

With 1 week to assemble a team, Zemeki, Ramui and Aisha begin looking for anyone willing to join. They traverse the streets asking anyone they can find if they want to join their team, to no avail. "Maybe everyone interested is already at the arena?" proposed Ramui. "Ramui, your a genius" responded Aisha remembering that the dragons team will be doing scrimmages today. When they arrive at the stadium they see a crowd already gathered there. The mass of bodies covers their view and each member uses their own way to get through, Zemeki climbs the wall, Ramui teleports, and Aisha goes underground. All the while they hear announcers commentating. "And Enway seeing right through Jeffro's feint pummels him to the ground" *Cheering* "It was certainly a close one, but Enway was able to drag out the fight for the W" That second announcer sounded like Keem. The crew arrives to see the young ninja bloodied, and Enway with a nasty mark on his stomach. The crowd is in stands around an oval shaped area which a powerful barrier seems to be partitioning, in a tower opposite the entrance is Keem and Fominu.

Jeffro is escorted out by Hobs meanwhile right when Enway is about to leave the arena he spots Zemeki and stays in. "Excuse me for a moment" states Fonimu as he opens a trap door under his chair filled with water and hops in. "Extend the brawling scrimmage a little longer, I have a score to settle" Enway tells the Dragon. Fonimu appears next to the Dragon "I thought we were scheduled for beast hunting next" "Naw it'll be fine" he responds. "Zemeki, I'm waiting" Enway calls him out and everyone turns to see the dude. "I could use the practice" Zemeki thought as he slid down the stairs toward an opening in the barrier, but as he's about to enter he trips on something and stumbles to the side. "Ooooo" the audience calls out. Zemeki gets up to see what happened and sees the barrier closing as An stumbled inside. Enway stares blankly ahead for a few seconds then "...Ok then, I'll settle for you"

Zemeki notices he can no longer hear the announcers now that he is close to the arena, probably to maintain the integrity of the event in case they go over information on an ability. "...Wait... your the guy from before who didn't like cactus juice" said An "It looks like I can hear the combatants just fine" thought Zemeki. "That's right" remembered Enway "She was hanging out by Aisha's place" "But what happened to the other 2" she inquired. "I remember she's dumb" he thought "I wonder..." "Well, you see" Enway began "I clones and I were all good, but then one of them turned evil, and he's biting the toes of anyone who walks in here, Ah" Enway lifted a foot of the ground to treat his toes. "Be careful he's very sneaky". An becomes alert and looks around "Hmmmm... Sneaky" a force strikes at her feet, but she seemed to not notice "...are you the clone?..." An asked. "No I'm the original!" exclaimed Enway. "Woah, what's an original?" An asks.

"I can't leave" states Ramui trying to head out somewhere. "We're to close to the matches, they don't want us relaying crucial information during a competition" responds Aisha "Where are you going anyways" "I was going... to... get snacks" he replies. Aisha shrugs and continues to watch the match. "Damn it" thought Ramui "I need to find out who he is before he arrives here" "I hope it's Boko" "yeah well I hope he leaves everyone alone" "just a little though right, just enough to show them the need for a better future" A hooded figure makes it's way through the crowd.

Fonimu examining the fight earlier says "An's first ability thot slayer, An attacks the thoughts of an enemy directly making them just as dumb as she is, then beats them with experience" "How is she this dense" contemplated Enway "The original... you know that's a good question" stated Enway. "You don't think... I'm the original?" asks Enway. "That's no fair I thought I was the original" stated An. "But, if your the original... does that mean I was the clone the whole time" Keem states "How did you know" Fonimu turns to him to show strange bubbles in his eye's. "I'm specialized at analyzing a fight" he responds "So in return I go where the blessings Zein gave me are needed"

Jeffro is busy playing on a console when Hobs come's up behind him and taps him on the head. "Your supposed to be doing drills about now" Hobs states. No Response. Hobs pokes him in the arm this time causing his character to get hit. "C'Mon man" "You would have been able to sense my attacks if you practiced your awareness" "I almost got a perfect score" stated Jeffro upset. "Do you want to be in this tournament?" asks Hobs "I took a risk letting you on this team because I saw your potential, but if you don't want to do it that all means nothing". "I want to continue in the tournament just give me a sec" Hobs looks at Jeffro before putting more force behind his swing toward the top of Jeffro's head. Jeffro catches it. "Excellent, see you should have been able to beat Enway if you practiced your awareness"