end he just couldn't.

Enway continues beating up Zemeki. "Why aren't you fighting back" states Enway. "I can't" Zemeki replied. "I knew you were a coward but I didn't realize you were weak too" Enway responded. "It's a condition from my synchronicity I physically cannot fight you". Two more ninja's arrive at the scene. "Remember the Blue Dragon offered Zemeki a unique opportunity to prove himself to our clan once more" said A'Duela. "Do you have 30,000 credits yet?" asked Hobs. "No" stated Zemeki. "Then you have to come with us" Hobs states.

The female ninja descends on top of Unway but he slices her in half with his stick. The pieces fall to either side of him with boiling magma coating where she was sliced. "Don't be useless Moa" red band yelled to the other guy "We will vanquish our foe or meet Oth in the afterlife". "Let's make it painful" replies Unway as he faces Moa "Second Wave Entomb" the earth under Moa begins to glow red as he is swallowed up by the magma. "Lets dance" yelled red band as he loads dirt into his spoon and flings it at Unway. The caltrops dart toward Unway faster than he can react slicing into him. Unway bites through the pain and darts into the trees. "You wont be able to hide from me" said red band scooping out some bark. Some of the caltrops that were buried inside Unway rush toward the tree slicing through him once more. "aah" he cries out. Red band turns to face the direction of the returning caltrops. Unway slashes around the area causing fissures to erupt around the forest which causes trees to catch fire. "Yay I'm not walking into that" stated red band moving backward through the trees touching some of them with his spoon. Red band can barely contain his excitement "This is way better than I could have imagined" he thought.

Zemeki and friends arrive at a clearing with A'Duela, Hobs and Enway. A'Duela and Hobs begin arranging glowing stones in a circle. They are preparing the ritual to teleport everyone into Dragons Keep. Dragon's Keep can only be accessed in this clearing through these rituals as it exists in another dimension. This helps keep the place more secure than other non-power civilizations.

Zemeki crawls out of the clearing remaining hidden to not get consumed by the flames. Red Band enters the clearing "I'm here come and get me". Unway darts into the clearing to get within range. "Entomb". The earth begins to form a lava coffin around red band. He laughs and scoops at the coffin. Flaming tree's dart out of the forest breaking the coffin and colliding with red band. One of the trees took off Unways arm. "His ability is so fast" stated Unway "People like him need to be taken out before they become a threat to the village". Red band crushed by his own attack lay on the ground unable to move. Unway approaches red band to finish him off. "Scoop 2 Carousel" The tree crushing red band begins to lift him into the air as well as the other trees which all spread out and begin to slowly spin in a circle. "Try and get me up here" he yells coughing up a chunk of something. Unway stated "First Wave Mountain's Fury" He creates a volcanic fissure in the ground beneath Red band. Red band begins to get choked out by the fumes. He stops the ability and falls to the ground coughing up blood. Unway walks over to kill him once more. "Wait..." says red band "We have your brother..." *cough* *cough* "What was his name... Zemeki" Unway looks in the shed unable to find Zemeki and starts to freak out. "Was there another ninja I missed?" "If you spare me, we can spare him" says red band. Unway frantically looks around "Zemeki!" he shouts. "He he he he" red band jumps onto Unway with the last of his strength. "I lied" he said as he scooped Unway "isn't this great we're going to visit Nias'sha together" Red band is wrapping his body around Unway so he can't do anything.