
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 40

But that embarrassment helped to not only cloud alpha's vision, it caused him to be completely unaware of what's going on around him, he just followed the kind man without questioning him or doubt him

Once they arrived at the kind man's house, a bunch of people suddenly surrounded them

But Alpha was not startled, he calmly appraised every single one of them, they were all between level 20 and 25

They pose no danger to Alpha, he could just ignore them just like how he ignored the slimes previously

But this time, he was not alone, the level of the kind man was no different from the levels of the bandits

If left to fend for himself, he would definitely get hurt, that's why Alpha stepped forward and told the kind man to stay behind him

He was planning to take down the bandits using air bullets, after all he can't carelessly attack them with his fist, he didn't want to create the same destruction that he did in the forest

But before he could cast any spell, the same kind man that invited him for dinner and one of the bandits grabbed Alpha from both of his hands, preventing him from moving

He could usually fend off anyone who tries to grab him pretty easily, but after seeing that one of two grabbing him was the one he thought was kind, he froze.

Then someone who looks to be the leader of the bandits walked towards Alpha while laughing "Ahahahaha, not bad, you've actually brought us some good looking merchandise this time, nowadays people are starting to like silver hair, I bet that we'll get so much money from selling this guy"

But Alpha didn't care about the leader, instead he turned his head toward the kind guy that was supposed to be helping him and showed a worried look "what's going on?! why are you holding me! let go! I can't protect you if you keep holding me like that!"

The man looked at Alpha and laughed "kyahahah, get a load of this guy, he actually wants to protect me"

Alpha didn't expect this reaction, he couldn't understand why the kind man is acting like that

And it's not like he had any time to think in the first place "all right boys, that's enough, if he wanted to protect you then he's at least capable of fighting, we better put the collar on him to avoid any future problems"

Alpha still didn't understand what was going on, but he instinctively knew that he can't let them put the collar on

He was going to resist and throw the two men holding him to the side, but he suddenly stopped

He couldn't allow himself to resist that much, otherwise he would destroy the whole city

His only option was to use Magic, but he was too late, he took too long thinking, and the leader put the collar on him

The next second, Alpha fell to the ground and became completely unable to move

He was shocked! why can he not move!? how can he not move!? is it the collar?! but he didn't need to think about it too much, the answer was brought to him by the guy that was pretending to help him

"what's wrong buddy, you can't move, ohh how sad, are you wondering what's going on right now, you must be, everyone ask the same question! let me tell you, the collar on your neck is a slave collar, thanks to it, whatever title or skill you had are sealed right now, and all of your stats will be reduced to that of a level 1 ! neat right?! this way slaves can't resist their masters ! oh did I mention, you're a slave now! congratulations! how does it feel, horrible right ! I wonder what kind of sick twisted person will buy you, I wonder what he will do to you, ahhh I can't wait anymore, I really wanna sell you quickly"

Alpha was speechless. all he could do was stare at the guy with a shocked expression

"all right all right, that's enough, take him in boys, we don't want anyone seeing us"

" you got it boss!"

The two people that were holding him, lifted him up and dragged him inside the house

In there he was thrown in a cell with other slaves waiting in it "You're the new guy huh?" Said one of the slaves in the same cell with him

"look at you, I'm sure you don't have a single idea of what's going to happen to you, right? don't worry, based on how pretty you look, I bet you will be sold before you notice it hahahaha!"

Alpha was confused, how did he end up like this? Why did he end up like this?

He was already betrayed by the one he thought was a kind princess looking for help, and now he's betrayed by the one he thought was a kind guy offering to help!?

Is this just the human nature? Or is it just his destiny? Or maybe... he's just unlucky?

He doesn't know, he wouldn't know, he couldn't know!.... He didn't want to know

He just felt sad, he felt like crying, his chest felt tight, he couldn't take it!

He then rolled down on the floor and squeezed his self for tears trying to sleep, he just wanted to wake up and find it was all just a dream

But it wasn't. The next day after waking up, he was in the same dirty cell, with the same dirty people... Wearing the same slavery collar

He was vexed, why do so many people want to hurt him? He just wanted to live normally! He can't stay still any more!

He quickly stood up, grabbed the collar on his neck, and POLLED!!

All his muscles were working together to tear up that piece of garbage he was forced to wear!

He is the one who surpassed the peak! The one who destroyed an entire Kingdom with one move! A simple piece of garbage like that is no match for him!

Then why? Why isn't it tearing up! He used all of his power to destroy it! Why is it still intact!?

"hahahahaha, what's the matter boy? Why did you stop? Continue! Who knows, maybe it will break if you tried a bit more"

The slave that talked to him last night was laughing at him now, as if he was enjoying a good show! Is he crazy? Or maybe...

" You know something don't you? If you do then I advise you to tell me already, before I do something that the both of us won't like"

Alpha was already on edge due to the events he's been through, he doesn't have the patience for jokes anymore

"Hey hey hey, easy there boy, it's not complicated at all, to break that thing with your bare hands, you just need the strength of a level 50 worrier, that's all! hahahaha"

"I already have that! So why can I not break it?!!" Alpha's patience was ending, and his fury was surfacing

"Pfhahahaha, hey brat, how stupid can you be? did you forget already? The slavery collar has the ability to reduce all of your stats to that of a level 1! and not only that, it also seals all of your skills and titles! There's no way for you to break it like that"

"EVEN IF ! I can't just stay here without doing anything! There must be a way!"

"Give up kid, you're not the first one to be turned into a slave, there are thousands of people who came before you, and guess what? NON OF THEM COULD ESCAPE ! Hahahaha"

Alpha's screams and the other slave's laughter were getting louder and louder, to the point where the guards couldn't take it anymore

"SHUT UP Dl*K HEADS ! WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP OVER HERE ! seriously! Why do we have to take care of these losers our selves"

Alpha was already angry at his current situation, and now two idiots are yelling at him? " DAMNIT !!"

In a moment of anger, Alpha punched the bars , but unfortunately, his strength was insufficient, all he did was needlessly hurt him self

But it wasn't that bad, the pain he just felt helped him calm down a bit, so he took a deep breath, sat down, then immediately shifted his attention to finding a way out

He was put in a small sell with four other people, three of them were starving and could not move, the fourth one was the guy that's been making fun of him all this time, as such, he can only rely on himself

The sell was made of three stone walls, a stone sealing, a stone floor and iron bars in the front

He couldn't dig through stone at his current state, Wich means his only way out is through the front door

There are two level 20+ guards in the same room as him, and when he was dragged inside he found out there's only one more room separating him from the outside, if his guess was right, there won't be more than five people in it

With all of these informations, the plan is clear, all he has to do is.....