
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 31

Alpha Stopped for a moment, and took a deep breath, then stared at the next slime in front of him

He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake he did on the first floor, charging aimlessly at the monsters and receiving tons of damage

Although, it might be a good opportunity for him to gain more skills and titles, but Alpha had grown to hate physical pain

instead of receiving the attacks head first and toughening his body, he's planning to train on dodging

He didn't have to wait long before that slime shot another bullet, and as soon as it did, Alpha detected it with his Mana Zone, and instantly jumped out of it trajectory, Then he stood up, ready to dodge the next attack

but since his appointment is just a level 4 slime, he had to wait a few seconds before it came

Once it did Alpha dodged it as well, then he realized how time consuming that was

These level 4 slimes are too weak to be his opponent, he can't use them to further improve his skills

As such, Alpha killed that slime then continued with his path to the fifth floor, killing every other monster he found

Once he reached the end and saw the barrier, he sat down next to it to organize himself

For starters, he took out all the slime cores he had on him, then absorbed all the pure Mana in them

This time he absorbed pure Mana from 130 LV 4 slime cores, it should've given him more results than his previous attempt

But that was just his wishful thinking, his Mana purity only increased by 0.1mp, reaching 0.4

Alpha was disappointed at the result, but he can't do anything about it

According to the masks explanation, the amount of pure Mana in a core is random

The only thing that change according to the core level, is the minimum amount of pure Mana that can be found in it

And this minimum amount is small, and the increase per level is negligible

That's why, the only method available to Alpha right now, is to absorb Mana from as many cores as possible

So he needs to finish his preparation quickly and go to the fifth floor to gather more

It's not like he have much left to do, he just needs to throw away the empty cores he have, then allocate the SPs he got

After all, the killing spree he went through, have given him 3 levels, making him reach LV 40

And according to his previous decision, he allocated the 9 SPs he had, to his VIT, raising it to 190

Not as impressive as his INT, but it's getting there

Next, since his preparation was done, he stood up and went to the 5th floor

This time, as soon as he stepped in it, he wasn't attacked! in fact, he couldn't see any slime wherever he looked!

Although he couldn't see anything, his Mana zone told him else wise

It's not like the slimes were invisible, they were hiding! Under ground, in the cracks on the walls, behind rocks. Hiding in ambush, waiting for the next unexpecting pray to pass by. then? Jump on it all together!

Under normal circumstances, Alpha could kill them all in an instant, but right now, he can't use his magic

Luckily for him, he's not even interested in killing them

since the number of slimes on this floor is far more than the ones on the previous floors, he can use them to practice his dodging skills

so, instead of walking carefully, he just ran ahead at full speed, then stopped in the middle of the road

at that exact moment, slimes started jumping out from everywhere, surrounding him in an instant

the moment Alpha could see the slimes in front of him, the ones on his back tried to sneak attack him

but thanks to his Mana Zone, he could Dodge them at the last moment

unfortunately, he chose the wrong direction to dodge, because the moment he jumped, a bunch of slimes grabbed onto him, pinning him in place

With his movement hindered, all the other slimes jumped at the same time

And before he could notice, he became covered in so many slimes, to the point where he can't be seen anymore

Then he immediately felt his skin being melt away, his face, his hands, his legs, his back, his chest, his stomach

Everything was being eaten by the slimes, and The sensation was horrible

the pain of being eaten alive by dozens of creatures, the helplessness from not being able to resist, the fear from his previous experience surfacing

All of these overwhelming feelings were too much for his mental resistance to handle.... So he snapped

He lost control of himself, he could only struggle hopelessly, he kept giving punches and kicks without damaging anything

The pain and helplessness were increasing more and more, he started screaming as loudly as he could

Resulting in some slimes entering his mouth, melting away his teeth, his tongue, finding their way into his stomach, Eating him from the inside out

But he didn't have the option to just die and relieve himself from this suffering

No matter how many slimes ganged up on him, no matter how many slimes entered his mouth, no matter how many flesh blood and Bones were eaten from him

His hyper regeneration kept him in perfect shape all this time

No matter how much damage the slimes delt to him, it was instantly healed

The only thing that left was the sensation of feeding himself to these little devils

Although he could save himself using magic, he've already made his decision to not

Magic was his strongest weapon, but he made the mistake of improving it way too fast, putting a lot of stress on his mind

If he were to use it now, then he might not be able to use it ever again!

That won't do, Alpha was not ready to give up just yet, and it's not like he's going to die from all of this

He just had to smile and endure it, but, he couldn't help to cry, even if he knew nothing will happen to him, it was still way too painful, it was way too vexing

He was really strong, probably the strongest creature on this level, yet he can't do anything against a mere group of slimes

His previous screams turned into a smile with tears, but later, it became cries for help, begging for mercy, screams of despair

He was just lying there on the ground, covered in layers and layers of slimes eating his body.

his screams were echoing throughout the entire dungeon, and the slimes around him kept multiplying, The more they eat his flesh the more they multiply

His suffering continued for days, he asked the mask countless times whether his magic was ready to be used

But her answer was always the same, no matter how many times he asked, "not yet"